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VIP or secret knowledge?

VIP or secret knowledge?

22 апр. 2020, 07:3722.04.20

VIP or secret knowledge?

I'm at the point in the game where I have to choose between spending gold on VIP levels or completing the first tree of secret knowledge. Which is better investment?
22 апр. 2020, 16:3522.04.20
xyz said:

My initial reaction was, 'what is secret knowledge?'

 I then remembered it's something they added in an update.

I would have to check  exactly what it is, (but probably can't as I am not where you are), and compare them , and even then , I couldn't properly advise  you as I am not playing your game,nor know about your exact present status.

For instance, are you talking about the old or new levels of V.I.P. remembering that the game gives points, both accidentally, and deliberately.Yes I know it takes ages to get enough for the high levels.

No one knows how much gold you have , or how much you acquire, so this would have to be included in any judgement.

Though in some respects, my answer to you would probably be the same to anyone who asks this type of question. 

I would say, do the things that  you think are going to make a difference to your game.Which I suspect  that Its actually nothing, because all players are trying to get ahead of others, and this all boils down to, how smart in the game you are, how much time is spent playing, and how much real money anyone is prepared to spend.

If there was unlimited amounts of gold it would be easy to just click spend gold,and so it wouldn't be a problem ,everything would be instantly doable.Except everyone else would be in the same position.

Hope this helps.

With all due respect that was zero help, but thank you for trying.
23 апр. 2020, 02:0923.04.20
23 апр. 2020, 14:03(отредактировано)

As my post served you no purpose, and no longer serves any other purpose, because you unnecessary quoted it in its entirety.

I shall delete it.

Best of luck with your quest to find the solution to your question,may any answer provided be purposeful, accurately enlightning, and fulfilling to your needs, and it long give you the satisfaction you seek.


The premise of my point still remains ,i.e. you are asking a difficult question, and providing limited information.

For example: 

Is it better to forge an inlaid belt or golden bracelet?.

The answer is dependant on which quality of the amulet is required.

23 апр. 2020, 21:0423.04.20
If you don't even know what secret knowledge is nor what the VIP levels give, I don't understand why you saw it necessary to post a lengthy, fluffy speech about it. You come off to me like someone that enjoys sniffing their own farts.
24 апр. 2020, 00:1424.04.20

1. Where did you get the idea from that I didn't know what the VIP levels give?

2. I  re familiarised myself with what Secret knowledge is.

3. You still haven't given enough information to be able to cast an opinion.

4."The Secret Knowledge is the biggest rip off that Plarium has ever perpetrated on it's players." 

5.Choose VIP.

6.Maybe I do and that's why I could detect that you are an A.H.

24 апр. 2020, 08:1924.04.20
xyz said:

1. Where did you get the idea from that I didn't know what the VIP levels give?

2. I  re familiarised myself with what Secret knowledge is.

3. You still haven't given enough information to be able to cast an opinion.

4."The Secret Knowledge is the biggest rip off that Plarium has ever perpetrated on it's players." 

5.Choose VIP.

6.Maybe I do and that's why I could detect that you are an A.H.

Its a pretty simple question. The answer might go deeper than A or B, but  you don't need any more information to provide it. If you actually had knowledge of the game past SH30 instead of shitposting fluffy speeches on the forums maybe you'd understand that.
24 апр. 2020, 11:2424.04.20

Could be anything. 

Ask the chief.
26 апр. 2020, 14:1026.04.20

Hey! He got another response.

As it seems over simplicated  to me.Wonder if this suffices his need.

27 апр. 2020, 03:2927.04.20
xyz said:

Hey! He got another response.

As it seems over simplicated  to me.Wonder if this suffices his need.

FYI saying shit like "over simplicated"  and using pretentious language for everything you write doesn't make you appear smart, it just makes you a pseudo-intellectual hack...especially when your words have no actual usefulness and are just pure egotistical self-indulgence. 
27 апр. 2020, 15:2627.04.20

I beg of you , please keep the comments/replies coming because I am so stoned and just came across this and I cannot stop laughing. XYZ  , mate, you are the bollocks 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣You are the kind of mate I would have around at a bbq or party 

Bong Abuser kd345  PQ345 clan 
28 апр. 2020, 03:4528.04.20
28 апр. 2020, 03:53(отредактировано)

Don't tell him that he will go ballistic.

The explanation has to be thesis length and quality with well thought out arguments and a resounding conclusion  from someone who knows what they are talking about . 

2 май 2020, 02:4502.05.20

Hi, it depend what are you looking for ? what lvl is your oracle how many gold can you spend, if you have oracle 35 and 40m sould shards or enough gold to max first tree of secret knowledge its probably better, because vip can be bought in store.

2 май 2020, 18:0602.05.20

Your post is full of the same kind of ifs, buts, whats and ands  that my response to the OP was blown out of the water over. 


Given this quote from the official release information.

'What Knowledge category are you going to upgrade first and why?'

What is 'the first tree of secret knowledge'?. 

8 май 2020, 17:1108.05.20

General  questions. Last message 8 May, 2020, 7:51AM UTC by Neeta  

Wonder what it was .such that it isn't here anymore.