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Best Ghost Level to Attack for Runes

Best Ghost Level to Attack for Runes

16 апр. 2020, 12:2016.04.20

Best Ghost Level to Attack for Runes

I am sure this has been discussed somewhere, it seems to be hiding on me, but what is the best Ghost level to hunt vs the energy/rune drops if all things are equal?

I have read, and believe, that unless trying for Gems only found on an Uber that level 5 Invaders are the best for materials/energy. It seems sad and bath math on the game's part for this to be the case. I just would like to know if the same is true for Ghosts.

Ghost and Invaders at higher levels seem to be more focused to gaining points in Battles vs giving more material, am I wrong about this? Has anyone that is good with math looked at this?

I thank you in advance for your help.

16 апр. 2020, 15:5016.04.20
16 апр. 2020, 17:54(отредактировано)

I don't think it has,the only thing I recall reading is, that they used the same program algorithm for ghosts, as they did for invaders, but that was ages ago,when ghosts were first introduced,and of course, it wasn't officially confirmed.

Even it it had been ,do we even know when,or if things have been altered?The answer again is no.

As in my answer to another of your posted questions,even if some one knows it,will you get an open answer here? 

From my prospective,there seems to be some strange behaviour going on in the  game with regarding ghost hunting.

Also I suspect that you might be right with what you are finding out  by doing your own research, but like in many other aspects of the game that I have posted about , particularly regarding invaders, and what someone else wrote recently about packs.

You have to compare like with like and the game you are playing ,and you have to have a system which doesn't vary from day to day.which isn't really feasible.

You cant play the game and stay the same, and do research into the best way to do something.

Another complexity is,players have different ideas about what is the correct way to do anything,partly because they may be playing a different strategy,or maybe things that worked best when they did it,no longer do.

Though I feel I shouldn't recommend them,because I think his analysis was flawed, was only applicable to his personal situation ,and its out of date because of the introduction of uber invaders and increased VIP levels, have you seen W.W.M.'s  videos about killing invaders?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA5Be4jf-Do


Something else you might like to consider is the level of research for invaders and ghosts you have done, and how much you are spending on energy packs, and how much time you are prepared to wait for what you want.

You have done well if after only 6 weeks of playing that you have reached the ability to dispatch level 5 adversaries and worry if this is the best approach to get the items you want.

5 июль 2021, 01:4305.07.21

Anyone know what ghost drops ravage runes