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Kingdom meltdwom

Kingdom meltdwom

5 янв. 2020, 07:1205.01.20

Kingdom meltdwom


    our kingdom has just undergone a serious meltdown where a lot of players have just given up on it and jumped to other kingdoms,


because they were fed up with all the dead influ in it, it is full of cities that havent been played for a long time, strongholds that have no players using them apart from a sh keeper that doesnt actually play the game anymore, the map is a complete mess, we were constantly matched with higher influ  working kingdoms with active players which we were not in a position to even compete against.

I dont know how many kingdoms are like this but im sure we are not alone on this and its time Plarium stepped up and did something about it before this game goes down hill anymore than it already has.

with the amount of money that plarium make out of this game from players i'm sure they could look after it and its players a lot better than they do at the moment, 1, by moving all cities that havent been played for 10 weeks or more to a special kingdom where if the player ever comes back they can continue and move it to a working kingdom, 2. relocate non active strongholds to the edges of the maps and allow a one off move for existing working clans strong holds so kingdoms can space them out better as the higher lvl 4 now take up space in lower lvl stronghold areas, in some places lvl 4 sh's now take up over 50% of smaller ones. 

cvc leagues are a total disaster too many of them are given up to lower influ level clans and the rest are dumped into the top two leagues where a lot of the clans have not got a cat in hells chance of getting into the top 5 for the extra gold reward,

but this post is mainly to get plarium to do something about the dead influ in kingdoms before its too late and there is no way back. or players wont just jump kingdoms anymore they will just quit like so many other players have done before them. 


happy new year to all


6 янв. 2020, 00:2206.01.20

I just created this account to post the same thing here. Definitely a big problem with the large inactive accounts in many kingdoms. 

I like the idea of moving these cities to another KD specifically set up for this. Another option is to delete the accounts entirely. 

Plarium, please do something about this.  

6 янв. 2020, 06:1906.01.20

These ideas are not new, search the forum for previous posts on these matters.

The requests are laregly bypassed, they did reorganise the leagues, but they fast become out of date again.
6 янв. 2020, 08:0606.01.20

This problem is apparent in all of this type of browser games. Players join just to check it out and find it not suitable for their needs and quit in few days.

Then again - as this game is now, it is nearly impossible for any normal human to play. If you want to play it to full extent - it requires 24h constant playtime. Every 5-15 minutes it requires attention or you will lose some resources available. Of course for humans it is not possible - we still need sleep and eat at very least. Then again if you have any RL , you can not play it more then 5-10% of its real capacity.

I think that developers should cap players in way that they could upkeep their kingdom just in few hours and also do better to manage inactive or quitting players. But that means that whole concept should change quite a bit.

6 янв. 2020, 20:3406.01.20

Accurate appraisal in the first two paragraphs.

The last as you say is problematic,to do everything in the game takes considerable amounts of committment, and money,and then all there is left is the battles, which is what attracts many of the players.

Capping is not going to be of any interest to those people who play this game professionally, nor the owners whose primary interest is to make money from the game,which has had undergone many changes, and which many players are not happy with, such that they have quit it entirely.