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Offer wall question on Vikings war of clans

Offer wall question on Vikings war of clans

20 июнь 2024, 11:4720.06.24

Offer wall question on Vikings war of clans

I’ve read on here about some people having issues with offer wall and just wanted to see if anyone had a similar situation and what the outcome was.

So the offer was simple, get palace to level 10 collect 2.3k gems. Took me a few days but when I logged in no gems appeared. So I check my offer wall status and it says pending still. I give it 24 hours and still nothing so I put in a trouble ticket with a screenshot of my profile page with my palace level as proof. I get an email the next day saying they rejected my request and there was not enough proof and now on offer wall my status says rejected. https://plarium.com/forum/uk/vikings-kroger-feedback-survey-war-of-clans/582_general-questions/1437420_my-clan-just-disa ppeared/  

I’m assuming this means I can’t get those gems anymore, has anyone had anything similar happen? 

21 июнь 2024, 15:3921.06.24

You are correct, I have also seen people post here about game offers that promise much and then give nothing, but never seen anyone post about their successes with them.

Perhaps  it is to be expected  because that is the way of things.

I have never seen the offers you describe but I would have thought  that  if they really did exist, and they were  genuine, that on a successful completion  of the task, then you would be given the reward.

That there are only ever complaints about negative outcomes would suggest that they are not real , or not genuine at all. and that you have been had.