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Questions on Event Descriptions and Variety

Questions on Event Descriptions and Variety

28 май 2020, 09:5628.05.20

Questions on Event Descriptions and Variety

I just returned to the game with a new account after a 2 year hiatus. Just when I thought I was out... 

Anywho, it's been a few weeks and I haven't yet seen a single 'Task Completion' event. So I got to wondering...

 -Did Plarium do away with this classic, albeit occasionally glitchy, event?

I've tried googling and searching the forum and found nothing but a mess of barely relevant, mostly outdated information. Despite all the helpful posts with their graphs and charts covering the finest details of every other aspect of the game, we seem to be lacking a generic list of events. I'm talking about a simple list of the various possible events with a basic description of the tasks involved and a rough idea of how frequently it might turn up on the schedule.

 It's understandable that such a thing might seem unnecessary since you can get those details on any event "soon to be active" in the game, but please humor me... It would be invaluable when it comes to strategizing, particularly when choosing offers in the bank. 

So, if such a list actually is available, please tell me where to find it. If not, then please, would anyone smarter and more ambitious than me kindly create one? I'll be your biggest fan! XD 

In the meantime, would someone with up to date intel and a benevolent soul please tell me.. Are 'Task Completion' events still on the roster?

One more Random question... Has anything been decided concerning excess shaman charms or are they still virtual rocks in our shoes?

Thank you in advance!

28 май 2020, 15:3528.05.20
28 май 2020, 15:36(отредактировано)

Been here a while but do not remember a mess of tasks events, they are still including in revenge.

They also did away with the events coming up,and any mention of voting for the invader of the week on the forum .

I think it suits them to have a flexible event schedule.

Oh for the luxury of shaman charms I hear the cry.

Its inevitable that if you play the game a long time, there will be an accumulation of the so called redundant items, especially if you don't plan spending, or fall for the impulse buys, and the BOGOFS how often does anyone use the free item?  

However given recent events are there really such a thing as redundant items? Those rocks in your shoes may just come in handy .

31 май 2020, 07:1931.05.20
31 май 2020, 07:21(отредактировано)

xyz said:

Been here a while but do not remember a mess of tasks events, they are still including in revenge.

They also did away with the events coming up,and any mention of voting for the invader of the week on the forum .

I think it suits them to have a flexible event schedule.

Oh for the luxury of shaman charms I hear the cry.

Its inevitable that if you play the game a long time, there will be an accumulation of the so called redundant items, especially if you don't plan spending, or fall for the impulse buys, and the BOGOFS how often does anyone use the free item?  

However given recent events are there really such a thing as redundant items? Those rocks in your shoes may just come in handy .

I remember "task completion" being its own event and coming across it often. So is that event no longer a thing? I don't care so much about the event schedule as I do about knowing which events are possible.

I also don't care about most "redundant" items, as you put it. I'll never use a hundred simple gem knives, or even a single one, come to think of it - I've decided I can live with that. Specifically, like I said..  I'm curious about Shaman Charms. Plarium reps have said several times in the past.. as in two YEARS AGO, that they were looking at 'a few different options' concerning these charms and we should basically sit tight 'cuz updates be a'coming. So, were they blowing smoke or is there something to be done with them once your shaman is maxed? The redundancy I could do without is that for some reason.. I have to ask the same questions twice in every post I've made because people don't answer them, they just repeat the issues in statement form in order to sound knowledgeable... Otherwise known as "mansplaining".  XP
1 июнь 2020, 22:4401.06.20
When you get to the higher VIP levels (high 20s), you can autocomplete an entire list of tasks a once. When you get to levels 31-33, you can do 100 at a time. It kind of makes the task competitions pointless when a big spender can do 100K sets of tasks in 10 minutes.
9 июнь 2020, 12:1809.06.20
jamessheldon444 said:

When you get to the higher VIP levels (high 20s), you can autocomplete an entire list of tasks a once. When you get to levels 31-33, you can do 100 at a time. It kind of makes the task competitions pointless when a big spender can do 100K sets of tasks in 10 minutes.
That's a good point.. so the consensus seems to be that there are no more task events. I can live with that. Lol
13 июнь 2020, 08:2813.06.20
13 июнь 2020, 08:31(отредактировано)

Note: I understand that I should probably let this die but I spent an embarrassing amount of money to get over 50k task refreshers...determined to blast through checkpoints in a  Personal task completion event... After starting my clan, I bought even more hoping to kick down those doors in a clan task event to assist my f2p teammates despite my small account.. so, I'm more than a little frustrated at their apparent absence from the game. 

It was the kind of events that clearly demanded an abundance of financial support that made me leave the game for an entire year, but task completion wasn't one of them. Sure, it was hard to rank up, but getting checkpoints was easy and it didn't matter how strong your town or troops were. Now thanks to quarantine boredom, I came back and chose my bank purchases based on all available information, doing my best and spending my limit in preparation to give it hell... If you'd gone through the YEARS of disappointment and hair pulling frustration I had with this game, you'd understand why this topic, and these events are indeed, "Personal" to me. ;D

The rest of this is directed to the


You there?! You wanna try showing some consideration to your supporters?!

In Plarium's own guide, "Task Completion" is, indeed, still included in the list of personal competitions. 



WHERE ARE THEY PLARIUM?!?! Are you waiting until anyone's abundant stock of refreshers is used up on the ridiculous daily/weekly/monthly quests before bringing the event back? Or did you intend to just not tell people that you were taking away the ONLY event that didn't care what your influence level was?

For the record...

 I'm not impressed by ANYTHING you've done in the entire year (nearly two) I was away. Before I left, you were still actually responding to posts about game issues as if your developers were already working on our topic requests and it was just a matter of time... so after my break, I really expected an improved experience. Joke is on me I guess. You've completely FAILED to make any of the positive changes that you were supposedly working on two years ago! Evidently it would've been too much to hope you'd even bother to just maintain the "official" welcome guides on your own friggin website! 

Well, at least you're consistent about one thing... Thanks for AGAIN misleading players and taking our money like some sleazy hustler by a dive bar pool table! Cheats. Liars. Con artists... The lot of you! Have you EVER done even ONE thing with the game that wouldn't result in your direct financial gain, but made it more enjoyable for players?  

Cheesus crust you are a shady bunch.