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white wolf achievement

white wolf achievement

11 июль 2020, 08:3111.07.20

white wolf achievement

I have White Wolf level 2- It is invaders only- ghosts are not involved- to get it you have it kill 10 of each type of invader- there are 16- the reason lower levels don't get it is because you have to be able to kill the ubers. It is 10 of each for level 2 as well.I keep track of all my invader kills, types/amounts, in order to know the am Mobdro ounts for leveling up. I believe level three will be 10 or 20 of each. Will find out when I get there...Happy Hunting and I hope this helps. level of invaders ki VidMate lled doesn't matter... word counter 

11 июль 2020, 12:5411.07.20
11 июль 2020, 13:12(отредактировано)

 Whilst thanking you for you input.

 Again this is contradictory to the many conflicting accounts that have been spoken of elsewhere. 

Including those who wrote they didn't kill ubers,which as necessary, makes it quite difficult and expensive to get for every class of player,but especially  so,as you wrote for low level accounts.

Also there is some possibility that the unwanted changes to the secret achievements has also affected white wolf.

17 июль 2020, 11:2317.07.20

If my counting up is accurate there are twenty types of Invader including the Ubers.  Current received wisdom is that for White Wolf you must make kills in each type - one of each for level I, two of each for level II.

So yes, Uber kills are needed.  Sensible management of hero energy requires a lot of progress - perhaps maxing out - the Invaders knowledge tree and creating a high level set of Royal Guardsman equipment.  So about a year's play without using Achievement gold - half that or less if you use Achievement gold to speed things up.

The White Wolf achievement will still be there once it becomes sensible to start hitting Ubers so there is not really any great need to be impatient.
17 июль 2020, 14:0317.07.20
17 июль 2020, 17:54(отредактировано)

Since the topic was opened, the original post has been suspiciously altered .

The exact way to get White Wolf seems to still be a mystery,except to those that claim they know exactly how it works,but will not tell anyone, which in some ways makes sense,much like the logic behind the blocking of the pioneer tiles, which was/is so annoying for the majority of players. 

As to your 'no rush to get White Wolf', I have mixed opinions on that. 

The gold reward is nice ,but if you gain little benefit from the other bonuses, it can be costly to get the award slowly or quickly,assuming that it is necessary to do as you suggest and kill ubers.

I have also read the discussions about how the White Wolf  was changed, making it even more difficult /expensive to accomplish,when they introduced minimum palace levels for many of the awards, which references me back to your no need to rush, to complete.

Many of us thought that over pioneer, skald, and the rarest viking, and others slightly more complex,and they did the dirty on us, and they are now out of the easier reach they once were.  

   Later addition 

Regarding your seemingly sound suggestion about gaining invader knowledge first.

Do you have personal experience on the time scale to complete the invaders knowledge tree, and the actual benefit from using the royal guardsman equipment?

17 июль 2020, 14:2717.07.20

The gold rewards for Achievements are, by a couple of levels of magnitude, bigger than anything else within the game.  I believe this is, in part, because plarium has appreciated that with the game maturing and with many more large towns the previous rewards had become disproportionately small.  I certainly welcome the increase in the rewards for CvC wins and the much improved number of charms given in the ghost hunt events.

As plarium do not go in for beta testing there are bound to be adjustments following changes, perhaps we should be sympathetic to plarium's efforts to create as balanced a game as they can manage.
17 июль 2020, 17:4717.07.20
17 июль 2020, 17:50(отредактировано)

Interesting point of view, but it reminds me of the song , (which you might not have heard) 'I know an old lady who swallowed a fly'.

The cure becomes increasingly worse than the problem, and eventually ends in her demise.

Is this an omen?
20 авг. 2020, 21:2920.08.20
ANYONE said:

Since the topic was opened, the original post has been suspiciously altered .

The exact way to get White Wolf seems to still be a mystery,except to those that claim they know exactly how it works,but will not tell anyone, which in some ways makes sense,much like the logic behind the blocking of the pioneer tiles, which was/is so annoying for the majority of players. 

As to your 'no rush to get White Wolf', I have mixed opinions on that. 

The gold reward is nice ,but if you gain little benefit from the other bonuses, it can be costly to get the award slowly or quickly,assuming that it is necessary to do as you suggest and kill ubers.

I have also read the discussions about how the White Wolf  was changed, making it even more difficult /expensive to accomplish,when they introduced minimum palace levels for many of the awards, which references me back to your no need to rush, to complete.

Many of us thought that over pioneer, skald, and the rarest viking, and others slightly more complex,and they did the dirty on us, and they are now out of the easier reach they once were.  

   Later addition 

Regarding your seemingly sound suggestion about gaining invader knowledge first.

Do you have personal experience on the time scale to complete the invaders knowledge tree, and the actual benefit from using the royal guardsman equipment?

21 авг. 2020, 00:2921.08.20

The current belief is that Whire Wolf requires one kill for each of the 16 different Invaders plus one kill for each of the four different Ubers plus nine ghosts.  It is then exactly the same for level 2 and also for three and also for four.  For level five (and probably six) it is three of each type.

