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Aquamarine and indicolite gems

Aquamarine and indicolite gems

7 март 2019, 22:2707.03.19

Aquamarine and indicolite gems

Greetings all,

I am looking for tips on getting Pict and Longobard Uber’s to drop more special gems. It seems like it’s been forever since I’ve received even one of unusual quality. Is there a limit to how many a player receives? Should I remove from build/learn gear to increase my drop chances? Should I relocate my town to attack from different angles? Is there a time after Uber’s spawn when drop rate is best? During or not during an invader event?

I’m stumped here... I know their drop rate is very rare but they definitely dropped more frequently after Uber’s were originally released a year or so ago. Is it even possible to max hero and shaman with legendary Aquamarine and Indicolite gems??

7 март 2019, 23:4307.03.19

Drougr said:

 Is it even possible to max hero and shaman with legendary Aquamarine and Indicolite gems??

yes... i have already use 12 Aquamarine for hero and shaman and below you can see what remain in overstock

have the same for the building gens, the training gems, the offense gems...

If you worry about gems, wait until you begin with runes... it is worse...

As for have better dropping, be sure to hit until your % is at max : 600% ... and have critical hit study at max... this combined can give you better reward but gems remain somehow rare...

personaly, i only buy energy with superpack or hyperpack... and each week, i am hitting ubers for 2 hours... around 1 million energy spend for 20-22 ubers... with time, i stockpile gems... i am doing it because shaman gear and super combat armor stronghold need a huge amount of material...

And i wish there was uber ghost because lvl 6 are dead before i reach my max %
8 март 2019, 00:0008.03.19
Thnx for the quick reply, Anesfan... I will keep hitting target Uber’s I guess
8 март 2019, 00:3008.03.19
Anesfan ... can you tell me approximately how many hits you need to kill a lvl  6 ghost ...
9 март 2019, 21:2809.03.19
Am I more likely to get better and more drops from Ubers if I attack without invader gear on and no attack bonus going?  It seems invader gear helps with total hit damage and energy spent. If Sustained attack and critical hit determine bonus of drop then in theory it should take more hits to kill invader. More hits at more attack bonus should yield more drops...? Unless drop quality is determined more by damage than by sust attack...
10 март 2019, 14:5710.03.19

CIM said:

Anesfan ... can you tell me approximately how many hits you need to kill a lvl  6 ghost ...

sorry, don t know and i have no more energy shaman for test it

it happen a little before the max %, so i think it must be something like 40 hit
10 март 2019, 15:3110.03.19

Drougr said:

Am I more likely to get better and more drops from Ubers if I attack without invader gear on and no attack bonus going?  It seems invader gear helps with total hit damage and energy spent. If Sustained attack and critical hit determine bonus of drop then in theory it should take more hits to kill invader. More hits at more attack bonus should yield more drops...? Unless drop quality is determined more by damage than by sust attack...

the attack bonus increase damage who increase quality of drop...

the critical hit is something else who is more visible when you hit lower lvl invader... invader have a maximum of drop quality related to his level... you will never have a legendary drop by a lvl 1... by example, lvl 5 can drop max epic... but when a high % and doing a critical hit, you can have legendary... so critical hit allow better reward that when it is a normal hit...

if you have energy to waste, you can do test... don't grow your % and hit a uber... lot of energy used, and huge amount of low quality material... again but with growing to max %... less energy used, less material but of better quality... when merging the huge amount of material from first test, you will end with almost nothing in high quality but you will have use a huge amount of energy

if you are not hunting the special uber gems, but only the mat, it is very possible that ubers are not the right invader for you... personaly, if a invader have less that 30% remaining when i am at my max %, it mean that i need to move to a stronger lvl of invader... for some people who are not yet maxed, it can be more profitable to hit a lvl 6 for mat that a uber... specialy when you need a specific mat urgently because uber have mat from 4 type of invader and your chance to receive what you need is lower

And again, need to see the big picture... you and your clan need to do point in event... killing uber pay well in point... and if you have clansmate for yield them, it is again plenty of fast point... always good to hit invader/ultra that you need for something, when it count in several event in the same time when you have clansmate for yield the generated rss... gold and reward from event must be included for calculate your return on energy investment... in case of cvc or clan event, return to all clan mate need to be included too... sometime, by killing a uber extra, you pas a level in a event clan and your hundred or more clanmate will receive extra gold and reward... later, your clansmate will use these gold and reward and do point to0... and your will be rewarded in return...

This game is about strategy... fighting is only a part of it... your investment is what you purchase at the bank and your job is to have the best return on these invesment for you, your clan and your kingdom
10 март 2019, 19:0710.03.19


it is like in the real life.

That what you need you not have and what you not need you have much.

Some stones are rare, special learning and building.

But other stones you get not so often. I know that I get the Elexir not much. But know I get it much.

The first what you should do is to make the equitment for intruders ready to legandary. Not build any equitment under legendary.

It cost time but it is worth.

10 март 2019, 19:5410.03.19
Best results on ubers for rare drops in 2 hours before KVK event ends.  you need to hit when the servers are super busy t increase drop loads/
10 март 2019, 20:4810.03.19

Interesting observation Turbomaster... I will test that theory.

 Thnx everyone else for input. I am no noob to game, been playing just over 3 yrs now. My main acct is 5 bil influence while my alt is only 300 mil... Both are maxed on invader tree and legendary invader gear. Yesterday I hit 4 Longobards with alt and received multiple rare, two epic, and one legendary Indicolite gem. The best drops happened while doing continued single hits after I reached my max 600% attack bonus, and NOT doing enhanced attack. I also hit 4 Longobards with my main and only yielded one rare Indicolite; I have 10 legendary indicolite in my main cache, but only 5 in my alt... so it seems like the game servers know to give less frequently the more you have in your cache.

My original question was inquiring about tricks or timing to increase the quality of drops, specifically special gems.

10 март 2019, 21:3910.03.19

yeah TURBOMASTER74 that's a very specific observation, how long did it took you to that conclusion? just like DROUGR i will need to test that theory 

11 март 2019, 01:3311.03.19
I hit four Uber’s in the last 30 min of KVK. The first one yielded two epic indicolite gems, the second none, and one rare from both third and fourth Uber’s.  
11 март 2019, 10:3711.03.19

turbomaster74 said:

you need to hit when the servers are super busy t increase drop loads/

it increase lag too... when server are busy, it say 2sec for hit invader but it take 30 sec for the hero to leave the city... must be too much chatter at the gate :p

and for the last week, i have experience at least 1 opengl thing for each ubers with extra long time for reload the game since friday...

my free time is more precious and rare that the gems... wish the plarium server was never overload and with huge lag
13 март 2019, 10:2813.03.19
I have noticed that recently (last couple months) these gems seem to drop much less than before ...
22 март 2019, 23:1622.03.19
CIM said:

I have noticed that recently (last couple months) these gems seem to drop much less than before ...
You had asked about level six ghosts earlier. For me it takes on average 35 hits with a 10% offensive bonus. My shaman is maxed but my shaman knowledge has a few more upgrades available so it could be better.