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How much does troop count in your town effect your defense ?

How much does troop count in your town effect your defense ?

17 янв. 2019, 15:3117.01.19

How much does troop count in your town effect your defense ?

I understand that if someone is of very high influence over you they may still break you. But let's say your a 20B guy high military knowledge with over 130mill troops in town.. I assume even someone with 40b influence  wouldnt  just  be able to break through in a March or 2.. how much does troop count in town effect your defense ?
18 янв. 2019, 01:1018.01.19
18 янв. 2019, 01:41(отредактировано)

It affects it greatly, and with the right things done in research you can tank any 1v1 hit even with 15b influence but you have to do it right, its a very specific build focusing on getting your reducers as high as possible. I will try to find a hit from couple of months ago when I was that size with troop count. 

This guy had it all, but keep in mind this was before the new update and max march size was 1.85m, now it will be completely differnt, I personally don't carry t1 with me anymore instead use t3, but yea a stacked city with the right research done can tank any 1v1 hit out there. If you go for this strategy to get hits from giants then you have to do only the most important rsrch cos if you shoot over 25b they are more careful to send t6. This was in Jot and yea don't mess around in Jot, they will OS you there in under a minute. I got caught once.

So if you have a total troop power higher than what you are up against 150% more of total then overwhelming mechanic works in your favor and enemy loses up to 48% of their attack, stops them right in the tracks.

Just stats for clarity, but those aren't that much important since plarium tossed out the reducers from view, and it's what matters for this mostly, your reducers.

23 янв. 2019, 22:3823.01.19
Nice defence 👍
6 фев. 2019, 08:5706.02.19

Is there some resource somewhere that explains how the combat in this games work in more detail?

I am rather new  and keep getting hit by bigger guys in my kingdom. and they lose next to nothing attacking me, even when I have quite a few troops for my level.

Keep in mind we are talking someone with 100 times my influnce.

Is my only option to just keep a shield up at all times?

And if so, what should I focus on to be able to  defend myself as soon as possible? in terms of troops, knowledge hero skills etc?

Is there a guide out there for this kind of stuff? I haven't been able to find one if so.

Thanks in advance for any advice
6 фев. 2019, 11:2106.02.19
6 фев. 2019, 11:57(отредактировано)

First, I think that there is or used to be some discussions here on the forum about  how battles work, and I think on the internet you will find people have posted their ideas.   However I am not sure how useful this will be, as it may be out of date.

Recent updates have changed things a lot, and you do not get as much information from  game reports now, and always much less if you lost the battle.

The answer to your second question, is Yes, the only way to guarantee that you wont get hit is to be shielded at all times.

My  personal opnion is that this is a big flaw in the game, but is one of the ways that the owners make money to run it.

I can tell you that even at palace 5 or less, when no resources can be stolen that you can still be hit by other players.

No shield mostly indicates "mug" , the player has stoppped playing,(even though they havent), and there are free resources or points to be won, plus some players  get a big thrill out of setting towns on fire.

What you will find is that those players who are 100 times bigger than you , have probably played this or other games before , have spent a lot of time, or especially money , in order to buy progress quickly, so they can do just what you describe, attack players who are less advanced because stealing from other players,is the way to go,as farming is for whimps, even though the whole thing is an illusion, because thats what they are doing anyway, farming ,collecting resources in order to get bigger to get more resources to get bigger and so on.

You can try to go unshielded, but you would have to have no resources to steal or just enough troops for a full march,or garrison them with someone who has a shield.

Which means being in a clan with someone with  permanent shield which means skill , or money and or time and dedication to the game.

Build your vault as high as you can. this prevents anything under the limit being stolen.

Concentrate on doing as much knowledge  research as you can,this will help you kill more and loose less in a battle,

My best advice is to get out while you can, quit playing.

If you are deterimed to stay, get shielded ,get as strong as you can, learn as much as you can, as quickly as you can.

This route isnt always the  most obvious.

6 фев. 2019, 12:3006.02.19

haha, thanks for the reply and the tips.

I guess I'll use up the shields I have at least and we'll see.

I just started playing so quiting isn't an option for now =) We'll see later if nothing changes.

What about defending myself? just make more troops? Should I try to focus my herogear, knowlede etc. on one trooptype? Or spread it out?

I wasn't able to find any good guides on this, and the forum search function sucks balls.
6 фев. 2019, 15:0706.02.19
Showing a negative troop count through manipulation of resurrect is really important.  You will get hit all day.  Just make sure u can defend.
6 фев. 2019, 22:1806.02.19
6 фев. 2019, 22:21(отредактировано)

You will probably find that  you would need an excessive amount of troops to defend the town.