It took me about eighteen months of regular play (for free) to max out Invaders knowledge but that was before Achievements gold.  Using some achievements

gold would speed that up substantially, if it were thought to be a good use for the gold.

I made green (Unusual) equipment and used that until I had gathered enough materials for legendary gear.  Unusual equipment is OK for hitting lower level Invaders but not for level five, six and Ubers.  I kept no records so cannot quantify the difference.

21 авг. 2020, 02:0421.08.20
21 авг. 2020, 02:11(отредактировано)

LIZZARDJANE why did you just copy my post ?


I've also read that  you additionally now need to be able to kill first ubers, and now ghosts, in order to progress white wolf,which makes it even less cost effective to do, given the  low gold it gives and the bonuses  which are not that useful early on.

As to many  aspects of the game  making unusual level gear and upgrading is going to be dependant on how one thinks and how one plays,etc.

It doesn't really matter about records as such, if you are fortunate to have legendary R.G.M. gear its a simple enough task to do a run with and without wearing it to see how beneficial it really is,and of course its probably somewhat advantageous to have if you play a long time, and have maxed out hero experience, till they increase the levels again??????

An unanswerable question??????

If R.G.M is about saving energy, how must have you 'lost' by having to upgrade each green piece to legendary, especially if you first go through rare and epic?

22 авг. 2020, 19:2022.08.20
22 авг. 2020, 19:22(отредактировано)

I was unable to come to any conclusion as to whether it is better to save all materials until you can craft legendary gear or to make an intermediate set.  My instinct is that a low level intermediate set probably pays for itself (with the marginally improved drops etc.) over the lengthy period spent collecting enough materials for legendary.  I only crafted the one set of intermediate gear and then held on until I could make legendary.  The same argument as above might suggest a different approach but the length of time is coming down as materials which would allow a higher level intermediate set are acquired.  Anyway I emerged happy enough with the approach I took.  Others no doubt follow their own path.

My main focus in the game is CvC and I rely on such hero's energy as I can gather to hit some Ubers in each contest.  So I am afraid I will not be burning any energy to run your test.  Perhaps a Vikings:Game of Shopping player will run the test and tell us how much energy the Royal Guardsman gear saves.

22 авг. 2020, 21:2822.08.20

Like in many aspects of the game its often difficult to come to any conclusion,even if you start again from scratch ,as much has chanced recently, and we have seen how they give and seen how they takeaway. 

Its even more difficult to do this when what they do is covert.

I didn't mean to suggest that you do a test , it was more an observation, and something when able,I had in mind to do myself, based on supposition and suspicion and 'evidence' of sorts.

There's  lots of contradictory information around about waiting till you get enough to make legendary, forging something weak , because its good and quicker, and a lot of the strong players upgrading as they go along, but of course this is all tied up with the power of the purse, if you are like the guy in the other thread who has millions of spare energy, then you can pretty much do as you like, and when you like.
25 авг. 2020, 02:2025.08.20
Why cant lower level accounts kill ubers i started at 10 or 12 palace u just need energy
25 авг. 2020, 13:4525.08.20

Is this a question?

A statement?

If players really need ( a separate debate) or just want, hero equipment, other than the standard that can be forged from the more readily available materials, there is a necessity to attack invaders(or ghosts).

Though not as strong as when uber were first introduced,there is an argument to attack uber invaders as early as possible,and this isn't really anything to to do directly with palace size.

Its more to do with invaders knowledge and availability of energy.

If you are buying mega amounts of energy, and not worried about the cost, there's no need to worry, however if you have low invader knowledge and not much energy, attacking uber is not so useful.

31 окт. 2020, 19:4531.10.20

I tracked killing 1 of each Invader, Uber and Ghost. It takes a while as they rotate what one is in the game. I even killed lvl 1and 2 Ghosts and Invaders (except Ubers of course). After my last kill required I logged off for just over 3 hours and received White Wolf. Easy. I'm now working on Whitewolf 3 doing the same thing.

2 нояб. 2020, 22:1502.11.20

Part of the problem with the secret achievments, especially White Wolf, is that there have been many varied and strange acccounts of how it was done.

This is compounded by the fact they may have changed the requirements since it was first introduced,when it may actually have been easier to accomplish.

Many said it was just invaders ,then additionally ubers, and then ghosts, which makes it especially difficult and expensive to do ,even the first one. 

Who really knows , only Plarium and they are not telling its a secret, though it would be simple enough to see we did make it more difficult to do.

9 нояб. 2020, 14:0109.11.20
Why cant lower level accounts kill ubers i started at 10 or 12 palace u just need energy

Just to let you know that lower evel accounts can kill Ubers - I know of a lvl 5 town that does it - but, unless you have the gear and knowledge (and you can't get the full knowledge without upgrading your Town and Oracle) it will cost a LOT of hero juice.

I would get the best set of guard gear you can get (even basic helps) then upgrade as you get the materials.

9 нояб. 2020, 14:0809.11.20
ANYONE said:

Since the topic was opened, the original post has been suspiciously altered .

The exact way to get White Wolf seems to still be a mystery,except to those that claim they know exactly how it works,but will not tell anyone, which in some ways makes sense,much like the logic behind the blocking of the pioneer tiles, which was/is so annoying for the majority of players. 

