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Creating new account

Creating new account

2 июль 2020, 13:1202.07.20

Creating new account

My nephew likes to play this game on my phone but I would rather him play on his own account. He doesn't have one so I made him a Facebook profile and another profile under Google play but it only tells me that those accounts aren't linked. How can I link his accounts so I can switch between mine and his game on my phone??? 
2 июль 2020, 14:2802.07.20
2 июль 2020, 14:29(отредактировано)


Did I get you right? 

1. Currently you've created a new Google Play profile and a Facebook page for your nephew and you want to link them to his new game account.

2. You want to switch between yours and your nephew's accounts on the same device. 

First, let's access his new game account. In order to do that, go to Menu, select "Account", then select Facebook in "Restoration of game progress". Log into your nephew's Facebook page. New game account would be created. Then you should go to "Account" tab again while logged in a new game account. Select Google Play in "Link to services" and connect the new game account with a certain Google Play profile.

Now you can switch between yours and your nephew's accounts by selecting a desirable service in "Restoration of game progress".

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask. 

2 июль 2020, 19:2402.07.20
2 июль 2020, 19:25(отредактировано)

Yes, that's correct. 

Thanks, that's helpful... Just not for now. 

I've taken those steps but the issue arose when I tried "restoring" ; it says something along the lines of: "This account has not been linked to the game". 

I've tried signing out of Google Play and Facebook, then signing him in on both. I tried to find and open the game from his profiles, but it automatically loads my game.

I then went into my settings and turned off the toggles for 2 options offering to automatically load/open games with my account, signed out, signed my nephew in, and made sure his toggles were on... It still loaded mine.

There is one thing just came to mind that I have not tried; I may have to download the game on a different device and log him in, link his account to Google Play or Facebook from there, then I could "restore" his account from my phone. 

3 июль 2020, 06:0703.07.20
Please contact me in private mesages. Provide me with coordinates and the number of the Kingdom of your account that is not linked to services. You can also tell me your in-game name. I'll find your account and try to help. 
18 июль 2021, 06:4118.07.21

This  all  is  mind  numbing  torture.    I  have  an  account,  a  town, a  clan  and  a  kd.  I  want  to  create  a  2nd  town  in  the  same  clan  And  kd.  I  use  an  ipad  for  game.  I  went  to  apple  store to  get  game  and  do  this  and  it  blocks  me  by  always  bringing  up  my  existing  account.  so  i  tried  a  work  around-  found  game  via  google  sesrch  -created  town  with  name  -  and  now  blocked  -  it  will  not  allow  anything  to  happen .  Frozen.  In  google  search  band  it  shows  Plarium  locked.    Why  cannot  this  be  fg  easy  where  u  can  create  two  towns  and  accounts  in  one  game  -  instead  of this no nonsense  about  other  mechanisms  ,  links  etc.  i  get  it  about  game  restore  but  why  is  that  making  this  so  mindnumbing  and  complex  to  do.

18 июль 2021, 06:5218.07.21

So  mindnumbing  -  i  went  to  Forum  in  main  account  did  this  comment  and  it  shows  up  with  name  of  my  new  account.  Game  restore  issue  shouldnt  even  be  factoring  into  creating  a  new  town  and  abilility  to  play  multiple  towns  from  one  account.    The  game  should  have  a  Simple  -  step  by  step  procedure  available  in  game  guide  to  do  this  -  its  called  client  service.

18 июль 2021, 09:5018.07.21

Why  the  hell  Does  Facebook  have  anything  to  do  with  this issue -      This  is  mindnumblingly  and  unnecessarily  complex. I  downloaded  the  game  from  the  apple  store  to  begin  with  and  play  it  off  of  that.why  the  hell  should  anyone  have  to  go  elsewhere  to  access  rhe  game,  create  a  support  town    etc  And  play  it  thru  the  same  process.       I  think  i  will  just  say  fk  it  and  save  myself  the  $  I  otherwise  would  have  spent.

18 июль 2021, 22:5518.07.21

Struggling to follow your  understandable frustration.

However  two things spring to mind.

First,they are not going to make it easy for you to start two towns, for the simple reason not withstanding the fact many players do, that you are not supposed to have two towns in the same kingdom.

Secondly, assuming nothing has changed since I started playing( it may have with the introduction of linking  accounts here there and everywhere).

If  you want another town  you need another email address for this town, and log in and out, and in... 

You cannot control two towns from the same account.

