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Stop disband clan during events to stop jumpers

Stop disband clan during events to stop jumpers

25 окт. 2018, 13:0925.10.18

Stop disband clan during events to stop jumpers

Hi Support team,

First I would like to thank you to stop Jumping players from ruin the game for other weak clans, but they come around by joining fake clan to jump around then and disband it to avoid waiting 24h.

My suggest to stop disband clan during events which make it useless for jumpers.
25 окт. 2018, 15:4825.10.18
25 окт. 2018, 15:50(отредактировано)
Seems people try to find any loophole possible ...not sure if this is true what you write but seems that it is possible they do this ... maybe better computer code would be that you have to wait 24 hours inbetween joining a clan when you have left a clan (would help with other problem of members leaving clan for half a day then joining back same clan so as to have an easy cvc opponent) ...
26 окт. 2018, 08:3626.10.18

TMS said:

Hi Support team,

First I would like to thank you to stop Jumping players from ruin the game for other weak clans, but they come around by joining fake clan to jump around then and disband it to avoid waiting 24h.

My suggest to stop disband clan during events which make it useless for jumpers.

Hello, TMS!

We are determined to make the game better, so we'll definitely consider your suggestions, and our developers will decide which of them to implement. Feel free to write us if you have any other ideas or suggestions. 

We wish you a good play and glorious victories!

26 окт. 2018, 15:3326.10.18
Unfortunately, where there is a way, there is a will.......
26 окт. 2018, 16:0926.10.18
That's depressingly humorous.... Like a dark comedy...haha, OMG 
31 окт. 2018, 08:0631.10.18

CIM said:

Seems people try to find any loophole possible ...not sure if this is true what you write but seems that it is possible they do this ... maybe better computer code would be that you have to wait 24 hours inbetween joining a clan when you have left a clan (would help with other problem of members leaving clan for half a day then joining back same clan so as to have an easy cvc opponent) ...

Yes with term of 24h join the clan period it's stop jumpers from jumping one clan to others, but now they can create new fake clan and leave it until event come then they jump to it and travel to another places, after that they back and disband the clan so they can join another without limitation of waiting 24h.

My suggest is to stop diband clan during events, so if the players joined that fake clan they will stack there untiil the event end which make it useless for them.

Those jumpers had strong stats but actually they are weak bc they search for weaker enemey to hit their pop or traps.
31 окт. 2018, 12:2231.10.18
That is good to not allow clans to disband during cvc ... but also something needs to be done so clans can't use a loophole (clans are matched BEFORE deadline for joining the clan for cvc) so that we don't have 100B influence clans constantly using this loophole to have enemy clan of 20B influence (this is just an example of the matchups that can happen because of this loophole).
6 нояб. 2018, 08:4206.11.18
6 нояб. 2018, 08:43(отредактировано)

CIM said:

That is good to not allow clans to disband during cvc ... but also something needs to be done so clans can't use a loophole (clans are matched BEFORE deadline for joining the clan for cvc) so that we don't have 100B influence clans constantly using this loophole to have enemy clan of 20B influence (this is just an example of the matchups that can happen because of this loophole).

The clan they disband it has no players or sh, it's empty clan but then jumpers use it to jump from clan to another by disband the clan to avoid 24h.

They use alt account to create clan and leave it for 30 days, then jumpers use it to jump to another kingdoms and check if there is small clans or weak clans holding pop or doing traps.

Actually this show jumpers are weak players even with 100b+ still they are fake power if they cheated by search for weak targets only.

So stopping disband clan during cvc will not effect anything except stop jumpers.

I have seen some of them whom they tried us but ofc they can't do anything if they see face strong players, but the problem with fresh or small players is not fair game for them.

6 нояб. 2018, 10:5406.11.18
6 нояб. 2018, 10:56(отредактировано)
I understand ... :) ... I am just wanting both of these loopholes closed so I took advantage of the thread to point out another. 
22 фев. 2019, 02:3122.02.19
If a clan member quits by accident do they still have to wait 24 hours to join back?
22 фев. 2019, 13:4122.02.19
Vild said:

If a clan member quits by accident do they still have to wait 24 hours to join back?
Yes ,,,