As to your 'no rush to get White Wolf', I have mixed opinions on that. 

The gold reward is nice ,but if you gain little benefit from the other bonuses, it can be costly to get the award slowly or quickly,assuming that it is necessary to do as you suggest and kill ubers.

I have also read the discussions about how the White Wolf  was changed, making it even more difficult /expensive to accomplish,when they introduced minimum palace levels for many of the awards, which references me back to your no need to rush, to complete.

Many of us thought that over pioneer, skald, and the rarest viking, and others slightly more complex,and they did the dirty on us, and they are now out of the easier reach they once were.  

   Later addition 

Regarding your seemingly sound suggestion about gaining invader knowledge first.

Do you have personal experience on the time scale to complete the invaders knowledge tree, and the actual benefit from using the royal guardsman equipment?

If you are after gold I suggest that you go after Hunt hs Just Begun achievement. You only need to kill level 1 ghosts and/or invaders, (ok - 1850 of them but not all at once), which means it's open to all levels. Gold reward better than White Wolf. Just reached lvl 4 and received 22.5m gold

10 нояб. 2020, 01:0410.11.20
10 нояб. 2020, 01:18(отредактировано)

 Estarm wrote

"If you are after gold I suggest that you go after Hunt hs Just Begun achievement. You only need to kill level 1 ghosts and/or invaders, (ok - 1850 of them but not all at once), which means it's open to all levels". 

My response

Though I can see of its usefulness,I am not particularly looking for gold.

The idea of  concentrating on the hunt (or anything else really) for the gold is useful, however ,a lot of juice is required, and though you may be able to hit ubers with a low palace level,an active, preferably advanced shaman is necessary to hit ghosts, which means palace level 12,so its not really open to all levels, and ghosts take a lot of juice to kill too. 

Try watching the money bags going for white wolf.

10 нояб. 2020, 21:2410.11.20

 Estarm wrote

"If you are after gold I suggest that you go after Hunt hs Just Begun achievement. You only need to kill level 1 ghosts and/or invaders, (ok - 1850 of them but not all at once), which means it's open to all levels". 

My response

Though I can see of its usefulness,I am not particularly looking for gold.

The idea of  concentrating on the hunt (or anything else really) for the gold is useful, however ,a lot of juice is required, and though you may be able to hit ubers with a low palace level,an active, preferably advanced shaman is necessary to hit ghosts, which means palace level 12,so its not really open to all levels, and ghosts take a lot of juice to kill too. 

Try watching the money bags going for white wolf.

Hunt has Just Begun is invaders and/or ghosts so no need to wait until you get shaman. I have just got lvl VI White Wolf which gives me 7% increase in number of troops to train, 3.5% troop offence when capturing fortress and 450,000 gold. lvl IV Hunt = 4% increase troop offence in onslaught, 4% increase against enemy seige and 22.5 m gold. Kill heros as and when you have the free juice.

On balance I think Hunt is more useful, especially for lower level towns.😎

11 нояб. 2020, 20:3511.11.20

i have lvl 3 white wolf achievement and i killed 3 of each invader (16), ghost (9), and ubers( which i killed 3 each of 4 different ubers. i have not been able to lvl 4 white wolf because they leave ubers up for a week or more and takes a long time to get required amount.

15 нояб. 2020, 02:0115.11.20

Hunt has Just Begun is invaders and/or ghosts so no need to wait until you get shaman. I have just got lvl VI White Wolf which gives me 7% increase in number of troops to train, 3.5% troop offence when capturing fortress and 450,000 gold. lvl IV Hunt = 4% increase troop offence in onslaught, 4% increase against enemy seige and 22.5 m gold. Kill heros as and when you have the free juice.

On balance I think Hunt is more useful, especially for lower level towns.😎

Exactly! I've said as much in other posts. Besides, if you concentrate on Hunt, you'll get White Wolf as a matter of course. The amount of Gold you get for the Hunt levels is easily the highest of any of the achievements I've gotten so far too. True, it will take about half (roughly) of the gold recieved to reach the next level of HUnt but still free gold which can and should be used for Hero/Shaman energy imo. The later levels of Hunt Gold amounts are truly worth it and lvl 1's are all you need. Sadly I did not write down the first 5 lvl's of hunt rewards, but the last 5 are 5=24mil, 6=28.5mil, 7=40.5mil, 8=49.5mil, 9=67mil, 10=105mil. Thats a lot of free Gold to play with and relatively easy to get. 

It seems like every week or two we get another post saying "THIS is how to get White Wolf".... and they are all different. I have W.W. lvl 7 myself and have Hunt maxed. You do NOT have to go above lvl 1 kills for White Wolf, at least up to level 7. You DO have to have ghosts and Ubers. 

The ..... obsession is the only word I can think of .... of some to get W.W. is a little overboard in my opinion. Yes, its nice to have, but Hunt is BY FAR the best deal going Gold-wise and easiness-wise to get. Just click on my username and look at my achievements. A big part of those came either as a by product of or directly from maxing the Hunt achievement.