Interview with top-5 Offence player Ƙ۷Ƙ-Ƈɧąơʂ-Ƙ۷Ƙ
Lords, read the new interview with the player who made it into the Offense top 5 for last week! Today Ƙ۷Ƙ-Ƈɧąơʂ-Ƙ۷Ƙ from the USA will answer our questions!
Name: Ƙ۷Ƙ-Ƈɧąơʂ-Ƙ۷Ƙ.
Location: USA.
Order: Death by Сговор.
Kingdom: Kost-Kossen.
Total time in the game: 15 weeks.
Enemy warriors destroyed: 620,731,933 (and climbing).
What you're proud of: Proud to be part of my team.
Super ability (you would like to have/already have): Would like to be able to drop shields.
Hobbies: Being outdoors in my jeep hunting and fishing.
Likes: People with good values.
Dislikes: Rush hour traffic.
Favorite food: Seefood (I see food and I eat it).
Favorite song: Country Music.
T - Throne: Kingdom At War
С - Chaos
T.: Tell us the story behind your nickname.
C.: I create Chaos with my enemy, and I only fight other kingdoms.
T.: Which Order is the mightiest, in your opinion? Would you challenge them or avoid battles with them?
C.: We are definitely in the top group, the Death Dealerz, The Love Boat, and the Russian order from Forester are strong, several others as well, I welcome a good battle with any of them.
T.: Do you have special attack tactics? Tell us what you do first. Maybe you perform some unique ritual?
C.: I do have many special tactics... BUT I'M NOT TELLING YOU!