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Basic and useful stuff for beginners

Basic and useful stuff for beginners

3 май 2017, 20:1403.05.17

Basic and useful stuff for beginners

I have found a nice beginner guide on Viking's forum and re-made it for our game. Enjoy

1 basics

morons are always everywhere, deal with it (and/or use your blacklist to block private messages and common chat writings)

2 try to find a Order as soon as you can

  • click or tap the Order page (shown in your townview at the bottom of your window) and then "list of Orders"
  • if you tap a emblem there you will see their infopage with some informations listed by them
  • dont send random requests to every order
  • talk to them first (message their master or counsellor as a example) and ask if they invite you if the order is closed
  • you can join every open order, everytime
  • note: you can leave that order everytime if you dont like their gameplay or their behavior

3  build your town, army and help your ordermates

4 you get attacked and lost all your troops and most of your resources* - what now?

your order will help you as good as they can to heal your wounds

if not, you have to help yourself

5 hide your stuff!!!

there are many ways to reduce the number of attacks. i will list three.

  • invest money in packs and offers and become the biggest player in your kingdom in no time and burn every single town (no one is left who attacks you)
  • grow slow (and invest money to speed up things)
  • grow slooooower (free to play)

6 Got it?

YES! CANT WAIT TO BURN MY KINGDOM!!! (stop reading here now)


7  just be cool

shield up or if you cant afford it,  send your troops to a shielded ordermember and all your resources to your orderbank* before you leave the game.

yes, that easy - have fun :)

8  i understand, but why do they attack me that often?

see 1

they need points for tournaments or resources

orderbank = a player with long-term shield who just holds resources and troops

resources = iron, lumber, stone, silver and food

9 Don't forget that you have block list for annoying persons.

Click on a name, bring up their profile. Lower left is grey button for 'Block', just before red 'Add contact' button.

Grey 'Block' changes to red 'Unblock' after use.

i.e. Blacklisting someone is reversible.

e.g. Double-click chat to open chat window. Click on a name to bring up member menu. Click on member picture (has 'i' lower left corner). Un/block button is in lower left of window. (с) WWO

4 май 2017, 09:3204.05.17

Not bad. I think it will be useful for guys who just start the game. Funny fact - a lot of ppl don't know about "block list"

16 май 2017, 12:5116.05.17

Kris Teilor said:

Funny fact - a lot of ppl don't know about "block list"

Ha! Really? I can't believe that!

16 май 2017, 14:1416.05.17

Phil Morte said:

Ha! Really? I can't believe that!

yyes. It seems strange. One girl who plays a lot of time told me about the rude guy. I advise her use blocklist. She was Surprised a lot.

16 май 2017, 14:5316.05.17
Kris Teilor said:

Not bad. I think it will be useful for guys who just start the game. Funny fact - a lot of ppl don't know about "block list"

Ye, I will add info about it! Thanks!
30 май 2017, 13:0730.05.17

Jake said:

Ye, I will add info about it! Thanks!

18 июнь 2018, 18:2918.06.18
What is block list?
19 июнь 2018, 04:1019.06.18

Also known as blacklist.

Click on a name, bring up their profile. Lower left is grey button for 'Block', just before red 'Add contact' button.

Grey 'Block' changes to red 'Unblock' after use.

i.e. Blacklisting someone is reversible.

e.g. Double-click chat to open chat window. Click on a name to bring up member menu. Click on member picture (has 'i' lower left corner). Un/block button is in lower left of window.

25 июль 2018, 21:5225.07.18

Questions about orders

Can you join more than one at a time?  And if so what would be the benefit of belonging to more than one?  

Is there a reward just for clicking the join button?  If not what would be the benefit of joining an order whose only member is at the minimum level necessary to start one?

In other games it is usually advisable to wait and join a order/clan/guild/community after you have found a group you enjoy playing with.  Why is this game different?

26 июль 2018, 03:1526.07.18
26 июль 2018, 03:16(отредактировано)

> Richardpoor said:

> Questions about orders


> Can you join more than one at a time?  And if so what would be the benefit of belonging to more than one? 


>Is there a reward just for clicking the join button?  If not what would be the benefit of joining an order whose only member is at the minimum level necessary to start one?


Ostensibly, none. [Join the most powerful one you can, for the most gold / boosts per event. Have an eye that there's not too much bloat - e.g. A 5B power order with 1 member at 4B will not help you nearly as much as 5 members at 1B. Any one player can only do so much - more players, largely, more everything else.]

I have seen some orders offer one time RSS bonuses for joining. Check their order code.

> In other games it is usually advisable to wait and join a order/clan/guild/community after you have found a group you enjoy playing with.  Why is this game different?

It isn't. But then, your statement is chicken and egg - to find a group you enjoy playing with, you must first join their order.

You can always switch orders. I have seen some switch orders a half dozen times and still not find their forever home that they are seeking.