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Clan vs clan scoring adjustments

Clan vs clan scoring adjustments

10 окт. 2019, 09:0410.10.19

Clan vs clan scoring adjustments

Hi all

CvC has become a competition in training T7 troops. Winning is decided by who can use their credit card to train most T7s.

You can yield like there's no tomorrow, you can hit vaders and ghosts all day, or make the best trap (but you are unable to tilehit because nobody farms): and it's all a vaste of time. When the opps start training them T7s, suddenly you are trailing 3T. Which require little, except feeding the fat cat with your hard earned money. Look at the top clans, they train a ridiculous amount of troops, and one of them even is called The Money Team, lol. I guess the name is reflecting their main talent.

A better score would be:

Take the score for troop traing today and divide them by 10. And then adjust down the difference between different tier (10, 15, 20 and so on)

Increase the score for farming, and to balance that, increase the score for killing. This is a war strategy game, isn't it?

And please introduce more skill based events. The only skills required today is using money and be able to basic communication.

12 окт. 2019, 10:2012.10.19

Egil said:  "The only skills required today is using money and be able to basic communication..."

As Plarium concerns...it's only matter

12 окт. 2019, 10:4712.10.19

Dear KOKO, 

Thank you for your commitment to the game. 

We are determined to make the game better, so we'll definitely consider your suggestions, and our developers will decide which of them to implement. Feel free to write us if you have any other ideas or suggestions. 

We wish you a good play and glorious victories!

15 окт. 2019, 10:3215.10.19

Dear Ivar

And what shall change now? Egil is definitely right. The cvc is not interesting anymore...
15 окт. 2019, 12:0915.10.19
15 окт. 2019, 12:10(отредактировано)

Emäsalo said:

Dear Ivar

And what shall change now? Egil is definitely right. The cvc is not interesting anymore...


As I stated above, if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to write us. 

16 окт. 2019, 18:2916.10.19

Sorry Ivar but the forum is full of ideas. Just read it.

By the way it is full of thinks what are going very wrong in this game. And it goes more and more wrong.

CVCs where the enemy clan grow 20% influence in only 2 days e.x.

We have. We start with 200 billion both and they are at 240 now. And it is a much younger kingdom.

And that is not the first time.

In my eyes the game died the game since you can have so many troops that you want. No limitation when you have no food production.

23 окт. 2019, 14:2323.10.19

Here too they make the most points with troops. 30 million with T6.

It sucks more and more.

Only a building troops event.