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Uber Chief

Uber Chief

8 окт. 2020, 10:5608.10.20

Uber Chief

Be the first to learn about new developments (News, Updates and Contests Forum)  turns out to be plarium nonsense.  Anyway the (unanounced) new development - whether permanent or temporary - is the appearance of Uber Chiefs (currently "Pict Chief").  They appear from time to time and are present, it seems, for three hours.  The first appeared at midnight on 8 October.

The Chief has two differences from regular Ubers.  They are FAR more durable, millions of units of energy hardly scratch them.  But meanwhile, if you are on a shopping trip, you can spend your money on lots of big hits at full 600% power and get very large quantities of material.

This will be of interest to those who like to spend their time buying stuff, I doubt it is of much interest to those who play the game itself and don't buy progress.  But maybe I am wrong.  Hero's Key is a bottleneck for me at present so I may try getting up to 600% and making a couple of big energy hits to see if the return in Hero's Key justifies it.

Obviously hitting the Chief is (currently) a losing game if you want to score points in a competition.

Apparently this came about because the big spending Russian players that the developer talks to directly complained that regular Ubers don't yield enough materials.  Whether it is wise for plarium to give notice of new developments only to a small clique and whether it is wise for the direction in which the game moves to be influenced heavily by that same clique I don't know.

8 окт. 2020, 14:2808.10.20
8 окт. 2020, 14:46(отредактировано)

This goes a long way to explain what I was reading on kingdom chat earlier today.

I understand the frustration you have with keys,its probably no different in respect to anything else that anyone is wanting to acquire where the game is so mean, or has changed the rules to make it meaner for most, after the rich got what they needed, got bored and got changes to make it better from them, and subsequently tougher for the rest.

I wish you success with your key hunt  with the Uber Chief, given the randomness factor already in the game,it sounds like it will be super expensive to get any data to reach a conclusion as to its worth.

The last point, if true, and given other rumours along similar lines, I see no reason why it wouldn't be so,I would suggest that though it might seem good for the owners bank balance, and an immediate fix for some players,in the long term its probably not good for  those who would like to continue to play a game they still have interest in, spent time on, and moderate to no financial investment in.

 Those that play professionally could do with their own version of the game , except that wouldn't work,because they want to lord it over the rest of us and would find themselves up against players who are just copies of themselves,with little to no advantage over them, as do novice players only in a new kingdom.
8 окт. 2020, 19:3308.10.20

Indeed XYZ, while  I don't agree with your posts all the time I find that I agree with you ,AND the Op btw, on this. The Uber Chiefs do seem designed solely for the deep pocket players with little to no regard for the rest of us. While I do spend money on this game, its a pittance compared to others. I'm retired and on a fixed income so my game money is constrained to say the least and these new Chiefs are far beyond my reach. While drinking my first cup of coffee this morning and only half awake I hit an "Uber" a few times and it was still at 100% health. I actually thought it was a game lag kind of thing at first tbh. But upon closer inspection I saw that they were Uber CHIEFS instead of regular Ubers. So, I spent a mil and a half gold to reload my Hero to max, hit it HARD at 105% and..... less the a half of a percentage point loss of health for the Chief. Now I did get a bunch of materials for that less than half but.... no way can I keep that up.

Just another way for the Lords of the Game to stick it to  us smaller players and the more casual players. I'm deeply disappointed by this and also the new new catacombs tbh. I really think Plarium is being a little shortsighted with this new update. Yes, those mega spenders give them lots of money. But when you add up the totals from the smaller people like me I'm sure its close to if not more than the relatively small amount of people who spend thousands of dollars a month. How the hell can they do that anyway?!? lol.

I've been playing less than a year now (may be close though) and for the first time I'm beginning to wonder if its worth it. Yes, I've made friends here but I make friends in whatever game I play so..... after a point, whats the point?
8 окт. 2020, 20:4608.10.20

I am glad that there are impatient folk with money to spend on their pastimes who enjoy shopping and come to Vikings.  Without their money there would be no game to play.

Perhaps I am a masochist but I am also glad of bottlenecks like Hero's Key.  The challenge is to find a way passed the bottleneck within the parameters set by the game rules.

Mainly I play quite separately from the big influence shoppers (which the shield device allows) but I do run across them from time to time and find ways to nip their heels which can be satisfying.

Uber Chiefs it seems are here to stay and will appear on Thursdays.  plarium (or rather one or two of the plarium developers) have shared some information with the Youtube streamers.
8 окт. 2020, 22:0708.10.20
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, thanks for the info. They didn't by chance say anything about that Bifrost achievement did they?