The people who are raiding you are likely to be experts, and will have done the knowledge that weaken your troops and increase there own.

Anything you can do knowledge wise or hero wise that strengthens your position is vaulable.

Study the hero tree and shaman trees and the oracle trees,think ahead and plan accordingly if you are sticking around, or just do what a lot of players do, build lots of troops thinking they can win the fight, get slaughtered a few times and quit.

You can waste an aweful lot of resources. with keeping training troops.knowledge is never lost

I believe most specialise in one type, this means you can concentate your efforts there,but,you are then vulnerable to players who have the troops with strongest attack against your troops.

Its worth investing in the VIP if you havent done so already.

The higher the level the better it is for strengthening your attack, and weakening theirs.

Some hero gear is more useful than others,it depends on how quickly you can get the gear,and how much you are prepared to spend on the game, especially as regards energy packs, you cannot make much progress without it.

8 фев. 2019, 09:3508.02.19

I've got a bunch of energy packs and some boosts, as well as the a few of the gear pieces that lets you finish stuff right away as long as there is about 24h left. and I've got VIP lvl 14.

But now I found about the super and mega packs and I think I'll wait to spend more money until I get one of those, if I still enjoy the game by that time.

I seem to be making enough gold from challenges to keep a shield up 100% of the time, so I'm not so worried about attacks atm.

What I am missing is some tips on what to research first, build orders etc.

But I hear what you are saying, spend resources on knowledge and buildings first, since you can't lose that.

What hero gear should I focus on first? I have been trying to get the building and learning speed ones first. but I guess I should focus on one.

From what you are saying probably better to get knowledge one first?

Thanks again for taking the time to help a newbie out
8 фев. 2019, 13:5008.02.19
9 фев. 2019, 16:41(отредактировано)

I will have to get back to you later, In the middle of a long message to you the text just vanished and I cant restore it.

Guides can soon become obsolete,especially with new updates,and access to special features like "Gear of the North" for new starters, like yourself.

The bank offers have changed over the lifetime of the game, and there is always contradictory opinion, even if we had sound knowledge of them, there is no certinity that they will remain as they are now.

Your access to plentiful gold may not continue, as you progress through the leagues the rewards may increase, but so do the targets.

The  game doesnt give you complete freedom, so I would say only do the minimum that you need, in order to access the things that you need or want.

For instance do you need to do research,train troops right now that you will not use later, are not using now?

T1 troops are the fastest moving, and though carry the least, are usually considered the best  troops for collecting from resource tiles, especially during events, (unless you have domain guards) or in kingdoms without a no tile hitting policy.

If you are going to stay shielded,effectively doing little or no fighting,you only need as many troops as you can send out for the number of marches that you have.

You do not need a vast army that eats all your food leaving none for upgrades.

Similar with killing invaders, right now some of them will be more useful to you than others, and if you never scout , the hounds offer liitle. There are some invaders that will have a long term gain, if you are planning to stay, and others that will have a short term gain, depending on how quickly you get level your Hero to  the milestone 50, and then the current maximum of 60.

The Royal Guardsman will give you long term benefits, but as with many pieces of equipment, you will have to decide when is the optimim time to forge it.

24 simple pieces of invader equipment,is enough for a complete set of Guardsmans gear, which you might be able to achieve quite quickly,the loss on dismantling is minimal, and will give your more boosts than I legendary piece, which could take considerably longer to acquire.

The downside of all equipment is the cost in silver, its fixed per piece,no matter what level you forge.

NOTE equiment useage is tied to hero level,so you have time to wait and see.

The standard building and knowledge reduction times hero equipment are both worth getting, and here its worth considering again about forging low quality items and then upgrading later, especially if you are still around to forge specialist and shaman equiment.

It is better now than it used to be,but sometimes there just isnt an invader worth attacking on the map, and you have to be flexible with your choice of target.

Again,delaying choice of specialist troop type (if any) and not fighting leaves resource production and capacity to consider,as the rest health and defense are connected to the no battles option.

You could consider only spending the free daily energy, and save your packs till you have the Hero invader knowledge well adavanced.

If you have the patience for it, concentrating on the things that will offer decreasing completion times for processes,especially, building and research may save you time and time boosts long term.

If you had millions in gold you can even auto complete, providing you have the resources necessary.

8 фев. 2019, 16:3008.02.19

punchkid said:

Is there some resource somewhere that explains how the combat in this games work in more detail?

Yes, there is...

But it is old and it is the basic formula... along with the saturation thing for defense... but very little about buff and debuff...

It is yet interesting to look because it help to understand how basic combat work
