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Farm up grades

Farm up grades

30 дек. 2018, 17:2030.12.18

Farm up grades

I know why my food inventory is always in the red.

My question is: Must I have all my farms up to the same level (current level is 9) or is this a waste of resources?

Is there a place within the forum that I can go to that might explain most of my questions I may have?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

30 дек. 2018, 17:4630.12.18

No you dont have to have all your farms at the same level.

You build your town to suit your needs, be prepared to change your mind.

You will find lots of suggestions for game play on the forum, some good, and some questionable, according to how you like to play the game.

You can search  the internet for ideas too, but some of the information there will be out of date.

If you join a clan with an experienced and generous chief it could be advantageous.

31 дек. 2018, 20:2831.12.18
if your a new player and food is in rd did you by any chance buy a gold pack with T6 or some other troops at a low level its best to kill off any level troops you dont have influence for, i keep getting T4 from loki chest for one of my accounts i kill them str8 away, 
1 янв. 2019, 00:4301.01.19
1 янв. 2019, 00:44(отредактировано)

He wrote that he knows the reason his food is in the red.

[0a82e0]andyh1965   When did you last buy packs that contained troops?

They stopped including troops(as far a many of us have previously mentioned ) a while ago now.

Unless you have information to the contrary.
1 янв. 2019, 15:0701.01.19

I might have bought something with my gold. Being new I was not paying attention and could have bought troops.

My main question was; is it a  waste of resources to upgrade all farms to current level.
1 янв. 2019, 15:2901.01.19

rockafeller said:

I know why my food inventory is always in the red.

My question is: Must I have all my farms up to the same level (current level is 9) or is this a waste of resources?

food is always a problem for small fighter account who are below lvl 21

lvl 21 is critical because the upgrade of a farm at 21 simply double the production of food from lvl 20...

my avice is too use support from clan for food and try to reach city level 21 as fast as possible... then, one by one upgrade your farm to lvl 21... better to upgrade 1 or 2 to lvl 21 that 14 from 9 to 10

don't know your hero level, but in the hero tree, there is some research who can reduce the food usage

VIP level is important too because at some level, you have food reduction too

and finally, there is scrool who reduce food use when activated

Personaly, i have a city lvl 29 with almost 50 million troop ( 15 million t6 ) and i produce 36 million food... only in the red when in combat mode for the hero... when not in combat, with hero + VIP and a 50% scroll, i have 104% food reduction... mean that my troupe eat nothing from my food produced...

in your case, you need the help of your clan to grow lvl 21... at lvl 21, you will be able to take care of yourself and stop being in red... at lvl 26, with the right gear, shaman, research, etc... you will become produce a lot and able to help the newer small members from your clan to grow or feed your stronghold with surplus for help the clan...

if you have more question, they are welcome... plenty of older player here ready to help
1 янв. 2019, 15:4701.01.19

We can only advise,we cannot see your game or how you like to play it .

Some players like to build every resource machine in the town,some like to build as few as only 1( except that you have to have at least one of each in order to level up) and yield the others on resource tiles.

If you are seriously in the red for food there are other things you can do to rectify that,without  building more farms, but I would say that building farms to level 9 is not a waste you will eventually want them higher.

Last point how many farms are you talking about? If you have a town full of them it might be a waste of resources,building a few higher might be a bettter option.

26 фев. 2019, 16:3126.02.19
I only been playing for about 2 weeks I'm at a level 13 it's my food production is in the red constantly I don't know how I actually I don't know what to put on my hero I'm just taking a guess and putting anything on I don't know the best setup for this game I used to play Battle pirates back in the days I did eight nine years now that I don't play it no more I ran into this game and I liked it so I thought maybe I'll play a lot see what happens but now I'm with a clanI asked members of my clan to send me resources that I need for some reason I can't keep my food up do I need to delete some of my troops maybe you can help me out on that thank you for your questions are your answered with a good and I like that
26 фев. 2019, 18:3826.02.19
26 фев. 2019, 21:50(отредактировано)

The quickest way to rectify matters is likely to dismiss excess troops.You can always train more when you have done so,or progressed more.

Although its a battle game and troops at home could help you defend your town, you dont need them if you are shielded, and you only need as many troops as you can send out on consecutive marches.

Yes there are onslaughts,but without knowing exactly what your set up is, its difficult to be specific.

Only heros gear that actually increases food production is going to help, so blindly forging and swopping is of little use.

