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Legendary Packages

Legendary Packages

26 июнь 2020, 01:1126.06.20

Legendary Packages

Hello everyone..maybe heres someone who could help me.

I startet now about 2 weeks before again (after many month paused playing) and i got Legendary packages.

Heres one example what was in it:

13,8m Gold

1k of 15D,7D,3D,24h,15h and 8h Boosters.

I had 12 of them..i had no money so i was waiting..today i wanted to buy them..but theyre gone,..so heres my question:

Where they just for an limited time..or did i something wrong..or would they come back in a few days?

If not i would stop playing again cause i wanted to buy them..and the packs now are just kinda useless..

26 июнь 2020, 11:4426.06.20
26 июнь 2020, 12:00(отредактировано)

You have asked much the same question in two places.

If you have only been playing a short time, then you probably  had some good offers for three days, rather than cycles.

Cycles, means something else with respect to offers, its generally how long it takes for them to show again, or the time it days for the really good offers to reappear after you bought something.

You may get the same or similar,as they may have slightly different content, but only if you don't buy other packs first.

Of course you may really might need to buy something before they reappear , but if you do, then the offers do some kind of reset, and the time the offers may repeat , changes.

Buying  something close to one of the special days in the year, example New year, could mean you wont see these extra special offers.

The best thing to do is when something, especially the good offers appear, is to see how long they are valid for.

If it says 3 days, they will show for 3 days, so you have 3 days to make your mind up, after that, they disappear and are replaced by something else.

During the time you can buy any kind of an offer, other offers  will be shown as well. which may be valid for as little as a day, sometimes only a few hours.

As buying anything changes what happens,including prices,though you risk missing out on something you really want to buy, its often best to wait till there's a few things you want and get them at the same time,  because if you buy one thing an expect other good offers to be there the next day, the chances are they wont be.

The main game resets every day at midnight G.M.T.this is when the offers reset,and most, but not all of the competitions end.

I hope my message is not too difficult for you to understand.

26 июнь 2020, 14:2326.06.20

i said circle because they came now 3 times for each period of 3 days..

when the 3 days end..the same packs came again with again 3days time.

I just wanted to know if that was just "regular" Offers with just much more stuff..or if they was really special packs who came for New Player or Welcome back things.

26 июнь 2020, 17:3026.06.20
26 июнь 2020, 17:40(отредактировано)

Sorry I picked you up on your choice of words,but It occurred to me that the text was either from a translation service, or a non native speaker of English, so I was trying to understand what you meant and answer as simply as I could, to make it easier to understand. 

I look at the offers,but mostly I am not committing frequency or content to memory.

What I  know historically  is that the offer system is not transparent, not everyone sees the same offers, some accounts do not see some of them at all.

A lot of this is connected to what you buy, when, and how advanced in the game you are.

If you are a new player there may be inducements that anyone who hasn't started a new account recently is unaware of.

If its an old account  you have connected to,you may be getting offers to encourage you to keep playing.

I think you need more answers  and more help from other players,as to what their current experience of the offers is.

26 июнь 2020, 22:1326.06.20

Yes im sorry.

I understand english very good, but i´m to bad to put the words in the correct order xD

Anyway..thank you very much and ill keep an eye on the bank..if they will come back ill will tell it here and make an pic of them, too