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please change matchmaking

please change matchmaking

9 июнь 2019, 07:5209.06.19

please change matchmaking


please change the matchmaking of KVK, CVC and special Fury.

At the moment only the points of influence are use for the matchmaking. And it count all players in the kingdom.

Only the active players should count. Players who are off since 4weeks must not count.

And than the number of active players must go in the matchmaking too.

At the moment only the kingdom who had the most active players win.

If they not win than the kingdom with the most big influence players win.

So the differnet between the kingdoms will grow more and more special since Fury.

You will get more and more dead kingdoms.
9 июнь 2019, 20:2709.06.19
9 июнь 2019, 20:29(отредактировано)

You may be right ,my main beef agrees with your last point.

The problem is worse than with the level 7 tiles when they were only in the forest.

Now the fast tiles are everywhere, the big players move from the forest to where the players who are less developed are, and hog the  level 8  and 9 tiles.

Yes its a war game,and the big players may have done the lions share, but its a kingdom event ,and everyone should have a share of the success.

12 июнь 2019, 14:5612.06.19

the biggest  problem is the matchmaking in the fury events !!!

it provides the best bonus to the kingdoms with only one dominant clan , because if they are matched against an normally shared

populated kd with 2 bigger clans and for example 2 medicore clans, they can easily take out towers 1-2 level higher then the other

kd. and thats most what matters in fury events.

an possible solution would be to make kd os possible for fury events, or at least os for more then one clan
6 авг. 2019, 08:5406.08.19


weeks gone and no change from Plarium.

Matchmaking is very bad. Only look to inluence not on active players.

At the last Fury we make P2 but the winner had 6-7 times more points than we. At the last where we make the P2 was the same.

That is not normal and not fair.

A change where good when all P1 must play against P1 and all P2 against P2 and so on.

Or simply look at the active players and influence in the kingdoms. Than make the matches.

At the moment we fight in CVC against a winner kingdom. After 1,5 days they had no 9 level tiles. We had some 8 level tiles after 3 days.

There you can see that they have much more active players in the kingdom.

I mean when players inactive since 4-8 weeks they should not count.

6 авг. 2019, 15:0406.08.19
6 авг. 2019, 15:16(отредактировано)

This competition is very much like all the other competitions they run.

They are not going to change things  just because someone mentions it,and then does so again.

They probably may not even does so even if they are swamped with the same multiple requests,unless, firstly they want to, and secondly its easy to do.  

Fury probably hasn't been running long enough to do as you suggest, and draw all winners against each other and  likewise all second placed.Is that even fair ? 

Also as you cant clear all your level 8 tiles,why would you need to win to get level 9 instead, yes there is the other reward but would you be able to take full advantage of the 30% rather than to 10% boosts? 

Other kingdoms may or not be as active as yours , or it could be just that they are more organised .

I take  your point  that they probably already know or suspect who is going to get the top two places, and this  being the case,would be unfair on those  kingdoms who have no chance at all.

Though I can see  the mystery of not posting the scores during the battle, I wonder if the main reason they don't is, because they know the "also ran", would give up trying.

Like yourselves, even the second placed kingdom might think,the first placed team is so far ahead, why bother? 

10 авг. 2019, 21:0410.08.19


why the first place team are so far away?? I write it, because of this stupid matchmaking.

Like in all Events.

It win only the kingdom, or the clan who have the most active players and important the biggest players with the most money.

But it seems that Plarium find enough player who spend 100 or more EURO every month.

Not with me, this is only simple browser game.  For this is 100 EURO in a year much.

But at the other side it is ok. I have so more time at the weekend when a KVK or Fury is not a chance to win. Same in cvc.

And do not forgot the stupid Jothunheim or it call is only for money players.

At the beginning from Vikings the game make fun but now it goes more and more bad.

From the updates the most are only for money players.

From the last the mini Map is good, that must I say. Thanks for that.

20 авг. 2019, 09:5020.08.19

I wish I knew how opponents are picked. We are up against a clan with an average influence of 23.8 bn/ member while we average 11.2 bn/member.

This game used to be about fighting and farming but now seems to be about who can train the most t7 troops.

The new 2500% troop speed boost is too much. No chance to react.

On the plus side, I like the new mini map.
26 авг. 2019, 11:2126.08.19

My clan is in the 700's in position   and just over a Trillion influence....we have been matched with a top 40 clan  in our CVC this week  who are  8.5 Trillion influence and have many active high level players ........To say David and Goliath is an understatement. 

Im sure someone will say we should have kicked players to drop down to Odin league but I need my players.....and we have never been mismtached to such an extent before .....We have even won some CVC in Asgard League

To me Plarium look to have changed the way they do things .  We might have no choice but to kick some influence next week.   in any case this monster enemy  will just trrop trainT7's to victory just like everyone does these days.  This CVC is already over and it hasn't even started.

Warning to all ........This could and probably will  happen to you....and it goes without saying  Fury Battle is already subject to crazy kingdom matchups.

27 авг. 2019, 10:4927.08.19


not only the matchmaking should be changed.

The tasks for making the points must be change too.

For troops build or healing you get too much!

For collect resources or kill intruder or ghost are to less gainst the points for troops. Special the higher level troops.

One big player can make so much points with troops that you can not reach it with the rest (include learning)
27 авг. 2019, 11:3627.08.19

Yes  I agree , it has all become about buying a win......  11 hours into this event     score is  currently us 7.9B      to 357B  by the enemy.   Zero Troop kills ,  165B  in knowledges , the rest is T4,T5,T6 training  some T7's ....but they havn't warmed up to that yet  so their score will be in the Trillions by the end .  If you are a Top forty clan you have to get those Ten  event checkpoints ....of course ....