18 июль 2021, 23:2618.07.21

Yup-  its  totally  mindnumbing  to  say  the  least -    top  clan  in  kd  has  multiple  clans,  dozens  dozens  of alt  towns  and  went  so  far  as  to  create  a  couple  of  thousand  alt  towns to  try  and  max  kd  town  number  to  block  other  strong  players  moving  to  kd  and  other  clans.    plarium  has  titally  fd  this  up.    i  usee  another  e-mail  address  and  something  appears  to  gave  been  created  in  another  kd  which  i  have  identified  but  lots  of  fg  luck  finding  it  there  and  if  i  do  i  dont  know  if  i  can  okay  or  move  it.    U  der  normal  play  players  with  alt  tiwns  would  be  putting  $  into  those  towns  so  Plariums  logic  is  mindnumbing.But  so  it  goes  -  fk  it  -  ill  save  my  $  and  just  another  reason  to  lrave  the  game  and  find  one  that  usnt  so  buzarre.

18 июль 2021, 23:3618.07.21

I  see  that  u  cant  have  two  towns  with  same  account  -  for  whatever  bizarre  reason  is  behind  that.    So  then  why  not  two  accounts  playing  off  the  same  website  instead  of  this  bizarre  thing  about  FACEBOOK  ETC  ACCOUNTS.    I  have  no  idea  how  to  access  this  other  account  with  the  new  town  -  it  is  a  royal  mindnumbing  fg  mess.

19 июль 2021, 09:5619.07.21
23 июль 2021, 13:35(отредактировано)
Honey Badger

I  see  that  u  cant  have  two  towns  with  same  account  -  for  whatever  bizarre  reason  is  behind  that.    So  then  why  not  two  accounts  playing  off  the  same  website  instead  of  this  bizarre  thing  about  FACEBOOK  ETC  ACCOUNTS.    I  have  no  idea  how  to  access  this  other  account  with  the  new  town  -  it  is  a  royal  mindnumbing  fg  mess.

Hi Honey! Please forward this request to our technical specialists through the "Ask a question" button by following the link:

Our specialists will surely assist you! 🙂

19 июль 2021, 13:0119.07.21
19 июль 2021, 13:05(отредактировано)

First of latest posts.

You have further illustrated the nonsense surrounding this game with your story about your current kingdom.

Yes, you probably  have another town somewhere in the game universe, and it shoud be simple enough to find it, and eventually move it ,but perhaps not to your kingdom, unless you are the hogger clan, or have special permission to move.

You say under normal play players with alts. let me stop you there, this type of game is designed  for single account operation,alts isnt normal play, though it may be typical ,as  has been suggested before, its an illusion that has been created and believed that by following the scheme a player is better off,which I say is bogus. 

 If everyone does it whats the advantage overif no one does it?

Where does it stop? If you could control two towns why stop there?

As you showed,it gets silly. 

I can see why you think its a win win situation assuming it would happen as you suggested.

Wouldn't it be simpler to spend the time and money available on the one town? 

Second of latest posts.

I think I already addressed the two towns and one account situation you think its bizarre,but is it?It could be just the programming or that fact the game was designed as it is, and not how you want and would suit you.

I am unfamiliar  with the things you mentioned, but believe the linking is  connected to the convenience of playing from whatever and where ever is appropriate.

Until fairly recently, it was not possible to link the browser version to a mobile device.

The linking has nothing to do with linking two towns.

As I tried to say previously, if you want to operate two towns, you have to have two accounts, and log out of one to log into the other.

If there is a way to do as desired, they are not going to do this until its official that you can have more than one town in a  kingdom, and as already addressed,  players already abuse the one account system, so its likely nothing would change there, and it opens the flood gates to the situation you described earlier, but taken to further extreme, where one player has every town.


22 июль 2021, 16:1122.07.21
23 июль 2021, 13:39(отредактировано)
Ivar Marksman
Please contact me in private mesages. Provide me with coordinates and the number of the Kingdom of your account that is not linked to services. You can also tell me your in-game name. I'll find your account and try to help. 

I would like the following to be moved to this computor ?? the kingdom is Pertunsted  x143 y948  game name is Jasmine 7 the clan [1fbl4] fukyoshitup1 

23 июль 2021, 13:3823.07.21
23 июль 2021, 13:39(отредактировано)

Hi jasmine 7! Please forward this request to our technical specialists through the "Ask a question" button by following the link:

Also, please note that your message was edited since it contains your personal information, please be careful when posting your personal information online.

Our specialists will surely assist you! 

12 авг. 2021, 19:3412.08.21
14 авг. 2021, 17:04(отредактировано)


my name is sharry paul and i am new here  vidmate  mobdro