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the new cvc is bad for the smaller clans

the new cvc is bad for the smaller clans

11 фев. 2020, 20:5811.02.20

the new cvc is bad for the smaller clans

Small clans cant go for the pop because they will always lose that 1 and cant go in siege mode because the sh is at a low level .So 2 out of the 7 cant be played..Its nice for advange big clans with players level 30 till 35 but for the small ones with level 20 till 30 and sh level 2 this is stupid
12 фев. 2020, 03:4712.02.20

To me it only means more competition the bigger you get. Theres usually only 1 clan in every kingdom that are able to control pop. Smaller clans can't and its in that league you're fighting. Your opponent can't do it either. It's the same. It ruins absolutely nothing.

Or if by some miracle your opponent capture pop, then all you need to do is to beat him out and most likely win that category. Even 3trillion influence clans have big problems with SH siege. Need planning and participation or its suicide for the ones doing it, but then again. Still some points will be gained.
12 фев. 2020, 22:4512.02.20
I was not talking that your opponent cant play it either so no harm done ,i was talking about that almost half the compation is gone the way it is now for the small clans..For the big clans its all about the fighting now and the small ones can only do ghost , farm , train and inluance ingreasing.You can also now buy the dg and only safe playing is going on.No fighting at all for the small clans.So it ruiins everything
13 фев. 2020, 14:1213.02.20
The real problem is that, when neither opponent can/will attack the other's PoP or SH, 2 of the 5 remaining sub-fights are identical: warriors killed & warriors killed in towns/on tiles.  Applying clan discipline, initially yield using Domain Guards only, hit an enemy tile/town, the stop all yielding.  You have locked in 2 of 5.
13 фев. 2020, 14:3413.02.20


look under news and there the upate tread.

You see many not want this new update for cvc
13 фев. 2020, 19:4113.02.20
I prefer this new cvc format over the old, it benefits both fighters and farmers, some of our farmers make more points then the fighters. But everyone get's to do something they like. The CVC format before was plain trash, it always came down to who killed the most ubers and who farmed the longest. Fighting was a mute point because if you made the lead in one area they made it in the other, when you managed to have the lead in both, fighting stopped, and became a KVKr competition, really boring. But seriously you know something is wrong with the competition when you look at the woods and see a bunch a giants farming tiles non-stop. You are most of the time matched up to similar size as your own clan, if you are all active and work as a team, this new format should work for you and you should have fun. If not maybe it's not the fault of the cvc categories....something to think about. 
17 фев. 2020, 23:1217.02.20
17 фев. 2020, 23:16(отредактировано)
primemover what you bescribe is excactly what is going on in smaller clans in this format..no fighting possible....it comes down to whos got the most energy for the invaders.2 of 7 catogorys cant be played by small clans ..not possible because they are not upgraded enough yet,not because they dont want to fight..And yes very boring yes
19 фев. 2020, 16:5819.02.20
19 фев. 2020, 17:00(отредактировано)

Just adding another voice to say the same thing. Small clans are best 3 out of 5 with 2 points being awarded to the clan that turtles and refuses to farm or fight after getting in one attack on their opponents farmers.

For the last two CVCs I’ve searched and searched for an opponent to attack and there’s not been one farmer. Farming used to be required to win a point now you get rewarded for not farming. 
3 март 2020, 20:0003.03.20
Well the answer to this is painfully obvious now. If your tile is hit while gathering rss, points are awarded in 2 categories now. Its suicide to risk farming now because of this.
30 март 2020, 17:0230.03.20
I like the new cvc format, I'm in a small clan and we compete in the fighting catagories  as well as the farming/hitting invaders & knowledge/SH upgrades. You just have to compete in areas your stronger than your opponents 
9 апр. 2020, 23:3609.04.20
9 апр. 2020, 23:54(отредактировано)

I am chief of a small clan (63B infl) and I do not like the new cvc categories.  Too many combination categories such as ghost/invaders and yielding: increasing influence/stronghold.  One hit on a farming tile costs/gains two categories.  We have had entire cvc's only score in three categories.  It is stupid to farm and give up two categories.  I don't mind that two categories useless to us, for the mega clans need their entertainment.  But I would like to see the categories spread out more and not lumped together.  

Possibly other categories like donating to the SH with a multiplier to encourage more to donate, or a category for killing troops of an enemy with higher infl' than you.   Sometimes our clan face just one enemy the same size as 50 of us.  I think more categories is better for opening up the game-play.  Up the Hammerz!!