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Surplus...  Legendary Crafting Materials ,, Converted.. turned into Glitter Dust

Surplus... Legendary Crafting Materials ,, Converted.. turned into Glitter Dust

29 янв. 2020, 17:3029.01.20

Surplus... Legendary Crafting Materials ,, Converted.. turned into Glitter Dust

Glitter Dust was a great solution to all the surplus / spare  Gems players had collected..

Would it be possible to do the same with  Surplus  Legendary Crafting Materials 

( and maybe also Legendary Runes) 

i am in a small Order , we have upgraded to level four Citadel Town Hall & built the Arena 

we would love to Host Arena Championships


but sadly we are having to save all the Glitter dust we are able to get from Gems

so that we can upgrade the other citadel buildings 

13 фев. 2020, 01:2113.02.20

ok , today we upgraded the Citadel Warehouse to level 4   ( cost 1,750 Glitter dust )

and are now able to see the cost for the Provisioners' Hall   ( 1,750 Glitter dust )

so assuming each of the 5 Guild buildings costs 1 ,750 Glitter Dust 

the small Order i am in ( 7 active players ) .... needs to acquire another  8,750 Glitter Dust 

to upgrade those resource transformation buildings ...  which will then allow us to see the cost for "level 4"  Tribunal & Academy 

so far we have done

3,500 Glitter dust for level 4 Citadel Town hall

1,750 Glitter dust for level 4 Citadel Warehouse 


5,250 Glitter Dust ...   plus the *Arena @ level One ( which we cannot afford to use ) & from my memory cost **750 Glitter Dust 


**   if the level one Arena cost is different from what i posted will someone please add a reply / correction thank you 

23 март 2020, 12:0823.03.20

if its not possible to add an update to the game that lets us create Glitter dust from Legendary crafting materials & Legendary runes

would it be possible to add Glitter dust to Bank Offers ???????