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Players ruining the game

Players ruining the game

7 окт. 2019, 09:0707.10.19

Players ruining the game


you should seriously consider the idea of punishing with temporary bans players ruining the game to a kingdom.

I speak about players attacking their own reign mates on tile during KVK. 

They play just to ruin the game, there is no fun or objective, they're just mad. 

Please add a reporting system also for this kind of unfair behaviour. I've already changed 3 reigns due to bad players behaviour, and I'm really bored about it, as it happened to many other clan mates.

This is not incentivating buying drakkars, this is just pushing toward quitting the game, because I understand that in any reign there is at least one balck sheep. You could be able to verify that the player is not attacking for "revenge" or real reasons, but just for madness. 


7 окт. 2019, 14:0207.10.19

So I'm asking again for it to Plarium. In any online gaming there is a reporting system, which is actually missing in Vikings. If you play any MOBA you can ruin the game to all other people just by feeding, for example: you get reported by all players and you get temporary ban for 1-2 weeks.

Those game are free and people just spend money on their will, as it happens for vikings. And they still spend money because the game is funny, so there is a clear cashback for the software house. 

24 янв. 2020, 23:4924.01.20

We have one very high influence player (currently he is over 440 billion) in our kingdom (Fressfogir, #831), his username is "death on tiles" (formerly "Pimp Daddy of 12"), who has stated publicly in our Kingdom Chat (see screenshots) that his intention is "to kill a kingdom". He just wants to see if it can be done! So, he's started by going around, stalking, and tile-hitting people who are minding their own business, farming tiles. This is outside of clan events. Timing doesn't matter to him.

Our kingdom had previously had a "gentlemen's agreement" among the clans, which stated we would do NO tile-hitting outside of CvC and Kingdom events so that we could all yield in peace. Since he came to the kingdom a few days ago,  all of that has gone out the window.

This is outright bullying. He has played this game for a very long time, and paid a lot of money for his high-influence town. Seems he has done everything, and now he's bored (he freely admits he is unable to capture the Throne of Jotunheim). So, he wants to ruin the game for everyone in our kingdom.

Do you mean to tell me that Plarium will do NOTHING about this? Seriously???

(I think I may start a new thread to bring this to the attention of more people. This may be duplicated somewhere else.)

25 янв. 2020, 00:0825.01.20
I cant see you getting any where with this, try reading the bullying topics  posted on here.
25 янв. 2020, 09:4425.01.20

I responded to the other thread but I will just add a little here.

Tile hitting is part of the game - Plarium want people to do it or they would stop it.

Yielding is mostly a waste of time especially with the changes to CvC and the amounts of resources needed to progress higher in the game. Level 8 and 9 tiles are an exception. 
27 янв. 2020, 03:3827.01.20
Plarium does have a reporting system, but tile hitting is part of the game, nobody will help you with that. What you are doing wrong is engaging him in chat, that's just incentive for him to keep going, he wants the attention, if you start ignoring him he'll eventually get bored. So Stop writing pm's and stop talking in kd chat, it may take a few weeks but eventually he will get bored, but it will take your whole kd to follow this. I've gone through many kd bullies and that tactic has not failed us yet.
4 фев. 2020, 16:4304.02.20
I see that someone has made a comment about the new CVC format. It is clear that the changes to the CVC format is to eliminate a large segement of the game players from being successful in winning a CVC. If your matched against an " inactive clan" and you don't have a Stronghold you will not be able to score in 4 categories to win a CVC. This means for 2 days the event is useless to us. Or you play against an active clan and both of you don't have a Stronghold so there is a good chance that you could cancel each other out and neither opponent wins because they can't win 4 categories.  This makes playing in the CVC a waste of time for many of us. I fear many more small players will leave the game because there is no longer any event where small players can succeed. 😢
4 фев. 2020, 16:4704.02.20
4 фев. 2020, 16:55(отредактировано)
Condor said:

I see that someone has made a comment about the new CVC format. It is clear that the changes to the CVC format is to eliminate a large segement of the game players from being successful in winning a CVC. If your matched against an " inactive clan" and you don't have a Stronghold you will not be able to score in 4 categories to win a CVC. This means for 2 days the event is useless to us. Or you play against an active clan and both of you don't have a Stronghold so there is a good chance that you could cancel each other out and neither opponent wins because they can't win 4 categories.  This makes playing in the CVC a waste of time for many of us. I fear many more small players will leave the game because there is no longer any event where small players can succeed. 😢
You just need to win more catagories than your oponent if you win one and they win none you still win ... and if the two clans tie in the number of catagories they win they go by points ... ALSO ... why post here when this doesn't have anything to do with the topic of the thread???
4 фев. 2020, 18:5904.02.20
Sorry I did  mention that someone else made a remark about cvc as well. Anyway I swore I read that you must win 4 of the 7 categories in order to get the CVC rewards. I'll keep a close eye on this CVC to verify what you have said. Thanks 😊