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Game flaw

Game flaw

21 янв. 2020, 06:3021.01.20

Game flaw

Yet another cheat or flaw in the game. When you switch Shamans then switch back your influence will drop permanently. I went from 1.2 trillion influence to 1.1 trillion just by switching my Shaman from Biggie to Else then switching back to Biggie.  Why are there so many flaws or cheats against players in this game?? I mean I know the game is clearly designed to not care about the players and only care about money but come on this is ridiculous. Plarium is really a greedy company.
21 янв. 2020, 11:1421.01.20
That is not a cheat ... it is just the way the game is ... some of your shaman add more influence than others depending on what you did with them ... I suppose every clan could get lower influence before cvc by every person having their lowest influence shaman active but from what I see that would not make much of a difference ...
21 янв. 2020, 19:0921.01.20

There  is a slight difference claimed here that switching from Baggi to Elsa and then back again the change in influence is  not not restored.

With regards to influence its not going to make that much difference is it ? Its certainly an impediment when it moves you to a higher league for competitions where the levels required are harder to reach.

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't influence more unnecessary bragging?
22 янв. 2020, 05:1622.01.20

The change in influence when you switch shamans is not instantaneous. You need to log out and then back in again to see the change. If this doesn't happen then you need to Ask a question in the Menu.

Yes, the change will make no difference in the run of the game at the time. You will have the correct attributes of the current shaman. But as Anyone says it could be important if someone was trying to switch between leagues for competitions. I can remember struggling for a while to stay below 25M when that was the cutoff for League of Rookies in CvC.

Yes, influence can be bragging but if it's important to the person then it's not unnecessary. I don't aspire to be a 1T player but for some that is the target they have set for themselves and why they spend the big bucks. Also, the highly ranked clans have entry requirements which usually include an influence component.

22 янв. 2020, 18:4122.01.20
The influence change is only temporary when you change shamans it takes a long time for your influence to drop if you select a shaman with lower influence, If you then change back to the shaman with the higher influence your influence loss will be restored to the higher level again but as before it will take a long time for it to happen  Normally about 2 to 4 hours.