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Beating a Bully

Beating a Bully

4 март 2019, 00:3704.03.19

Beating a Bully

Beating a Bully who preys on much smaller and weaker clans, while moving around with a shield, what can be done? Multiple clans coming together to Onslaught the Hell out of these Bullies. Is there a way to bust through their shields and destroy them?
4 март 2019, 02:0404.03.19
4 март 2019, 02:07(отредактировано)

Are you perhaps new to the game and in a new kingdom? Is the group of players,or clan you mention composed of very high ranking players?

If this is true then you have come up against a strategy that experienced players use, to start again in a new kingdom, with the sole purpose of dominating it, by not giving any players, especially new ones the chance  to get established and pose a challenge to their plan.

4 март 2019, 17:4304.03.19

Trevor Ridge said:

Beating a Bully who preys on much smaller and weaker clans, while moving around with a shield, what can be done? Multiple clans coming together to Onslaught the Hell out of these Bullies. Is there a way to bust through their shields and destroy them?

you cannot go through shield but... you can make his life difficult...

In my former kingdom, there was people like this that we call terrorist... since they don't follow the kingdom rules, they was not protected by them... we have make it impossible for them to yield rss... once they send troop for yield, we was kitting them on tile... more, most of the top 10 clan have agree that terrorist will not be allowed to join any clan for support... if a clan accept a terrorist, all members of these clan will be hunt by the other clan of the kingdom...

Any top clan know that bullies/terrorist are a plague who weaken a kingdom... top clan want a strong kingdom for win kvk/kvkr... it is beneficial for all that smaller clans grow and become stronger... the best weapons against bullies/terrorist is not the brute force but political pact between numerous clans...

4 март 2019, 20:5704.03.19
If that is indeed the case, then fuck it. This BS ain't worth my anxiety pains. Thank you xyz said:

Are you perhaps new to the game and in a new kingdom? Is the group of players,or clan you mention composed of very high ranking players?

If this is true then you have come up against a strategy that experienced players use, to start again in a new kingdom, with the sole purpose of dominating it, by not giving any players, especially new ones the chance  to get established and pose a challenge to their plan.

4 март 2019, 20:5904.03.19

Outstanding advice. Thank you 

anesfan said:

Trevor Ridge said:

Beating a Bully who preys on much smaller and weaker clans, while moving around with a shield, what can be done? Multiple clans coming together to Onslaught the Hell out of these Bullies. Is there a way to bust through their shields and destroy them?

you cannot go through shield but... you can make his life difficult...

In my former kingdom, there was people like this that we call terrorist... since they don't follow the kingdom rules, they was not protected by them... we have make it impossible for them to yield rss... once they send troop for yield, we was kitting them on tile... more, most of the top 10 clan have agree that terrorist will not be allowed to join any clan for support... if a clan accept a terrorist, all members of these clan will be hunt by the other clan of the kingdom...

Any top clan know that bullies/terrorist are a plague who weaken a kingdom... top clan want a strong kingdom for win kvk/kvkr... it is beneficial for all that smaller clans grow and become stronger... the best weapons against bullies/terrorist is not the brute force but political pact between numerous clans...

5 март 2019, 04:2305.03.19
5 март 2019, 04:24(отредактировано)
If those bullies don't stop attacking in next 2-3 months, and if you tried anything in the meantime (tile hits, tile traps, regular traps, direct hits, bad reputes, even ignoring them) you will relocate to other kingdom where such pests doesn't exist.
7 март 2019, 01:4807.03.19
Will it not be the same in any other kingdom? I have made allies to attack as one force. They seem to always attack while shielded, doesn't make sense. Yеllow said:

If those bullies don't stop attacking in next 2-3 months, and if you tried anything in the meantime (tile hits, tile traps, regular traps, direct hits, bad reputes, even ignoring them) you will relocate to other kingdom where such pests doesn't exist.

7 март 2019, 07:1107.03.19

Trevor Ridge said:

Will it not be the same in any other kingdom? I have made allies to attack as one force. They seem to always attack while shielded, doesn't make sense. Yеllow said:

If those bullies don't stop attacking in next 2-3 months, and if you tried anything in the meantime (tile hits, tile traps, regular traps, direct hits, bad reputes, even ignoring them) you will relocate to other kingdom where such pests doesn't exist.

