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Someone camping on an achievement spot

Someone camping on an achievement spot

9 июль 2020, 10:4809.07.20

Someone camping on an achievement spot


Is there a way to get someone off the 256:517 tile.  They've not been in the game for over 3 weeks and has shields up til 2052, 32 years from now....really!!!  I get the impression this is done on purpose and is spoiling the game for the rest of us.

Any suggestions or can the people who created the game, do anything about this?
9 июль 2020, 12:3409.07.20
Don't worry about it now , unless you are palace 32, that is, unless they hopefully undo what they did in the last update.
9 июль 2020, 13:0309.07.20
Sorry not sure what you mean...
9 июль 2020, 14:2809.07.20
9 июль 2020, 14:31(отредактировано)

They changed the rules for that achievement. Only certain levels can get on certain tiles now.

But no, a quick look through the Forum here will show you that this has been an issue practically since this achievement came out. Plariums response is " build a stronghold there and exile them. Or ask if they will move. Thats clearly not possible but..... thats the response.

Your best bet, if you CAN get it level-wise is to TRY to get on it during a CvC or KvK. Be aware though that this is an issue in most if not all Kingdoms. You just have to get lucky.

9 июль 2020, 15:1209.07.20
Thanks for the info, not the best response from Plariums really.  That user is clearly camping there, will take forever to make a stronghold.  Spoiling it for other players, may just have to find another game
9 июль 2020, 20:4709.07.20

Unfortunately that tile was, and remains, a serious blocker, as you cannot build a stronghold in the forest,and though I think I read a suggestion otherwise, I don't think its possible, especially in older kingdoms, to build one close enough to the edge of the forest  for the effects to reach the centre.

Likewise though it might be potentially possible in a brand new kingdom, it may be unnecessary to do so by then.
3 сент. 2020, 07:2703.09.20

You are correct XYZ. No one will be able to build a SH on that location since it is right at the Place of Power and the closest one can build a SH is at the edge of the woods. There are other locations on the field that no one will be able to get for the Pioneer Achievement because of the same reason. Someone is parked these spots and have not been in the game for weeks or months. AND Yes, they shield these towns for years to come. Why? We can't destroy the town out of the spot.  One can only be moved by Exile or by the person who owns the town. Other locations already have SHs around them with a MIA Town sitting on that spot, and I seen a few of these Clan owned SH where there are no active members in the clan.

To make matters worse, PP came up with the idea of making it even harder for us by adding to the rules that your town must be at a certain lvl before you can even try to get that Pioneer lvl. 

In short, you will just have to wait until PP makes changes to these situations (Like that is going to happen), or wait until you have a CvC or KvK where that location is open, or at least has an active player on it who might move if you ask them nicely, which is how I was able to get a few lvls myself. 

BTW: I'm also stuck on the same lvl as you, and been for over a month.
19 фев. 2021, 05:0519.02.21

why not make it that everyone in the forest get sent back to thier stronghold or random place on the map at specific times in the game.