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Dead accounts

Dead accounts

25 апр. 2020, 18:4925.04.20

Dead accounts

I believe I speak in the name of so so many players regarding this subject but could anyone from Plarium give me a very good reason as to why are there so many dead accounts still in the game? We know all too well about the humongous f..k up that has been the last couple of  weeks with the endless maintenance and sometimes without any warning whatsoever. Now, wouldn't it be sensible and logical not to load the servers with so much useless data that are these dead accounts???  Does anyone from Plarium actually think that someone that opened an account 130 weeks ago and played for 20 mins to 1h and then never logged in again, will suddenly say : hold on, I will log back into that game that I gave up 2 years ago and start spending hundreds of dollars or euros on it. No, nobody would do that and because of your absolute and utter incompetence in the last 2 weeks with THE BIGGEST f..k up of them all, the so called SECRET achievements( secret?????)  it goes to show that your servers are full of unwanted crap which makes the game run like s..t. 

Oh, and please spare us the excuses and trying to blame us for the " huge amount of equipment being built in the forge". You came up with this stupid idea and not one of you thought : What if everyone starts doing that at the same time?? How will our servers cope?? How about we get rid of the accounts that haven't logged in , let's say the last 40 weeks?? Because I can assure you nobody that hasn't logged in for that long will come back to the game. 

25 апр. 2020, 18:5325.04.20
And to make matters even worse and to prove my point regarding how s..t your game runs, my name doesn't show up as the person who wrote this if not it comes up as an alt of mine. Mind blowing, just disgraceful.  
25 апр. 2020, 23:2725.04.20

Are you sure that you are not logged in under this alt? 

 Do you actually know that getting rid of all the dead towns would really help freeing up server space?

Maybe it isn't the dead towns that's overloading the server, but all the alts rushing to do all the new achievements to try to keep ahead of all the others with multiple alts.. doing likewise

Some one was complaining that all their alts were queuing up to get on a spot to get goodness knows which upgrade level, some of us can't even start.