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War Block why and How

War Block why and How

7 июль 2019, 10:0007.07.19

War Block why and How

Hi All

Why so hard to find what  , how & why on war blocks . I am accumulating scrolls that are apparently useless as they lead to mystery War block .

Anyone ?


7 июль 2019, 16:1307.07.19
7 июль 2019, 16:16(отредактировано)
Scrolls are for building the stronghold and doing stronghold knowledge in the shamans res and also building new buildings and upgrading current buildings inside the stronghold not building the war bloc. in order to build the war bloc you need a warriors draft and a lot more warriors drafts to keep increasing it's level, it is possible you have no room left to build the war bloc as you may have used it to build a manor barracks or infirmary, same applies with workshop you need to leave 2 spaces free to build the war bloc and workshop, without a workshop you will not be able to get past palace level 21. you do not have to have a warbloc but without one you will not be able to take part in onslaughts with your clan. if you have no space left to build the warbloc and workshop you will have to destroy one of your manors, barracks or infirmaries in order to make room for these buildings. You can destroy a building instantly using the torch item.
7 июль 2019, 17:4307.07.19

Thank You Laird

  I am on my way to level 15 , i have room and i find no links pointing to drafts or War Bloc .

  Too soon is why i do not see them ?

10 июль 2019, 17:5610.07.19
10 июль 2019, 17:57(отредактировано)
click on any empty tile on the left side of your town it will list the buildings that you are able to build in the list will be manor, barracks, infirmary, workshop if you have not build it already and lastly the war bloc, click on war bloc and you will have the option to build it on the empty tile, you can not build it on the right side of your town on an empty tile where the farms, lumber mill, stone and quarry and iron mines are.
17 июнь 2020, 00:2017.06.20
why can't i see war block when i highlight an empty spot on the left 
17 июнь 2020, 02:3717.06.20
17 июнь 2020, 02:38(отредактировано)

Possibly because certain buildings on the left side of town do not appear till you reach the level to be able to build them.

As the post before you already explained, I think.