I have been playing 2 yrs and haven't got even 1 of my Epic jewel removers actually I wasn't getting any til I complained, but still, no epic tongs. has anyone ever gotten a legendary Item from farming an alpha, have never gotten one
Not sure why I continue to play this game genre. Plarium, Inno and the lot obviously constantly manipulate algorithms to better control player's playing and spending habits to their benefit. When I started playing this genre on Inno's FOE I scoffed at those players that insisted that there were shenanigans going on. Now today I am sure they were right. I have gotten a few legendary mats hitting alphas on my main but yet again today simple tongs were dropped from an Alpha. Why would a simple material or tongs even be a possibility for a drop from an Alpha?!?!? Alphas should yield epic and legendary drops as a rule and unusual on occasion I suppose. Anyway we all have a choice but it is kind of like voting, any one person's choice to stop playing will not alter Plarium's or other authors like them from continued questionable practices.