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Simple Multiple Suggestions for ongoing Game Requests by World Wide players for Implementation

Simple Multiple Suggestions for ongoing Game Requests by World Wide players for Implementation

20 дек. 2020, 17:4320.12.20

Simple Multiple Suggestions for ongoing Game Requests by World Wide players for Implementation

I've been now playing this game for  2 years: I have waited till now to sum it up for simplifying this game for the normal every day things one does in this game.



It would be nice to copy and paste into the following:

1. Logging into one's account into Plarium Play account

2.  Game Chat

3. Message to Order Members

4. Forum Chat Box to support

5. Support Ticket Chat Box

This would help speed things up to transfer info back and forth quickly between the game and places like  Discord.

Being allowed hyperlinks. This would be grt, especially for information to the forums or screenshots, to help members. New & old members alike since not all want to join places like LINE & DISCORD.



Removal of limited amount of characters within the System Emails so counselors can do their job without sending out multiple emails of Pt 1, Pt 2 , etc.



Creating a Transformation tab within the Gemmery.

 I've had many ask where it's located due to it is not listed in tabs like the others. 

This goes especially for new members joining Thrones. This would help simplify things within the game.

I have already forwaded this suggestion months ago to support, they loved the idea & forwarded it to the tech team but yet to see it implemented.


Add a preset for time for auto. Pain in the butt manually setting them every time.



The main menu shortcut bar is missing the Rune Workshop but has the Gemmery listed under more. I would love to see that tab added as well next to it.



Allow more than 10 accounts on Plarium app since Plarium is now discouraging players to play on browsers. 

Alt accounts from what I hear in the future update will become useless but still could be for whoever still wishes them. Many have many more than 10 due to multiple kingdoms or whatever the case may be.

Plarium on the browsers has alway been difficult, slow and laggy.



The Plarium alarm system is not adequate in this game. Flashes across the screen of being attacked is next to never caught since it flashes to quickly especially when busy attacking during events since one is focused on that and easily not caught for incoming.

The tiny little red sentinal box does not help either.

I have heard hundreds of complaints over your warning system.

Can I suggest to input a file system into the game to allow members to upload their own wma tracks or such.

In another game I played. This worked great for all the players. In my case it was the song "Dead Bodies"

by Drowning Pool which was fitting for this same type of game.

Also a possiblity of adding in Spotify & or Pandora tracks if this is even possible ?



We have to many exess items being taken up in our inventory like candles as a prime example.

I would like to be able to trade these to other players within our own order at no cost to help with their accounts or a salvage system set in place to return them for crafting materials. Once again at no cost or tax.

I know this has been brought up many times by the majority of players and seemingly has been ignored.

I hope this is not the case !



Many including myself do not understand  why the ALCHEMIST LAB & CONCLAVE of CARDINAL is not included in for points for events when they should be.

Just like the Academy Lab, one can only build them up so much. In the future, one cannot use them for points sinse they will be maxed just like the Academy during events.

The majority of players also including myself would like to see this implemented into the game during OVO events especially.


These also should be able to be applied as well to both those categories. There is no reason not to be able to considering they take weeks to finish in the higher categories & they are still considered studies.



Remove the amount of boxes it takes just to do one thing. Make a one click setup with preset if need be.

Prime example is attacking.

You click on the town, then it asks you if you are sure you want to attack it, then you have to fill out the amount of men even on a preset and attack it. 

This takes up to much time for another town to reshield as well as being attacked at the same time especially for raids.

Another example is clicking on a box to attack an assailant or apostates. 

Multiple boxes to set up to attack it ,then once done, it adds another box to ask you to capture it. Many cases players are just wanting to move onto the next  assailants or apostates.

Many things like this listed above can easily be simplified in this game and it much more enjoyable without adding other major things into the game at this point since this game is already complicated enough.

I do not like to feel myself or hear from other players that this game brings no joy anymore afte 1-2 years of playing this game let alone feeling like it has turned into a 9-5 job just over little things like this that takes repeated actions.

This is one prime example among many.



An in game translator.

I know this also has been mentioned numerous times.

When playing with the Russians ,as example ,since this game does not have it's own servers for ethnic groups, one does not understand their in game messages when they are sent to another order.

This is one of the most important features that needs to be fixed & implemented into the game.

This has created a lot of animosity between groups of players within the game or just flat out due to mis communication between players which makes it very hard for the kingdoms to coordinate and work together as one during events such as any KVKs.

There's already a lot of hate between Russians & English orders anyway and maybe having an in game translator might help ease the constant tensions between these 2 especially.



I know this has been stated many times between these forums as well as PLARIUM DISCORD CHAT>

Multiple Inquisitor Profiles armor sets especially for the Sixtus since there is training, yielding, and studies.

Adrain armor needs to be designed and finished as well. Was like Plarium started it and then lost the project in their archives somewhere.


The Hero has one, Inquisitor should have one as well especially if one is attacking a town and leaving their Hero Double at home for a stronger defense. The Inquisitor double would help immensely on this for the Inquisitor Profile that has been set at that time.


Hero has one for killing assailants with assailant armor. The Inquisitor should have one as well despite the bonues each profile gives for killing apostates.

Please hit the "LIKE" if you like this post to keep it to the top for Plarium to take this into serious consideration. 

Thank you.

20 дек. 2020, 20:1320.12.20

Some excellent ideas in there

20 дек. 2020, 22:4920.12.20
20 дек. 2020, 22:50(отредактировано)

> Plarium is now discouraging players to play on browsers due to the flash issue.  


Browsers to Plarium use Unity ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_(game_engine) ) AFAIK. There are no flash issues I know of. Could you note a link to where this discouragement can be seen, please?

21 дек. 2020, 06:1021.12.20
1 янв. 2021, 16:40(отредактировано)

Thank you Groundpounder for your listing of ideas and suggestions. 👍

But the migration issue overshadows anything and any ideas and suggestions for now. The Plarium Play App is a more than poor replacement for web bowsers. 👎

I would have expected from Plarium to inform about this in the news section. - 🙁

Looks to me more like its time to say goodbye than to fix details... 😢

Edit Jan. 1. 2021: Nice, Throne is still running (with WebGL). 😃

3 янв. 2021, 22:2903.01.21
3 янв. 2021, 23:24(отредактировано)

Thank you Groundpounder for your listing of ideas and suggestions. 👍

But the migration issue overshadows anything and any ideas and suggestions for now. The Plarium Play App is a more than poor replacement for web bowsers. 👎

I would have expected from Plarium to inform about this in the news section. - 🙁

Looks to me more like its time to say goodbye than to fix details... 😢

Edit Jan. 1. 2021: Nice, Throne is still running (with WebGL). 😃

I now retrack this part from comments in my above original post from earlier since this part has changed. This was a relief now to know that it has turned to WebGl.  Thanks to another member. Here is the proof of it.



7 янв. 2021, 23:3607.01.21

awsome all the suggested actions,