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Capacity verses speed

Capacity verses speed

23 март 2019, 18:3523.03.19

Capacity verses speed

I was doing alright at gathering but had to send a lot more troops so I built all high capacity legendary gear and added legendary gems for speed and capacity.  Now I am getting beat by castles with low level gear or gear with only a piece of legendary gear. Watching the castles doing beating me I think I have identified the problem.  They can send out more trips in the same amount of time. I am pretty sure there is a sweet spot using capacity and speed. I just don't know yet what it is.  I know I have beat every castle that uses the gear that provides a little cap with a lot of speed.  So I am thinking a mix of that and high capacity legendary gear.  Anyone know what is the best capacity and speed to add. I am not good enough at math to figure it out on paper but there is a point where speed and capacity is optimised. 
23 март 2019, 20:0723.03.19

dvdljns said:

I was doing alright at gathering but had to send a lot more troops so I built all high capacity legendary gear and added legendary gems for speed and capacity.  Now I am getting beat by castles with low level gear or gear with only a piece of legendary gear. Watching the castles doing beating me I think I have identified the problem.  They can send out more trips in the same amount of time. I am pretty sure there is a sweet spot using capacity and speed. I just don't know yet what it is.  I know I have beat every castle that uses the gear that provides a little cap with a lot of speed.  So I am thinking a mix of that and high capacity legendary gear.  Anyone know what is the best capacity and speed to add. I am not good enough at math to figure it out on paper but there is a point where speed and capacity is optimised. 

What exactly do you mean you're getting "beat" by other players? Are you saying they can yield as much or more than you in the same amount of time? You mention they can send out more trips, marches? As for yielding speed gear is important but focus on your spoils of wars, hero and shaman skills and then equipment. Also keep in mind where you farm from and the level of tiles are also factors. For example if you send your troops from the Valley of the Aesir you will get a bonus for yielding. 

What I'm suggesting is there could be far more to what you're seeing or more to the point, not seeing, from the others you're comparing yourself to. They could also be using a yielding boost.  

23 март 2019, 22:1723.03.19
23 март 2019, 22:21(отредактировано)

Yes  what he wrote and asked takes some understanding ,but I think I might have finally figured it out.

You really need to know more details to answer specifically

You cant go on Palace level (castlle size) alone.

There may be many reasons that someone else appears to be moving faster on the map.

The simplest being they are sending cavalry and you are sending siege.

They may have done more research and have more boosts to give them more speed.

As the the optium troop to send this will depend on

the age of the kingdom , if tile hitting is not sanctioned, where you are in the kingdom,and what compettions are running.

You can waste a lot of time  just on the march there and back, and It can dangerous to send out high level,slow moving troops.

Low level and faster moving is often the preferred choice.

Some of the hero equipment is better than others, have you got the fastest?

You only get the hero speed bonus if you send the hero out with the troops, many dont.

Since the introduction of the Shaman there are extra yielding bonuses to be had,so this could be another reason they accrue more points than you do.

As to getting beat, if you mean they are making more points than you, that could because they are yielding a different resource to you,or from a different level of tile, or they may have more troop marches than you.

You cannot directly compare without knowing  what are the differences,between yourself and those that do or dont "beat" you.

You can optimise your yielding strategy.

24 март 2019, 17:3624.03.19

Ah, now you get to point. Optimizing my yield.

I mean they gather more then me. My gear is all legend with highest capacity with legend gems (beril and topaz) I have maxed all research I can find on both capacity and yielding resources. My hero has maxed those. March speed is not the issue. Time spent gathering is. At my level I cannot find any thing else to make my troops gather faster. I did wonder if he was using higher level troops then mine? Our kingdom has a policy of t1 troops for gathering because they hurt the kingdom less if attacked. Oh well thank you for the time spent on this question.
24 март 2019, 18:2624.03.19
24 март 2019, 18:28(отредактировано)
Higher level troops only increase capacity ... they do not increase the speed of resource yielding.  Maybe the person had more available marches than you.  Also there is the resource yielding bonus items ... they help a lot for marches that don't have the hero on them.