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Violated terms of use

Violated terms of use

28 фев. 2019, 12:1328.02.19

Violated terms of use

Hello everyone

I got a system message from plarium team telling that I have violated the Terms of use I agreed not to.

they told me that I used my account, the Site or Service for anything other than personal non-commercial entertainment purposes. and believe me I have no idea about this and i contacted them through facebook but they didn't give me clear answer and always do give no clear answer, they sent me link of terms of use but it's not well explained. so please can someone here explain for me if he had this issue before or knows little about this issue.

Many thanks

28 фев. 2019, 13:1528.02.19
Only you and them , unless they made a mistake, which is the least likely event, know what you are doing apart from playing the game .
4 март 2019, 08:5604.03.19
Still no answer from plarium team  :(   
4 март 2019, 17:5504.03.19


... unless they made a mistake, which is the least likely event ...

man, it is the best joke of the year

maybe they don't do mistake directly but their automated tool are well know to be from the nuclear type making a lot of collateral damage...

Last year, i have be accused to be a hacker because i was with devellopper tools in firefox... accused to use third party software... blocked by their ddos protection for 2 hours several time because of too much login/logout... this make me think that plarium automated tools are the most likely to make a mistake...

in fact, the last mistake that several have suffered was being accused to buy illegal bank package... at the end, plarium have restored the account of player because there was no way to know that these package was illegal for player to buy...
7 март 2019, 00:3307.03.19
Pretty funny that they are getting you for that.   They ignore accounts when thy are bought and sold
8 март 2019, 12:3308.03.19
8 март 2019, 12:37(отредактировано)

Anesfan wrote.

man, it is the best joke of the year.

Happy it made you laugh. 

What I was trying to say was,that we who post on the forum have no idea who is in the right.

Yes things can go wrong and players can be flagged for something that isnt true, or something they thought was genuine but isnt.

Generally  scammers know that they are scamming, but people can be innocent victims of convincing seemingly genuine websites or messages.

We do not know if Plarium made a mistake, or, if Abdouinelec accidentally or deliberately did something against the rules.

turbomaster74 wrote

Pretty funny that they are getting you for that.   They ignore accounts when thy are bought and sold

We do not know how serious the infringment may have been,or the weighting of the different rules,or how strictly they are enforced, we have only seen the alleged notice of the alleged infringement, so cannot really judge the merits.