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Sharing Coordinates in Private Message with KD number

Sharing Coordinates in Private Message with KD number

13 фев. 2020, 14:3613.02.20

Sharing Coordinates in Private Message with KD number


how do you share coordinates from another kingdom in a private message, someone posted 100:200:518 but that doesn't work, it shares the coordinates but has my own kingdom number followed by the :518. 

Thank you!

13 фев. 2020, 15:2113.02.20
13 фев. 2020, 15:23(отредактировано)

If it is someone messaging you from your kingdom, I don't think they can do a hot link to another kingdom in a private message.

When you type in the coordinates e.g 254:115 and send the message, it automatically adds the sender's kingdom in the format eg X: 254, Y: 115 (#sender's kingdom number)

You need to do it the old school way and give them the x and y coordinates and then the kingdom number. They then have to go to the kingdom map, go to the kingdom and then enter the coords. Of course, you don't need the kingdom map if we are talking about a CvC, KvK, KvKR or KvKF opponent.

13 фев. 2020, 16:1213.02.20
Thank you, I thought it was possible as someone was sending me coordinates from a different KD and it was not during an event so they were at home, I tried asking them but unfortunately there is the issue of language barrier and they don't seem to understand my question. If it is not possible the only way I guess would have been by them maybe having a marker from a previous visit. 
14 фев. 2020, 02:4914.02.20

Just to clarify.

If I am in kingdom 100 and you are in kingdom 100 and I send you a pm with coords it will show (#100) after the coords.

If I am in kingdom 200 and you are in kingdom 100 and I send you a pm with coords it will show (#200) after the coords.

Having a landmark in another kingdom from a previous visit would not change this.

One possibility that I am not sure about is that people playing through the Plarium Play app are saying that they can no longer cut and paste so it may have been possible in the past to cut and paste a hot link from clan or kingdom chat.