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New Cats for CvC

New Cats for CvC

2 фев. 2020, 22:3502.02.20

New Cats for CvC

Hi, I'm know Vikings is a fighting game , but making most of the new cats/sections about fighting  will kill the game, change it back. A clan should always be part farming part fighting, equal balance without the need to buy packs ...but is that PLARIUM plan, to spend money?
3 фев. 2020, 08:3403.02.20

Not that I like the new format but it doesn't require more spending. What it will require is strategy.

Most clans will not take the PoP or have a level 4 stronghold to deploy the Tower of Odin so it will be a race to 3.

In my opinion many clans will have to choose between winning CvC or passing a lot of checkpoints. Yielding is likely to lose you 2 points against a smart opponent so you would need to win the other 3 categories while they only need 1. No troop kills by either side makes it best 2 out of 3.

So I think that the new format discourages fighting and yielding. I suppose from that point of view it could turn into a battle of credit cards but that is no different to the original format or to the previous categories format.

3 фев. 2020, 11:0503.02.20

Unexpect said:

Not that I like the new format but it doesn't require more spending. What it will require is strategy.

Most clans will not take the PoP or have a level 4 stronghold to deploy the Tower of Odin so it will be a race to 3.

In my opinion many clans will have to choose between winning CvC or passing a lot of checkpoints. Yielding is likely to lose you 2 points against a smart opponent so you would need to win the other 3 categories while they only need 1. No troop kills by either side makes it best 2 out of 3.

So I think that the new format discourages fighting and yielding. I suppose from that point of view it could turn into a battle of credit cards but that is no different to the original format or to the previous categories format.

problem is that the new combat categorie is not about your clan against your ennemy clan... if the ennemy clan hit somebody/anybody on a tiles in your home or ennemy kingdom, it is troop killing

half of the cvc have become a cvk ... before, most of the time, hit on tile was done only by your ennemy ( unless there was a killing event at the same time that cvc )... now, everybody will try to hit you on tile... by everybody, i mean home kingdom, ennemy kingdom and all other kingdom who are visiting both side... it will destroy a lot of kingdom with fragile peace between clan... tille hitting and fighting for pop will become the norm in own kingdom... it will result in a top huge clan by kingdom, other clan having player who simply quit the game because they cannot win anything

3 фев. 2020, 13:4203.02.20

No, that is incorrect.



"Please note: in the Clans Battle, Jarls only earn points for kills when killing warriors from the opposing Clan and troops led by jötunns."

Jotunns lead Plarium troops in attacks against the Tower of Odin which can only be built in a lvl 4 Stronghold and so they only give points in Category 3. No Tower of Odin means no points from killing Plarium troops.

Plarium should have said this straight from the outset rather than creating this confusion. Not changing the graphic doesn't help either.

This new system was used in Throne last week and I can confirm that you only get points for killing troops from the enemy clan in Categories 1 and 2, enemy clan troops and/or Plarium troops in Category 3. Category 4 is just the total of Categories 1, 2 and 3.

There may be some curious fighting while people work out the new rules.

4 фев. 2020, 16:0004.02.20

The new CVC fomat is set up so if you're not in a clan that has a stronghold your chances of winning a CVC are very limited. Three of the 7 categories are related to the Place of Power and Clan Stronghold. They have combined hunting Invaders/ghosts and resource gathering into one category which basically reduces the chances of winning four categories in this event. If your opponent doesn't drop their town shield or gather resources during the event then there are 2 more categories that you can't score in. This leaves you 2 categories to score in,  (1) hunting Invaders/ghosts, yielding resources and (2) training, healing and resurrecting warriors. This clearly indicates that the small players will be very limited in their ability  to win a CVC and gain any rewards for their efforts. Playing a CVC will be a waste of time since even if you score millions of points in a couple of categories and out score your opponent, it doesn't matter if you can't win 4 categories. If this CVC format continues there really is no place for a small player which is sad, I really liked this game. Not all of us want to be in a large clan that wants us to play and spend 24/7. 😥

4 фев. 2020, 16:1204.02.20

Condor said:

