NOTE: Plarium just changed level III requirements for ancillary gems from 10 to 40!
BST Upgrade Cheatsheet:
[Build, Study, Train]
- For a quick sanity check of what's needed, how much inventory to check for, and what you get for it.
Note Gemmery levels needed to craft legendary jewels!
_ Gemmery {once available}
1. Gemmery 36
2. Gemmery 38
3. Gemmery 40
Alpha References: BC Barbarian Chief, BI Black Inquisitor, BD Bloody Duke, Po Possessed,
∅ no Alpha has.
Summary - (Legendary) Jewels Needed x 12: {6 Hero, 6 Inquisitor}
- Note: Azurite (Silver) needed for both Training and Studying.
1. BC: 180 Euclase, BD: 12 Fluorite, BI: 180 Azurite, Po: 180 Pyrope
2. additional TBD
3. additional TBD
- Yes, both Spessartine I and Spesartine _ needed, for III.
Total: BC: 1,380 Euclase, 492 Spessartine, BD: 840 Charoite, 36 Fluorite, 12 Nephrite, BI: 840 Abelsonite, 552 Azurite, Po: 540 Pyrope, 480 Turquoise, ∅: 12 Heliodor
- Yes, Euclase needed for both Fluorite I and II (and therefore also III).
Building & Infirmary:
1. BC: 12 Variscite, BD: 180 Charoite, ∅: 180 Heliodor, 180 Citrine
2. BC: 144 Variscite, 420 Euclase, BI: 420 Corundum, 420 Painite, Po: 48 Rubelite (additional)
3. BC: 576 Variscite, BD: 480 Almandine, 48 Charoite, 480 Orthoclase, BI: 48 Azurite, Po: 48 Rubellite, ∅: 48 Citrine (additional)
Total: BC: 732 Variscite, 420 Euclase, BD: 480 Almandine, 228 Charoite, 480 Orthoclase, BI: 48 Azurite, 420 Corundum, 420 Painite, Po: 60 Rubelite, ∅: 228 Citrine, 180 Heliodor
- (144 = 12 slots * 3 more of already present to do * 4 of each needed to produce legendary.)
Studying & Healing:
1. BI: 12 Turquoise, 180 Kyanite, Po: 180 Azurite, 180 Corundum
2. TBD
3. TBD
Total: BC: 480 Coral, 12 Euclase, 2,100 Onyx, BD: 12 Eudialyte, 2,100 Orthoclase, BI: 420 Azurite, 420 Corundum, Po: 420, Kyanite, 732 Turquoise, ∅: 12 Citrine, 2,112 Heliodor
Build (Construction) Variscite [(Grand) Barbarian Chief] & Infirmary:
_ Legendary : +10 % Building Speed { 120% }
1. Legendary I: +17.5% Building Speed { 210% }
2. Legendary II: +26.5% Building Speed { 318% } ; +15% Infirmaries' Capacity { 180% }
3. Legendary III: +33 % Building Speed { 396% } ; +33% Infirmaries' Capacity { 396% }
{#s x 12 - 6 each Hero & Inquisitor. Totals inaccurate (more like +10%+10%+...), true numbers confidential Plarium internals, but count on actual impact to be a small fraction of these totals.}
1. 1 Variscite (Build) BC, 15 Charoite (Iron) BD, 15 Heliodor (Capacity) ∅, 15 Citrine (Marching) ∅
2. 1 Variscite I, 35 Painite (Scout H.) BI, 35 Corundum (Army D.) BI, 35 Euclase (Stone) BC
3. 1 Variscite II, 1 Rubellite I, 40 Almandine (Siege O.) BD, 40 Orthoclase (Siege H.) BD
Rubellite I = Rubellite (Cav. O.) Po, Azurite (Silver) BI, Charoite (Iron) BD, Citrine (Marching) ∅
Studying Turquoise [(Grand) Possessed] & Healing:
_ Legendary : +10 % Studying Speed { 120% }
1. Legendary I: +17.5% Studying Speed { 210% }
2. Legendary II: +26.5% Studying Speed { 318% } ; +15% Healing Speed { 180% }
3. Legendary III: +33 % Studying Speed { 396% } ; +33% Healing Speed { 396% }
{#s x 12 - 6 each Hero & Inquisitor. ... above. }
1. 1 Turquoise (Study) BC, 15 Kyanite (Food) Po, 15 Azurite (Silver) BI, 15 Corundum (Army D.) BI
2. 1 Turquoise I, 35 Orthoclase (Siege H.) BD, 35 Onyx (Yield) BC, 35 Heliodor (Capacity) ∅
3. 1 Turquoise II, 1 Eudialyte I, 40 Coral (Ranged O.) BC, 40 Turquoise (Study) Po
Eudialyte I = Eudialyte (Spear O.) BD, Heliodor (Capacity) ∅, Citrine (Marching) ∅, Euclase (Stone) BC
Training Fluorite [(Grand) Bloody Duke] & Training:
_ Legendary : +10 % Training Speed { 120% }
1. Legendary I: +17.5% Training Speed { 210% }
2. Legendary II: +26.5% Training Speed { 318% } ; +15% Training Limit { 180% }
3. Legendary III: +33 % Training Speed { 396% } ; +33% Training Limit { 396% }
{#s x 12 - 6 each Hero & Inquisitor. ... above. }
Composed of:
1. 1 Fluorite (Train) BD, 15 Pyrope (Army H.) Po, 15 Euclase (Stone) BC: , BI: 15 Azurite (Silver) BI
2. 1 Fluorite I, 35 Abelsonite (Army O.) BI, 35 Charoite (Iron) BD, 35 Euclase (Stone) BC
3. 1 Fluorite II, 1 Spessartine I, 40 Spessartine (Scout O.) BC, 40 Turquoise (Study) Po
- Yes, both Spessartine I and Spesartine _ needed, for III.
Spessartine I = 1 Spessartine (Scout O. ) BC, 1 Heliodor (Capacity) 0, 1 Nephrite (Stamina Restore) BD, 1 Azurite (Silver) BI
- Yes, Euclase needed for both Fluorite I and II (and therefore also III).