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FURY level 8 and 9 tiles

FURY level 8 and 9 tiles

11 июль 2019, 07:1511.07.19

FURY level 8 and 9 tiles


i am in kingdom 346 and we make the second place on Fury.

For this we get 8 level tiles.

BUT tody no tiles are in our kingdom.

I find in other kingoms only level 9 tiles.

And in this kingdoms are very much tiles. More than we had during the 5 days. You can scroll the map and you find short this tiles.

It is possible that the Fury winners get much more tiles?

I search again i find no 8 level tiles in the kingdoms only very much 9 level tiles in the winner Fury kingdoms!!

11 июль 2019, 08:3811.07.19

Hello, Khunterj!

The Gifts of Gods are available on the map for 5 days or until resources are completely yielded from the location. After the victory in the Competition the limited amount of these locations appear on the Global Map. Also please note that locations don't respawn on the map after complete yielding.  

If you have any other questions, we will be happy to help. Have a good play!

11 июль 2019, 09:1711.07.19
11 июль 2019, 09:24(отредактировано)


thanks for the fast response.

But i can not believe this.

The kingdoms with 9 level tiles have much more what I see.

In our kingdom i never seen so much 8 level tiles.

I was very much on during this 5 days.

All this 5 days you can short scroll in the kingdoms with 9 level tiles and you find many. In our kingdom with level 8 you must scroll very long to find some.

And it was CVC and only in the kingdoms with level 9 tiles are so many left?

Sorry this could not be.

Please look at the event resource collect. You see in the first places the most with level 9 tiles. And they have very much left in all kingdoms!

I found no kingdom with level 8 tiles left

Ok no i found one kingdom but only some tiles level 8 not so many like in the kingdoms with level 9

11 июль 2019, 09:2411.07.19

We have won first place 3 times and second place 2 times so have had t9 and t8 ... the tiles DO RESPAWN until your kingdom gets their limit.  It usually takes us 2 days to 2.5 days to yield them all no matter if t9 or t8.  We try to get them done before cvc so that the enemy clans can't take advantage of them.  Some kingdoms don't farm them so fast so they may have some left when ours are gone ...

11 июль 2019, 09:3511.07.19
11 июль 2019, 09:38(отредактировано)



i understood you right, in your kingdom all tiles came at the first day and no new come during the 5 days, right?

In our kingdom came during the first 4 days some new 8 level tiles and some at the same place new. But not realy much like the 9 level tiles.

And agin I can not believe that so many 9 tiles left in so many kingdoms after the cvc.

That could be only, if no new come and they get the same amount like 8, if the cvc enemy and the members of the kingdom not collect them.

But i not bleive this! Special when I see how many points in this event they make and in the past event collect.

Look kingdom 117, 174, 404, 698 and so on

11 июль 2019, 11:4811.07.19

We got some new ones even in the 2nd day (both t9 and t8) ... and yes many times in the same spot ... they come out like every 6 to 9 hours or something like that ... I haven't actually payed enough attention to know the time inbetween ... but they do respawn and then we tell everyone they are respawned ... this happens for both t8 and t9 ...

Remember t9 has like twice as much rss on the tile and farm like twice as fast ... we finish t8 and t9 at the same rate for our kingdom ... t9 do not last longer for us than t8 ... they are all gone if not right before cvc soon after cvc starts ...

It depends on how fast the kingdom farms them at how many days they will stay there ... I seen kingdoms not ours that have them even after cvc ... I asked before if the "limited" amount each kingdom gets depends on the kingdoms influence and have not got an answer concerning this.  If a low influence kingdom gets the same amount as a high influence kingdom then the high influence kingdom obviously is going to be able to farm them faster.

I will look at the kingdoms that you point out ...

11 июль 2019, 18:3911.07.19
16 июль 2019, 11:01(отредактировано)

An idea, irrespective of how many of these tiles a kingdom gets, clearing them all, will be dependant, on how active and proactive the players in that kingdom are.

With particular reference to the level 8 tiles, some of the big players who probably have a very high rated watch tower can pretty much see the whole kingdom? Perhaps those in the know will divulge the exact details.

Given this as true, they don't need to do a lot of  physical searching, they can just teleport where ever tiles maybe, as found by the watch tower..

If the L.8 tiles don't not empty much faster than the level 7 tiles in the forest, where most of the big players sit,because the Uber and level 6 tiles invaders and ghosts are  concentrated there, it may not be worth their while to teleport to more isolated tiles to clear them.

Another point,I have heard it said, after a while you either do not need to yield,or it gets boring, I would imagine that every high  level account or clan has to wonder what to do with all the influx of resources, and their production shut down,especially if they are either already researching and building or with none to do.

