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What is the formula?

What is the formula?

3 янв. 2019, 16:1603.01.19

What is the formula?

How do you convert points taken off an invader (ghost) to experience points?

To keep it simple a level 20 hero abode gives you 100% extra, so taking " x %"  from invader should give " 2x %" experience.

It doesnt appear to be a straight % conversion.

25 фев. 2019, 09:4325.02.19

Good morning.

Based upon your request. I will try my best to answer your question.

The answer :

1. Please take note that the experience gain that is displayed in the battle report is already being calculated.

2. If in the battle reports, it shows that you received 10 000 Hero Experience and your Hero's Abode gives 100 % bonus, it means that you should have normally received 5000 Hero Experience but with the bonus, you received 10 000 instead.

Thank you in advance for the detailed information.

Best regards.

Lisa Brickfields.
25 фев. 2019, 14:4125.02.19
25 фев. 2019, 15:42(отредактировано)

Hello Lisa.

After quite a few have looked at the post, someone has finally answered, thank you.

Unfortunately I am non the wiser for your input.

Though there is still a battle report my question was specifically about invaders, and I still want to know how its calculated.

For example  earlier today, I took 22.07% from an invader and the hero experience gained was 42.201%.

By me reckoning,which is faulty or misinformed if the % increase is 100%,the hero experience should be 44.14%.

This is in contrast with a just completed task,where the % increase is as expected .

The task was worth 45,000 hero experience, so with the bonuses of 100+25 actual experience gained should be 101.250 points, which is exactly what I got.

So again,

How do you convert % taken from an invader to hero experience points ?


Though I had considered this before, I had come to a conclusion there must be another formula, but couldnt find out what is was.