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Attacking and defending invader gear

Attacking and defending invader gear

9 май 2020, 21:2909.05.20

Attacking and defending invader gear

I have legendary lynx/sarcan gear for defense and attacking but I've also got a full set of legendary snake gear for my range. My question is: is it better to have the sacran gear on when attacking or fullset of viper gear?. I'm fully aware of special gear but my clan is still working to get certain gear unlocked.
10 май 2020, 00:4210.05.20
11 май 2020, 14:36(отредактировано)

It should be relatively easy to check this , but in some respects there is no need, because supposedly when they introduced the Lynx and Saracen  invaders it pretty much replaced much of the then current best Hero gear, of course the odd piece here and there is useful for other things.

I've just had a quick look.

In most areas  the Saracen gear is outperforming your



specialist ranged gear.


specialised  I.E. viper invader ranged gear.

What you have to consider is the Saracen gear  gives its benefits no matter what troops you are attacking with or defending against.

If they are prepared to answer I am sure the majority of players with more expertise on this matter will agree , if you get no other answers you may find some reference to your question in older posts.

10 май 2020, 03:5310.05.20
Wow, that's honestly pretty crazy. Thank you for the explanation 👍😁
11 май 2020, 02:1611.05.20

xyz said:

In most areas  the Saracen gear is outperforming your specialist ranged gear.

What you have to consider is the Saracen gear  gives its benefits no matter what troops you are attacking with or defending against.

What are you basing this on? So youre saying the troop specific gear from the clan stronghold gets outperformed by saracen gear? No. 

Focus on one troop type. Always. Even if your gear supports all troops, your hero skills will not. 

11 май 2020, 14:1911.05.20
11 май 2020, 15:17(отредактировано)


Point taken.


I did not say that Saracen gear out performed Special gear.(Or did not mean to imply as much)

So the guy asked what should he use ? Saracen  or Serpent gear for attacking.

I said saracen gear as it covers all troops types, including his specialist ranged.(Specialist meaning Serpent,not specific Special gear)

He also said, ' I know about  the specialist gear '  but stated ' I Currently Have NO Acccess To  My Specialist Troop Needs, From The S.H.'.

So presently he cant do as you advised.


Having reread this post,and my earlier post,I can see  a potential point for confusion.

Maybe its  my ineptitude  with, or the subtleties of  the english language.

Pehaps it is prefarable to say  specialised invader gear, rather than specialist gear,or something simpler like serpent gear.

11 май 2020, 17:4011.05.20

alright, I see what you mean, im more familiar with special gear being called troop speciality gear, troop tier1 gear and tier 2

Saracen is also required to craft some special equipment., so its a good stepping stone till one can get their hands on these gears.

OP got all the equipment though, he should ask someone to help him test attack on a tile to see the difference.

12 май 2020, 11:2212.05.20
Awesome thank you all for explain this!😁