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19 авг. 2019, 22:2319.08.19


Hey y'all,  I'm in need of some assistance.  I'm at 120b influence and I'm trying to find the best defense gems and runes to use.  I use a trap town a lot.  So i get most of my kills through defenses.  But its been kinda lacking lately.  Any help would be greatly appreciated 

19 авг. 2019, 23:1719.08.19
19 авг. 2019, 23:19(отредактировано)

Do you mean no one is falling for your traps or that they are too strong for them.?

You dont say what gems or runes you use, and probably shouldnt, but its simple enough to check which are the best, the hard part is getting them.

Thing is these boosts only work if the hero or shaman is with the troops, have you done all the necessary research for these as well?.

Any other research, check the trees, and boosts for you, and against them, is all to the good.

20 авг. 2019, 13:2220.08.19
Yea all knowledge for what i use is done hero and shaman are with troops.  Get good hits but i fail a lot now it seems.  Mostly health is what my gems and runes and with defense mixed in.  All reducers are done as well
20 авг. 2019, 14:0620.08.19
20 авг. 2019, 16:37(отредактировано)

Am far from being an expert on this sort of thing, maybe someone who is more enightened will be prepared to help you now there is more information about the situation.

What does still strike me though is you say you have done the knowledge for what you use, which suggests you still have some research to do that may assist you.

Health is supposed to be better than defense which is better than attack  so it seems you are doing it right.

Maybe you need defense equipment if you arent using it already,if you are waiting to be attacked.

The only other thing I can think of is the boosts,but they dont last forever and you cant be sure when or if you are going to be attacked,I am assuming these are on tiles rather than in town.

If its in town,can you do any more there?

I know you cant get direct information unless you win the battle,but maybe  you can find out if their VIP is higher than yours.

At other times you may find what they battle with.

The other thing you could look at is what troops you have,and where you have some success against the oppostions troops,what troops do you loose against. this may give you a clue.

It could be something as simple as their troops size is bigger than yours,so they overwhelm you.

21 авг. 2019, 00:0821.08.19
21 авг. 2019, 01:07(отредактировано)

I have been doing some extra thinking, and as a result my memory has been triggered about some post I read a while back.

Maybe it was yours, if not someone else with a related dilemma.

First gems,

You have 3 slots, so the standard use would be Total Health, Total Defense,Total Offense.

Standard gems give 10% maximum.

The gems the Ubers drop, give 12%.

So here's where you have decisions to make which you may already have taken... swop or not.

If you are only using one kind of troop,total is not as much as specific. You could switch  or add , the latter would mean dropping offense possibly health., Is either a good decision?

You can just as well go specific,with Health and Offense too.

However going specific means you loose all round capabilities, and if your specific troop is weak against the attackers , that might explain your losses.

 If you are using more than one type of troop.the combinations will be more complex, but the solution maybe simpler,


Seems this is even more complicated,  troops dont get specific defense runes, one covers two troops, the other three, except siege which has a second rune all of its own, which might explain why siege has seemingly grown in popularity. Finally one rune for total defense.

This last point also might explain why players have been complaing about "missing"  i.e.  presently non existing shaman equipment.


Seems the rune list I viewed isnt up to date, and the latest ghosts covered some of the gaps,but there's even more for siege and scouts.