Yes it can be the same but for now majority of kingdoms have peace. Our old kingdom had same issues and I made thread about it as you did. It didn't work.

Unless there is a way to implement some rule for kingdom peace, these things will be present in some kingdoms.
7 март 2019, 10:2407.03.19

Yеllow said:

Unless there is a way to implement some rule for kingdom peace, these things will be present in some kingdoms.

Same if all clan of a kingdom follow some rules and there is peace, there is not way to be sure about bullies who use drakkar... in my second kingdom, we have know a few of them too... have hunt them but after a time, they have simply migrate to a other kingdom using drakkar... before drakkar, it was more easy to starve them to dead until they quit the game... now, most of them are moving between kingdom when it become too much hot and run amok in a new kingdom...
7 март 2019, 13:4307.03.19

anesfan said:

Yеllow said:

Unless there is a way to implement some rule for kingdom peace, these things will be present in some kingdoms.

Same if all clan of a kingdom follow some rules and there is peace, there is not way to be sure about bullies who use drakkar... in my second kingdom, we have know a few of them too... have hunt them but after a time, they have simply migrate to a other kingdom using drakkar... before drakkar, it was more easy to starve them to dead until they quit the game... now, most of them are moving between kingdom when it become too much hot and run amok in a new kingdom...

How can you starve bully to death ? They can buy packages too and hit abandoned and unshielded cities.

We have dealt with idiot who was buying packs, and there is nothing you can do to stop him. You can hit him, hit tile he has hit, but if he is stubborn enough, he can destroy whole kingdom.
9 март 2019, 17:2909.03.19
Maybe a voice from many players from All over the world can be heard by Plarium. I have hit some terrorist bullies as they go for resources, got em good. Then, they destroy my clan. They Are terrorists I have tried multi-clan attacks so I know we can work together. But as y'all said, they move from kingdom to kingdom. I realize this is a game and we have to deal with strong players' brutality to win. Can We work together, clan to clan, kingdom to kingdom to Stop these Sumbitches? We can maintain a line of communication between us, "the enemy of enemy, is my friend"
10 март 2019, 14:5010.03.19

Yеllow said:

How can you starve bully to death ? They can buy packages too and hit abandoned and unshielded cities.

They probably can do that in young kingdom but in older more organized one, it will cost them a lot of money for being capable of bullying other...

As some point, when you grown, it become very difficult with the "help clansman" button... what the bully gather from dead city become very little of what is needed to grown... clan begin to research stronghold armor who give superiority to a stand alone bully...

well, it was true before drakar... now, they move elsewhere join a clan, craft special stronghold armor... and once strong, they begin to be bully... when kingdom become too much hot, they move to a other one where nobody know them and the cycle of terror begin again...

Not a lot that plarium of us can do about it... drakar was beneficial for me too... french speaking player was rare in our kingdom and our clan was dying... we have all immigrate to a older kingdom and merge with a other french clan... if there was not the drakar, i will have already quit the game...

best way to get rid of bullies is for a cclan to help the smaller one to grow and become stronger... once most become stronger that the bully, he will move elsewhere because bullies prey on the weak.
10 март 2019, 23:3910.03.19

Merci.  We are Not weak by any means, these terrorists have been bullying even the largest of clans here. We have united at times to overcome one terrorist, but his terrorist clan then devours Everybody. I guess all we can do is to continue to work together to combat this plague. As far as a language barrier, we have clansmen from all parts of America and Europe. 

anesfan said:

Yеllow said:

How can you starve bully to death ? They can buy packages too and hit abandoned and unshielded cities.

They probably can do that in young kingdom but in older more organized one, it will cost them a lot of money for being capable of bullying other...

As some point, when you grown, it become very difficult with the "help clansman" button... what the bully gather from dead city become very little of what is needed to grown... clan begin to research stronghold armor who give superiority to a stand alone bully...

well, it was true before drakar... now, they move elsewhere join a clan, craft special stronghold armor... and once strong, they begin to be bully... when kingdom become too much hot, they move to a other one where nobody know them and the cycle of terror begin again...