If a kingdom wins the fury battle it probably means they are a very active kingdom, and again you would expect a lot of level 9 tiles nearer the centre of the map, where most of the big accounts are found.

I am not sure if a more wide spread distribution  of level 8 tiles is indicative of anything, but there was,probably still is, one right on the edge of the map.

It is.

I made so many spelling errors before,that went unnoticed by me, and the spell check? 

16 июль 2019, 05:5116.07.19
The lvl 8 and lvl 9 tiles are dispersed throughout the kingdom.  And no highest level people cannot see most of the kingdom from their watch tower ... the kingdoms are very big ... you have to look around the map (and crash frequently as you look) to find them.  And some people don't yield much when they get bigger because on normal tiles you hardly get much from them ... on lvl 8 and lvl 9 you get a lot and fast PLUS most importantly you get coffers that give you items you need for buildings over lvl 31 and lvl 7 troops (gold nuggets and obsidians) and now also coffrets that have keys in them which you need for hero levels over level 60 ...
16 июль 2019, 10:5916.07.19

I only thought advanced players saw huge distances because one suggested they could,it was at a time of the special invaders,and they had come to way out on the edge of the map and was snaffling them up around me before I had the chance. 

Also if they cant see huge distances, how come they know to come and steal the invaders I am try to sustain attack?
16 июль 2019, 11:4316.07.19
16 июль 2019, 12:33(отредактировано)
OH those special invaders they searched the map for them and I seen people hop all over for them using relocation after relocation ... I usually find a place and sit tight ... and yea sometimes someone comes in and gets some that are around me.
16 июль 2019, 11:5916.07.19
Oh and the maximum distance you can see from your watchtower is 60 km away ... so 60 km to the west and 60 km to the east which is 120 km and the kingdom is 512 km from east to west ... and 60 km to the north and 60 km to the south which is 120 km and the kingdom is 1024 km from north to south.  You reach this maximum "sight" at Palace lvl 26.
27 июль 2020, 16:1027.07.20


please tell us how many ressources are given to the kingdom in lvl8 and lvl9 tiles overall.

I mean the complete amount of ressources which are available for all tiles until they will not respawn anymore.

My kingdom won 2 of 3 furies in the last weeks. 

Both times the lvl 9 tiles were emptied inbetween 24 hours, after that no more new tiles respawned. 

28 июль 2020, 02:2128.07.20
28 июль 2020, 18:17(отредактировано)

Even if they were prepared to  give you this information , how would it help to know it?

Its possible they have done their infamous shrinkflation,stick and carrot, especially as they announced 4 Fury in this month.
28 июль 2020, 09:3528.07.20

It is my understanding, from previous plarium posts, that there are a fixed number of level 8 and level 9 tiles overall, not a fixed number per kingdom.  So tiles re-spawn at random locations for a time determined by how actively they are being yielded throughout the game.

The unhelpful administrator post above says that locations do not respawn when depleted which I take to mean that they do not respawn at that location.

Like the unhelpful administrator I cannot explain the disparity in level 8 and level 9 tiles reported by the OP.   Possibly there is a difference in the total number available game wide, perhaps level 8 tiles have less rss.

Both types have been exhausted more quickly recently.  No doubt the increased maturity of the game with many more large towns plays a part in that but also increased rewards.
28 июль 2020, 18:1928.07.20
28 июль 2020, 18:29(отредактировано)

Things change by design or  time.

I am certain that in a recent event  the fast tiles re spawned in  exactly the same location.

I think it is wrong to suggest  that the administrators are unhelpful, even though that is how it might appear,its more like they are subordinate to someone else and  just like  any management or politician, can only give officially sanctioned statements.

I would also suggest  that the Furious Resource Hunt, might have had something to do with the fast clearing this time.
30 июль 2020, 11:2730.07.20
30 июль 2020, 22:44(отредактировано)

One clan we came up against deliberately held back farming the last of their lv 9 tiles so they could farm them for the start of the next cvc (a good trick I thought). In my experience the tiles sometimes respawn in exactly the same place (up to 3 xs) and quite often nearby.  And as the game matures, the dominant clans get bigger, and share among themselves in chat all the tiles they find, and the players get bigger with more troops, more marches and faster marches .... and the tiles just get gobbled up all that much quicker.  (The same goes for the special invaders - most special invaders are gone in my kingdom in the first 20 mins).      A couple of after thoughts: the tiles usually respawn within a couple of hours once empty; the level 9 tiles are not as numerous as the level 8 tiles. We had a lot of level 8 tiles after this last fury (more than usual ?) but they may not have respawned as often. P.S. they used to be more concentrated around large areas of water - which makes sense if the coords are random generated by computer and cant actually land in water. That wasn't so obvious the last couple of times tho.