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Members did not return after kvk

Members did not return after kvk

16 дек. 2019, 04:5816.12.19

Members did not return after kvk

My members are are stuck in enemy kingdom after kvk ended. What should they do?
16 дек. 2019, 08:4816.12.19
if you go to completed events "kingdoms battle" you can return to your own kingdom from there.
16 дек. 2019, 11:4316.12.19

Still a bug . 

However, in the meantime, many players are losing their soldiers.

More customers that Plarium will lose.

If at least we could be compensated for the losses ....

Encore un bug

Mais entre temps que ce soit réglé, beacoup de joueurs perdent leurs soldats.

Encore des clients que Plarium va perdre.

Si au moins on pouvait être indemnisé pour les pertes ....

16 дек. 2019, 11:5816.12.19
why do you rely on Plarium to bring you home. They give you the means to go and come back from the enemy kingdom. Surely you should come home when you finish with the event. This is the worst it has been, but it has happened before. I prefer to be in control rather than depend on Plarium.
16 дек. 2019, 11:5916.12.19
Yes most of our clan didn't return and a number of enemy kingdom clans' members are still in our kingdom ... and yes we could return by using a return item ...
16 дек. 2019, 13:3216.12.19
Yes you can indeed  use the return boost  to get back home.....  Trouble is though enemy don't seem to be wanting leave so what would normally be  a safe farming day now isn't ......  We can't make them leave lol .......so I think it is over to you Plarium !
16 дек. 2019, 14:1216.12.19
Hi, i have lost 50k troops because of this bug. Plarium, its your fault. Give me my troops back!
16 дек. 2019, 15:4916.12.19
game is back up, still not fixed. You will have to use a return buff before CvC starts or you won't be able to come back.
16 дек. 2019, 17:1616.12.19
We have people from other kingdoms in ours and they are constantly tile hitting this should not be allowed to continue and palarium needs to sort it out before players get pissed off and leave the game 
16 дек. 2019, 22:5916.12.19
How is it that I am getting hit collecting RSS at 10:30 in the morning after kvk ended 15 hrs ago? How long are the enemies allowed to stay in our Kingdom, can't find the information anywhere. Is this a glitch or the new norm?
17 дек. 2019, 08:2817.12.19

I can still see KvK enemy players stuck in my 360 Home Kingdom. Also, there was no bonus icon for logging in daily, and there is a bad time lag when completeing each and every task in Personal, Clan and Premiun events.  Otherwise, during the game, I am getting intermittent time lags. 

I am connected via laptop, and yes, I already cleared cache and rebooted, so that is not a resolution as so often indicated by Plarium. 

As previouslu queried with Plarium, why isn't proper testing of upgrades done before releasing - this is especially true for players using laptop / PC?