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Shaman help

Shaman help

29 дек. 2019, 10:5329.12.19

Shaman help

What is the initiation stage and where is it? Were can I get charms?
29 дек. 2019, 23:3429.12.19

The only charms you can get fairly easily are Baggis, Baggis charms are in the clan store,but are not cheap,the rest you win in competitions,(if you are above novice level in these events) or buy in bank offers, the initiation stage will open when you have sufficient charms when you have palace 12.

30 дек. 2019, 03:4730.12.19
My palace is now 14
30 дек. 2019, 06:3430.12.19
30 дек. 2019, 06:52(отредактировано)

The palace level was only mentioned in passing ,it may be of interest to others, I think you need 10 baggi charms to summon him ,then start initiating him,,( you will have to attack ghosts to gain shaman experience),have you contstructed the shamans buildings?


30 дек. 2019, 12:1930.12.19
Found it at the bank $50
5 март 2021, 12:4905.03.21

I can't find charms anywhere in the various menus.  I also can't find where my loyalty points are shown.  Is the treasure chest icon in the bottom task bar considered the Clan Store?  Because if not, then I also don't know where the Clan Store is.  When I opened the game this morning, there was a window that showed three or four buildings that I could make; one was a workshop but don't remember what the others were; in any event, I can't remember what I was doing when the window came up and I can't find it now.  I made a clan so that I could do things that I can't do as just a random Jarl, so people are joining my clan that are even newer than I am, so most likely no help there.  I like the game, but the UI could use some work.  All I can do is upgrade buildings, train troops and go into the building that has the nodes to fight things and collect coffers and stars.  I'm only level 42 and Baggi is only level 10, so with the problems I've mentioned, I just don't know how to proceed. 

5 март 2021, 12:5105.03.21

I should have mentioned that I'm only a few days in and while I like the game so far, I'm having a hard time seeing a long future playing if I can't resolve some of the aforementioned issues :(

5 март 2021, 15:3705.03.21
5 март 2021, 16:07(отредактировано)

If you have only been playing a few days, then you have done pretty well to get to level 42 and 10, though to be fair, the start is much easier than it used to be, especially if  the equipment of the north items are purchased.

If you are finding it tough now, just wait till you get your head round things, especially, if those who joined your clan start asking for help, but dont worry too much, most will drop out when they realise the costs of continuing.

The treasure chest is not the clan store, its open to all players to buy its contents. 

Someone else (if not you,) asked about charms, just recently,(I just checked,it was you!! read about them in that thread. 

Just click on everything that opens,you will soon get to know where things are, the menu icon lists loads of links.

The workshop can be built on the left side of town, where most non resource producing facilities are located.

Things can accidentally open if you venture near them and you are hovering on the mouse.

You proably hit a vacant slot , which then tells you what can be built there.

The place where the nodes are, Hellheim, is fairly new,and am not sure how helpful its going to be for you if you spend lots of time in there and havent got enough gold to get the equipment that you will need for the champion to wear.

The bonuses, you get from completeing the floors may or may not be beneficial at your level,dependant on how you are playing the rest of game.

5 март 2021, 19:0305.03.21

"I also don't know where the Clan Store is"  click on "Clans" (bottom middle of the screen) then on "Store".  Your loyalty points appear on that screen towards the top on the left.  You advance Baggi by gaining experience with him (tasks and Quests both give experience) and you also need charms to advance him through the various stages; which you buy in the clan store for loyalty points.  One of the (numerous) ways that clanmates help each other is to make loyalty points available (when you click the "help" button).

"I can't find charms anywhere in the various menus."  Click on Baggi and look at the central circle below his portrait, that shows you the number of charms you have and the number required to advance him to the next stage.  You can also see which charms you have (for the other shamans) by items - My Items - Bonuses and scroll down.

Treasure hunts are good for getting charms for the shamans other than Baggi - click on Menu - News and you will see that there is to be one on March 8th.

As for buildings, if you click on a vacant plot the game tells you which buildings can be built, you then click on the one you wish to build - surely you have done this while following the Quests?

Do ask questions in your clan chat.  At the least you will all share what you discover as you gain experience but also it may bring to light one or two more experienced members.  Also people like an active clan chat, it is one of the things that will aid the health and progress of the clan.  I suggest you also look into what is needed to build a Stronghold - that will give a focus for the clan's activities and, again, keep interest strong.

Good luck.

3 дек. 2021, 00:4503.12.21

Which Shaman should you use during siege of the SH in CVC  

3 дек. 2021, 10:3803.12.21

I think you will find that Raine has been designed for this role,however, depending on how well  developed your shaman are, you might be better off with the shaman that matches your main troop type.