Not a lot that plarium of us can do about it... drakar was beneficial for me too... french speaking player was rare in our kingdom and our clan was dying... we have all immigrate to a older kingdom and merge with a other french clan... if there was not the drakar, i will have already quit the game...

best way to get rid of bullies is for a cclan to help the smaller one to grow and become stronger... once most become stronger that the bully, he will move elsewhere because bullies prey on the weak.

11 март 2019, 00:5711.03.19

If its a huge player it's much easier to deal with him than if it's a small stubborn moron who doesn't even have gear, but it doesn't really matter cos in the end its always the same outcome with them. They leave the kingdom or stop playing. What's important is that your leading clan is enforcing rules and working on all problems as they come up using diplomacy and respect first and force absolutely as last option and 99% of people won't make problems. 

We had a big player port to our kd out of nowhere, we took him right in, was going good he was a good fighter and fit in, we won most events with him Integration was good, but he kept breaking kd rules on peace days and attacking small players to get just a few b of rss just simply greedy and trigger happy, and was so nasty treating all other ppl outside clan like shit, often tried to persuade me to drop those rules go after everyone so he got booted. He was really just nasty to even talk to and idk he thought he could just keep it up and we will be quiet cos he is huge, and I'm sure now he thought he could solo pop with his 150b at the time. He wasted around 12m t6 off the bat opened with it, then a bunch of t3 countless t1 and didn't do jack, rest of us were ranging from 5b to 60b, I think he just overestimated himself like a lot of those guys do. Then he spent time running to eks to avoid negative reputes on rsrch days and had zero helps cos the whole kd outlawed him. Zero helps and just not getting rsrch repute let alone getting a negative one is death for a huge player. No one can play this game alone, so yea he moved yet to an even younger kd, he chooses the ones where he is the biggest by far, very sad people.

The smaller morons who just want attention or idk just enjoy making drama going around hitting tiles and just showing everyone they don't care, very rare but remember they waste so much gold for ports shields it's just bound to catch up with them and it only takes one mistake, they are bound to quit or eventually just slow down.

If the top clan is on the kingdoms side and they know what they are doing there is no way any type of bully can rly do anything, they will be chassed out sooner or later. 
11 март 2019, 10:0511.03.19

MrClouder said:

If its a huge player it's much easier to deal with him than if it's a small stubborn moron who doesn't even have gear, but it doesn't really matter cos in the end its always the same outcome with them. They leave the kingdom or stop playing. What's important is that your leading clan is enforcing rules and working on all problems as they come up using diplomacy and respect first and force absolutely as last option and 99% of people won't make problems. 

We had a big player port to our kd out of nowhere, we took him right in, was going good he was a good fighter and fit in, we won most events with him Integration was good, but he kept breaking kd rules on peace days and attacking small players to get just a few b of rss just simply greedy and trigger happy, and was so nasty treating all other ppl outside clan like shit, often tried to persuade me to drop those rules go after everyone so he got booted. He was really just nasty to even talk to and idk he thought he could just keep it up and we will be quiet cos he is huge, and I'm sure now he thought he could solo pop with his 150b at the time. He wasted around 12m t6 off the bat opened with it, then a bunch of t3 countless t1 and didn't do jack, rest of us were ranging from 5b to 60b, I think he just overestimated himself like a lot of those guys do. Then he spent time running to eks to avoid negative reputes on rsrch days and had zero helps cos the whole kd outlawed him. Zero helps and just not getting rsrch repute let alone getting a negative one is death for a huge player. No one can play this game alone, so yea he moved yet to an even younger kd, he chooses the ones where he is the biggest by far, very sad people.

The smaller morons who just want attention or idk just enjoy making drama going around hitting tiles and just showing everyone they don't care, very rare but remember they waste so much gold for ports shields it's just bound to catch up with them and it only takes one mistake, they are bound to quit or eventually just slow down.

If the top clan is on the kingdoms side and they know what they are doing there is no way any type of bully can rly do anything, they will be chassed out sooner or later. 

Sorry I just can't agree with bolded part of your post - they are not the same everywhere.

