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How to play mid game

How to play mid game

25 нояб. 2020, 01:4925.11.20

How to play mid game

Hey forum. Im currently at 2,200,000 influence and Im struggeling to figure out what my aim of the game should be.

I constantly have my entire army out to raid the neutral resource location in the global map, but I just got raided by someone way higher in influence than me. His attack took less than a minute. I had just checked and came back to check again like 2 minutes later and I had lost half my resources.

So my question is - what do I do? how do I judge what to do. Do I keep my army home to defend or do I instantly spend all my resources? Is the amount of resources I cant lost 100% what my Vault says? or are there other factors to figure out how many resources I can sit on.

Is my future mainly in raiding other players? or do I keep farming neutral resource spots? Do I start focus heavily on army to prevent bigger fish from raiding me or are they so far ahead of me it doesnt matter what I do? 

I need suggestions cause I dont really see myself playing this game for long if it keeps going as is

Thanks in advance


25 нояб. 2020, 03:2125.11.20

You started and finished your post with what I was going to half jokingly suggest.

That is.

Your focus should be to quit playing as soon as possible.


It all depends on your definition of mid game,but I would suggest that at 2,200,000 influence,you have hardly scratched the surface. 

When you say raided, do you mean you were hit when on a tile, or your town was hit ,when you were at the tile,or raiding a town yourself?

There's a big difference. 

Its highly probable that  at your current level the attacker would still have wiped you out if your troops had been in your town.

If you have done your vault research a certain level of your resources cannot be stolen,thus enabling you  to do some rebuilding quickly.

That being said, except if you are at palace 5 or less ,the only solution to not being raided is to keep your shield up.

It doesnt take long for some to raid long distance ,or to relocate, drop their shield, attack, reengage their shield, collect the loot and relocate away.which is what you need to learn to do if you want to attack players who have quit the game  and have active production.  

It is possible to grow without the need to attack, but the choice of how you play the game is up to you.

25 нояб. 2020, 08:4525.11.20

Large towns have three hundred to a billion tier 4 troops which allows them to weather attacks.  As you do not intend to grow your town to that size you should not expect ever to be able to beat of a large enemy however much you concentrate on your military.

This means that staying unshielded for a minute or two is no good.  When pillaging, look to be unshielded for seconds not minutes.

It sounds as though you play solo.  That is a pity.  Much of the pleasure of the game lies in what you can achieve co-operating with others in a clan and in a kingdom.  So you might try joining a clan and seeing what you can contribute.  That will also mean that you will not have to be concerned about resources for a while - your clan will provide those.

If there is no worthwhile clan in your kingdom with your native tongue which will accept you then another way to provide for rss and inject some additional interest into play is to found your own clan.  This will allow you to participate in Clan v Clan events and, if you are decently active, you will win the first dozen or so.

Being able to find satisfying short and medium term objecrives is necessary to avoiding the game becoming repetitive and stale.  As you are struggling with that looking for another game may well be the way to go. 

25 нояб. 2020, 16:3725.11.20

A game that is built around the players having to be under a peace treaty shield 90% of the game if they are not in a huge clan that can help them do everything has no future compared to other games of the same kind. Thats my take.

Even if im online looking at my screen I have no way of preventing anyone from attacking me. Just had someone move right next to me and attack me. All happened in seconds.

How am I supposed to combat that? Prevent that? Simply hide behind a shield permanently? How stupid is that

26 нояб. 2020, 12:0326.11.20

I do not know what other games you refer to, but it strikes me that this game type is about more advanced players, attacking those that aren't, which doesnt mean they are better,just that they have been around longer , play more often, usually spend more real money,or 'cheat' or 'manipulate the  rules' ,so though I would agree with you from a certain perspective that to have to be constantly shielded or face constant attacks is stupid ,however,it is how it operates.

This is beneficial to the owners  as the requirement to repenish the shield ,means one way or another there's a need to spend something in order to get the gold for shields. 

The more active you want to be, as in attacking more players in more locations, the more skillful you need to be in dropping and reengaging the shield, so more shields and relocations are required, all which come at a cost.

Currently sufficent numbers of players who like how the game works now, or who are just hooked on it, are keeping it running.  

You can play the game less actively, or  solo, but it is more of a team game,which is where the clan element comes in, not that this isn't with complications. 

That being said,apart from the exception of using an unshielded town as a trap for opponents,I dont think that being in a clan, is going to help you directly resolve your wanting to be unshielded and safe from attacks,unless the clan is going to help you directly defend your unshielded town by constantly ghosting you, or in retribution, directly attack those that have attacked you, which in effect would make this the kind of war game I think it is supposed to be, and maybe perhaps was when it first started.

Nowadays,if a a kingdom is sensible,they quickly realise that it is foolish to attack players within it,and drive them to quit,because the game becomes ,has become a battle against other kingdoms.

26 нояб. 2020, 23:2926.11.20

You favourite a shield and it then takes two clicks to get your shield up.  Landing right next to an unshielded target is a mistake as they will get the shield up quicker than you can launch your attack.