The new CVC fomat is set up so if you're not in a clan that has a stronghold your chances of winning a CVC are very limited. Three of the 7 categories are related to the Place of Power and Clan Stronghold. They have combined hunting Invaders/ghosts and resource gathering into one category which basically reduces the chances of winning four categories in this event. If your opponent doesn't drop their town shield or gather resources during the event then there are 2 more categories that you can't score in. This leaves you 2 categories to score in,  (1) hunting Invaders/ghosts, yielding resources and (2) training, healing and resurrecting warriors. This clearly indicates that the small players will be very limited in their ability  to win a CVC and gain any rewards for their efforts. Playing a CVC will be a waste of time since even if you score millions of points in a couple of categories and out score your opponent, it doesn't matter if you can't win 4 categories. If this CVC format continues there really is no place for a small player which is sad, I really liked this game. Not all of us want to be in a large clan that wants us to play and spend 24/7. 😥

Stronghold transformation and knowledge points are now combined with influence points ... so if you don't have a stronghold you still can make points in that catagory with personal influence points ... if you don't have a stronghold I highly doubt that your enemy has a level 4 stronghold or can hold the POP so those two catagories do not work for either clan ...

We don't have level 4 stronghold or hold the POP ... so we realize that we need to win 3 of 5 catagories ... or if no fighting 2 of 3 catagories ... this is reasonable ... also we already see we get much more clan points than before because of increase in farming and invader/ghost points ...
4 фев. 2020, 18:1304.02.20
I tried increasing influence as you suggested it did not increase our points for the CVC in any category. If this is true maybe it is not in effect for this CVC . My opponent does have a stronghold and has scored in that category. Thanks for info. By the way as I understand it you must win 4 categories in CVC or neither of you get the event rewards.
4 фев. 2020, 18:4804.02.20
Sorry you were correct it just took a long time to post to the scoreboard. Thanks😊
4 фев. 2020, 23:5504.02.20

Condor said:

I tried increasing influence as you suggested it did not increase our points for the CVC in any category. If this is true maybe it is not in effect for this CVC . My opponent does have a stronghold and has scored in that category. Thanks for info. By the way as I understand it you must win 4 categories in CVC or neither of you get the event rewards.

It has never been the case that you have to win 4 catagories (we been having 7 categories for awhile they were just different some) ... you just have to win more catagories than your enemy and if tied on the number of catagories won then which clan has highest points wins ...

You might want to read here ...


5 фев. 2020, 10:5705.02.20

Yes. One clan always wins and gets the rewards as long as points are scored. The resource rewards are only received if the Chief of the winning clan scores.

Unlike the old system it will be very unusual for a tie with this new system.

5 фев. 2020, 17:5405.02.20

There are two categories that get identical points:

5 фев. 2020, 18:2105.02.20
Bellira said:

There are two categories that get identical points:

We all know that ... they only get identical points if the clan do not get points in the 2nd and 3rd catagory ... I suggest your clan go attack tiles of your enemy clan ...
10 фев. 2020, 10:4410.02.20

CIM said:

We all know that ... they only get identical points if the clan do not get points in the 2nd and 3rd catagory ... I suggest your clan go attack tiles of your enemy clan ...

well, our ennemy don t yield... they have hit 2 of our tile ( around 40k point ) and do a huge amount of T7... they win with 3 categorie against 2 but our global score was better, way above the level 15...

remove the categorie 4 and in case of draw, use the total score for select the winner will be more balanced

since reaching legendary level ( 11 to 15 ) is more easy and will happen more, some player from clan need to be more carefull... for reward of the first 10 level, 1 pts is enough... but for each legendary level, you need a increase minimum amount of points... by example, for our league, it is 1 bil pts minimum for receive all legendary reward... don t be lazy and miss the legendary reward

10 фев. 2020, 14:1010.02.20
No matter how they set it up ... there will be pros and cons ... and no matter how they set it up clans will have different advantages ... if you didn't farm they couldn't get any points from attacking ... but then if they can make so much t7 they probably could do a lot of influence and stronghold points ... if your clan doesn't spend much money then obviously you are at a disadvantage ... and most all clans can be matched up with clans that spend more money.  Our clan spends some but sometimes we are outspent (we usually determine early this is the case and then don't even try to compete).  Without the changes to points for farming I doubt your clan would have more points than them ... it is nice though that you can now make so much checkpoints.  When one loses one can always say if the rules were different then would be better for us ...