I made this thread in October https://plarium.com/forum/en/vikings-war-of-clans/582_general-questions/114495_why-can-t-kingdom-bullies-be-punished--/ b

bcs we had similar problem and we were terrorized by a small clan and small chief of that clan (500m in influence). Kingdom 520, had 4 big clans and several medium ones, all bigger than his bully clan. Yet he managed to destroy whole kingdom and rule it. How ?

In his clan he had 3-4 real people who followed him and 20 alts. They never had in their towns more than 200k t1. They were hitting everyone on tiles, I mean everyone even big towns. They have been hit, they have been trapped in tiles or town traps, but they could easily rebuild since they had nothing major in their towns. All kind of talks have been tried upon them, nice, nasty, psychological games, you name it. It all failed. 10 clans, god knows how many people have tried talking, bad reputes.... nothing made breakthrough.

At one point chief of bully clan decided to invest major in Plarium and he has built his 500m influence town to 70b in just 3 months. Needless to say many saw that as the end. More people quit than moved.

We have received tons of suggestions and nothing worked, you just can't kill something that has no life.

11 март 2019, 10:5411.03.19

Yеllow said:

Sorry I just can't agree with bolded part of your post - they are not the same everywhere.

well, MRClouder reply was a pretty good one... sure, terrorist are not the same everywhere but his reply can apply to most of them... specially the alone wolf...

But when there is a clan involved, who support the terrorist, as in your case, it is very hard to counter... a mini clan with one bully and a bank can already be a problem because bank who never drop shield can be used for store rss and extra troop as reinforcement...

As the chief with 20 alt, not sure that he have invest a lot in plarium... the alt can wait month for have package as these weekend in hyperpack mode... a lot of goodies for a few $$$... but in the case of this guys X 20...
11 март 2019, 11:5811.03.19

anesfan said:

Yеllow said:

Sorry I just can't agree with bolded part of your post - they are not the same everywhere.

well, MRClouder reply was a pretty good one... sure, terrorist are not the same everywhere but his reply can apply to most of them... specially the alone wolf...

But when there is a clan involved, who support the terrorist, as in your case, it is very hard to counter... a mini clan with one bully and a bank can already be a problem because bank who never drop shield can be used for store rss and extra troop as reinforcement...

As the chief with 20 alt, not sure that he have invest a lot in plarium... the alt can wait month for have package as these weekend in hyperpack mode... a lot of goodies for a few $$$... but in the case of this guys X 20...

Tile hits are expensive. Relocating, shielding, boosting marches, building troops, it costs. Managing 20 alts with rss, troops and doing tile hitting costs. Above all, building 70b town from scratch in 3 months is not like buying 1 mega package, it is very expensive.

Point is that there are people who can take this game very personally and are ready to put their time and money into it, and with current rules you can't deal with these kind of people.
11 март 2019, 13:2211.03.19
11 март 2019, 13:28(отредактировано)

Well you have to be a really commited sad person to do it and smart too. But most people can't take pleasure in it for too long. It's all nice and good when they start out looks pretty bad and everyone complains but with each passing week it gets weaker and weaker, the important thing in my opinion is just not to give up, keep sending to tiles and let everyone know. It's a battle of willpower and certainly harder than a huge player going after everyone. 

But in my opinion it is best to keep smart protocol in place to prevent it from ever happening. I'm always very careful when I see anyone acting out in our kd line app chat or anywhere, sometimes people just want you to listen so being just firm but not hostile in response can save everyone a lot of trouble and time and if a tile hit happens out of the blue no retaliation mumbo jumbo, talk first see what's up. Most of those never ending problems in a kd stem from the beginning when relations got so bad over some petty bull shit like first march, that's why we don't enforce that rule hard to prove, we leave it up to people, the ones being dicks are always remembered, but if you can get to a tile first and have no shame it's yours buddy, unless it's not your uber and wasn't free, communication between kd leaders is key, squash the BS in the beginning, but those relationships take a lot of time to forge. Once shit escalates it's very hard to contain it. 

As long as big players treat small ones with respect chances are very low for anything like it to happen. But there are always mad people and we had a few ourselves but fortunately for us they were morons, also kept a low troop count but just got tired of it and couldn't keep up with hitting 300 people farming just cannot be done. Our kingdom is very strong in battle but it is equally strong in yielding power cos all small players yield and are super valued, tile hits in kvk just don't work on our kd, whole forest is taken at all times. 