OUr CVC was over before it began this week.  A complete mismatch however Plarium Support Team try and justify it.

28 авг. 2019, 08:4828.08.19

Dear Jarls!

We appreciate your commitment to the game and your feedback. We will forward your suggestions to our developers and they will definitely consider it. 

Have a good day!

28 авг. 2019, 15:1228.08.19

Thank you Ivar, committment to the game is being a bit tested at the moment  as we a clan in the 700's have been  matched with a Top forty Clan for CVC  this week ......  Providing some  info below  for the developers .............    It i really not going well....Well for my clan that is.

Enemy Breakdown of competition Stats   2.5T

1B  Level 6 Invaders

6B  Uber Invaders

12B T1 trained

2B  T2 trained

3.4B  T3 trained

346B  T4 trained

29B   T5 trained

342B  T6 Trained

1T    T7 trained

1.6B  T6 Healed

3.9B  T7  Healed

247B   Buildings

511B  Knowledges

20.6B  Ghosts Level 6

......not many Troops Kills worth mentioning or RSS stats

29 авг. 2019, 11:3429.08.19
29 авг. 2019, 14:00(отредактировано)

Krusher said:

Thank you Ivar, committment to the game is being a bit tested at the moment  as we a clan in the 700's have been  matched with a Top forty Clan for CVC  this week ......  Providing some  info below  for the developers .............    It i really not going well....Well for my clan that is.

Enemy Breakdown of competition Stats   2.5T

1B  Level 6 Invaders

6B  Uber Invaders

12B T1 trained

2B  T2 trained

3.4B  T3 trained

346B  T4 trained

29B   T5 trained

342B  T6 Trained

1T    T7 trained

1.6B  T6 Healed

3.9B  T7  Healed

247B   Buildings

511B  Knowledges

20.6B  Ghosts Level 6

......not many Troops Kills worth mentioning or RSS stats


Thank you for the feedback! It has been forwarded to our developers.

The distribution across Leagues depends on the Competition type. The selection in Personal Competitions is determined by the level of the player's Town and in the case of Clan and Global ones - by the Clan’s Influence.

Below you can find the criteria of Leagues distribution that are actual at the moment. Please note that the specified criteria may be changed at any moment without notice in order to maintain balance in the game. 

Personal Competitions: 

- League of Rookies: 1-11 levels of the Palace.

- League of Recruits: 12-17 levels of the Palace.

- League of Warriors: 18-21 levels of the Palace.

- League of Conquerors: 22-24 levels of the Palace.

- League of Masters: 25-27 levels of the Palace.

- League of Odin: 28-31 levels of the Palace.

- League of Asgard: 32-35 levels of the Palace.  

Clan Competitions, the Kingdoms Battle, the Kingdoms Battle: Revenge, Kingdoms Battle:Fury:

- League of Rookies: 0 - 5 000 000 of Influence points.

- League of Recruits: 5 000 001 - 50 000 000 of Influence points.

- League of Warriors: 50 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 of Influence points.

- League of Conquerors: 1 000 000 001 - 5 000 000 000 of Influence points.

- League of Masters: 5 000 000 001 - 15 000 000 000 of Influence points.

- League of Odin: 15 000 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 000 of Influence points.

- League of Asgard: 1 000 000 000 001 - 999 999 999 999 999 of Influence points. 

The Clans Battle Competition:

- League of Rookies: 5 000 000 - 25 000 000 Influence points.

- League of Recruits: 25 000 001 - 250 000 000 Influence points.

- League of Warriors: 250 000 001 - 3 000 000 000 Influence points.

- League of Conquerors: 3 000 000 001 - 7 500 000 000 Influence points.

- League of Masters: 7 500 000 001 - 15 000 000 000 Influence points.

- League of Odin: 15 000 000 001 - 1 000 000 000 000 Influence points.

- League of Asgard: 1 000 000 000 001 - 999 999 999 999 999 of Influence points.

If you have any more questions, we will be happy to help. 

4 сент. 2019, 19:4204.09.19
4 сент. 2019, 19:50(отредактировано)


again this unfair matchmaking and the points for troops special T7.

A 6 jarl clan with one jarl who have 3/4 influence than our hole clan.

And it is a one man clan with 6 towns. Level 3 stronghold. The big one had the best equitment for hero and shamane that could build in this game. And it look that no other was ever in the clan before only this player. A big money player.


He build T7 troops and it seems that we can not do something against him.


Let big money players play with them and the normal with normal!

17 сент. 2019, 11:3317.09.19

You have a serious point to make about match making, and the ability to reach targets.

You could be right about the suppostion about players from other countries getting better deals.

It might be telling that this seems to be centrered around them, it could just be coincidence, or it could be something else to do with these countries and the people it contains.

29 окт. 2019, 18:2829.10.19


and again a stupid matchmaking.

Start influence both with 236billion influence, we 37 members they 67. What is not fair in my eyes. There kingdom is 350 kingdom younger than ours.

Now after not one day they have 286billion influence. Some troops points but now learning points. (and it is not a learning booster or speed booster day)

Must I say more that the matchmaking is a worst thing!

Thanks for doing nothing Plarium.

Again no change in matchmaking no money!

And to the modurator who look me out weeks ago do it again if you want!

The first look out was not fair I had write nothing against the rules. And if you not delete it all could see.