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buying knowledge with gold

buying knowledge with gold

27 дек. 2018, 21:2527.12.18

buying knowledge with gold

Seems while doing a lvl 15 military upgrade it got brought with gold and not with rss and boosters! this is either a user error (likely to be told so) or error in game (unlikely). question i have is that afetr being an active member for 42 wks and not encountering this issue before, why dosent palarium provide a secondary screen  with a (are you sure you want to purchase this with GOLD) how common this is i do not know but it really is make or break for me right now guys!
28 дек. 2018, 01:3028.12.18
28 дек. 2018, 01:32(отредактировано)

This kind of thing,where players accidentally hit use gold has been mentioned before, and no doubt it has happened to many players and not been posted about,annoyed (putting it mildly) as they probably were.

Yes it would help us,if wasnt easy to do... but............?????????????
28 дек. 2018, 01:5028.12.18
Confirm? buy with gold button, im not conviced i did as i rtemember it was 131 wk boost and ended up costing me 20 mill gold which was my months gold reserves
28 дек. 2018, 02:3228.12.18

It is too easy to click use gold,and not even be aware exactly what you did.

That's definately a lot of gold, well to me it is, and you say its only a months supply, where's your  gold vein?

I suppose there is one advantage to not having those (enough) reserves, you accidentally click use gold,there isnt sufficient so it sends you to the bank offers. Effectively giving you a second chance.

31 дек. 2018, 20:3531.12.18
this idea of a second confirm button has been brought up before but its in plariums interest to leave it as it is the more times this happens the more money plarium makes, most games have an " are you sure button after a gold purchase " you know the ones which like their customers ;)