Edit: @yellow tek sam te sad pogledao lol, baci pogled na naše kraljevstvo 697

11 март 2019, 20:0311.03.19

Disciples of Death, kingdom #782: A clansman going by, Alexander VL is protected by his powerful clan. Their chief says he does what he does for his clan and demands proof of his terrorist atrocoties, but battle records don't go back that far. We have tried diplomacy, to no avail. Our clan has worked with other clans to combat these terrorists, they stay shielded. We hit them at their resources, while they're raiding for gold. Then they get angry, cry foul, and destroy everything they can, regardless of who is who. This terrorists clan is the Chief Clan in our kingdom. Anyone willing to jump to our kingdom, join My clan, to deal these lil bitches an unrecoverable blow?

 MrClouder said:

If its a huge player it's much easier to deal with him than if it's a small stubborn moron who doesn't even have gear, but it doesn't really matter cos in the end its always the same outcome with them. They leave the kingdom or stop playing. What's important is that your leading clan is enforcing rules and working on all problems as they come up using diplomacy and respect first and force absolutely as last option and 99% of people won't make problems. 

We had a big player port to our kd out of nowhere, we took him right in, was going good he was a good fighter and fit in, we won most events with him Integration was good, but he kept breaking kd rules on peace days and attacking small players to get just a few b of rss just simply greedy and trigger happy, and was so nasty treating all other ppl outside clan like shit, often tried to persuade me to drop those rules go after everyone so he got booted. He was really just nasty to even talk to and idk he thought he could just keep it up and we will be quiet cos he is huge, and I'm sure now he thought he could solo pop with his 150b at the time. He wasted around 12m t6 off the bat opened with it, then a bunch of t3 countless t1 and didn't do jack, rest of us were ranging from 5b to 60b, I think he just overestimated himself like a lot of those guys do. Then he spent time running to eks to avoid negative reputes on rsrch days and had zero helps cos the whole kd outlawed him. Zero helps and just not getting rsrch repute let alone getting a negative one is death for a huge player. No one can play this game alone, so yea he moved yet to an even younger kd, he chooses the ones where he is the biggest by far, very sad people.

The smaller morons who just want attention or idk just enjoy making drama going around hitting tiles and just showing everyone they don't care, very rare but remember they waste so much gold for ports shields it's just bound to catch up with them and it only takes one mistake, they are bound to quit or eventually just slow down.

If the top clan is on the kingdoms side and they know what they are doing there is no way any type of bully can rly do anything, they will be chassed out sooner or later. 

12 март 2019, 02:3412.03.19
12 март 2019, 02:36(отредактировано)

I have just been doing a bit of fact finding,

Your Kingdom is the 11th newest, and only 40 days old, and at the moment I am not sure if any one can use drakkars to move there.

There is little point in weak or novice players moving as they would find themselves in a similar postion to yourself.

Most of the problem clan already have massive influence and high level palaces.

I have been watching them in the centre of the enemy kingdom forest . zooming around killing and harvesting from ubers.

Its clear you are not able to be able to do this unless you have played before, and as suggested,planned the whole operation and organised a clan jump to take over a new kingdom.

I might have guessed the type and  nationality of those involved.

Good luck.

12 март 2019, 05:0012.03.19
We continue to harass them, and along with our other clan allies, We just piss em off. Play their games  when we can, and carry on with Our clan duties. Thanks for checking up. As far as Our nationalities: Out of Many, One. Many nations, One clan


I have just been doing a bit of fact finding,

Your Kingdom is the 11th newest, and only 40 days old, and at the moment I am not sure if any one can use drakkars to move there.

There is little point in weak or novice players moving as they would find themselves in a similar postion to yourself.

Most of the problem clan already have massive influence and high level palaces.

I have been watching them in the centre of the enemy kingdom forest . zooming around killing and harvesting from ubers.

Its clear you are not able to be able to do this unless you have played before, and as suggested,planned the whole operation and organised a clan jump to take over a new kingdom.

I might have guessed the type and  nationality of those involved.

Good luck.