There are other boosts,but again we do not know what assets you have, or what real money you are spending.

If you are all new players in a new kingdom,you might not have anyone to ask for advice.

Look at the heroes gear again, and study it properly, the things that you need and can afford, are liklely to be near the bottom of the tables, and amulets  should be considered first.

Also redo your heros skills  or next time you level up  concentrate on production, especially food

Now I can access the game,

Heros equipment for food,

Helmet. Odins , Konungs

Armour. Konungs mantle

Weapon.Scramseax, Hatchet

Boots. Ceremonial,Executioners

Amulet.Algiz ,Raido  runes.

26 фев. 2019, 20:2126.02.19


Also redo your heros skills  or next time you level up  concentrate on production, especially food

big mistake... don't increase food but reduce the use of it... i have more that 160 million troop and they eat nothing... once you are over the 100% decrease food consumption, you can have as much troop that you want, they will eat nothing

as for Gene, he need to use help from clanmate for reach lvl 21 as fast as possible... at lvl 21, production of rss double in farm... then lvl up hero with task and pot point in the food reduction... participate at least with 1 pts in all event clan and event global for catch the reward... gold can be used for some boost troop upkeep... when you can, increase a little your vip lvl too...

The same logic apply for military thing... best to invest in things who reduce ennemy health/attack/defense that in things who improve your health/attack/defense
26 фев. 2019, 21:3426.02.19
28 фев. 2019, 00:01(отредактировано)

I cant despute that you are an accomplished player Anesfan, and know the game well but  he isnt .

Cant argue with future prospects, and what you can do later  but hes struggling now,

He needs to get from  here to there and doesnt know how.

Hes not got enough food because his troops are eating it. 

You cant grow under those circumstances.

Theres no point in listing all that shaman stuff and fancy equipment, hes only palace 13,so hes only just past eligability for shaman its a long haul for all you suggest.

I appreciate that if he sticks around as long as you have , then what you suggest is doable.

Anesfan wrote

best to invest in things who reduce ennemy health/attack/defense that in things who improve your health/attack/defense

 he doesnt need to know right now, but  if this is true,  then it appears that the old advice is defunct. as the opposite was said previously.

27 фев. 2019, 13:4727.02.19


Theres no point in listing all that shaman stuff and fancy equipment, hes only palace 13,so hes only just past eligability for shaman its a long haul for all you suggest.

the top of my screenshot is not related to my comment... it is high end production of food ( hyperfarming ) who come at a later stage...

my coment is about what is with a red circle, the decreased food comsumption, there is no shaman involved and no gear...

Boost can be buy with gold earned in event... hero skill is in the hero tree... and the VIP thing is low at the beginl but increase with time by earning vip point

28 фев. 2019, 00:2728.02.19
28 фев. 2019, 02:15(отредактировано)

Sorry about that,I mislead myself, though I stand by my belief,that given the length of time GENE has been playing, I think Gene's ability to reduce the food consumption as envisaged is probably low.

Also, if in a new kingdom with lots of rookies in the clan,Gene's not going to be winning much gold from competitions, so that leaves buying gold or a package, and how good are they at that stage, if there is no purchase history.?

My account is much older than Gene's two weeks,and I am no where near what you suggest, so I shall have to sudy things again regarding reducing my food consumption to see if I can improve it.

After checking .

I would say that the reductions you showed,are some what over stated,they are not going to be quickly achievable without expense.

Boost           -50% consumption. I am assuming this  is from a purchased boost.

Heros skills  -20% consumption. You need a lot of heroes skills  points to reach that far fown the skills table.

VIP              -46% consumptiom . Near the maximum level, A lot of VIP points, or gold equivalent.

28 фев. 2019, 12:1228.02.19

To much troops for food production?

Let them do war, this is a war game. Go to steal food from other cities is the best way.
28 фев. 2019, 13:2128.02.19

Some hints to food and foodproduction:

Troops don't need food, the only consume food if present.

this means:

there's no advantage for troops to have food.

there's no disadvantage for troops to have no food.

logic chain:

in cities where you have troops its a waste of production if you produce there food (until you are and old, big, fat city and the ability to drop food consumption of troops). Better to produce other ressources like wood, stone or iron.

but then you need other sources for food because you need food from time to time for training troops, building and research:

in a functional clan you will get the food from other clanmembers
you farm food in other cities
you buy ressources from bank