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Supplies produced in town

Supplies produced in town

29 фев. 2020, 00:3529.02.20

Supplies produced in town

My town has stopped producing.  I know I have maxed out my capacity, what steps are necessary to start the town producing again beside raising the bank level and raising the level of the supply units.  I am Hyper Farming Food.  Thanks. 
29 фев. 2020, 02:4229.02.20

Empty out the RSS by sending them to another account/ sending them to another player,/ using the RSS/ etc....

29 фев. 2020, 14:5329.02.20

JohntheBaptist said:

My town has stopped producing.  I know I have maxed out my capacity, what steps are necessary to start the town producing again beside raising the bank level and raising the level of the supply units.  I am Hyper Farming Food.  Thanks. 

Hello, JohntheBaptist!

If you have noticed that the production of resources in your Town is stuck, check the capacity of your resource buildings. To do this, go to the Palace, Statistics tab and choose the required resource. According to the game rules, resource production stops when resource capacity has reached its limit. You need to upgrade the resource buildings to increase their capacity. Also you can learn Knowledge from Economic tab in the Oracle to increase the capacity of your resource buildings. 

We hope that this message was helpful for you. If you have any more questions, we will be happy to help. Enjoy the game!

1 март 2020, 23:0701.03.20

The best way to up your capacity is to level buildings and upgrade knowledge for increased resource capacity. 

In the meantime, when your resource cache/stores reach capacity, send the resources to a bank account to hold your resources for you. Many clans operate banks for their members, if your clan doesn't have a bank, ask around for a clan that does!

When you need resources, as long as you use the bank regularly, most clans allow members to ask in chat for resources up to what you send to the bank. Though every clan works differently, this is what I have seen the most.

Hope this helps!


2 март 2020, 06:4902.03.20

The whole reason for hyperfarming is to produce more of one or two rss. Usually that excess production has an intended purpose elsewhere.

So why might you hyperfarm?

For food only, to maintain a larger army. If you reach capacity, train more troops (preferably during point scoring events). Eventually hyperfarming food for troops is unnecessary because you can use hero skill, VIp and reduce consumption boosts so troops eat nothing no matter how many you have.

To supply Stronghold

To supply/trade with other clan members

To bank with another clan member for future use. Banks sound like a good idea but are usually a headache and waste of time.