Determine the size of troops for farming (by duration and quantity)
See also: Farming: Yield vs. Capacity and Exact amounts of resources in tiles
How can you determine the size of troops for farming?
There are 2 questions which are of particular interest, the first is needed to solve the second:
- Troop size for a desired yield duration (1 h or 3 h Safe conduct)
- Yielding time for a certain amount (camp depletion)
In order to determine the troop size for a given yield duration (and/or quantity), a test yielding is recommended (with a troop of for example 10 K warriors) and a suitable method to obtain the values required for the simple calculation.
With a 10 K troop, you choose a size that is easy to calculate (and does not represent an excessive risk of loss).
Send 10 K troops to farm and note their duration of yielding. It should be noted that the amount of resources in the tile is greater than the capacity of the test troop.
Quick action and reading are required! - Comments on risk reduction:
- Immediately after reading the duration of the yielding, the camp should be left again immediately in order not to expose the troops to attacks unnecessarily.
- Delayed reading corresponds to shorter yielding time, which can result in a too large troop and thus lead to timeouts (and loss; note the rounding off of the result).
Use the following parameters for calculation (example values are used):
- Camp ('camp_type') and resource type ('rss_type') are optional values to reuse the result of the calculation for other marches in the same configuration. So they are not used for the calculation, but only serve as an informative note.
- The total amount of resources in a camp ('rss_amount') is needed if you want to determine the duration for emptying it (see 2nd question/calculation).
- The capacity of the test troop ('test_amount') we need for calculate directly the yield of a certain amount of resources (in calculation 2) and if we don't want to select a 1h-troop and read out their capacity.
- The test yield duration ('test_duration') is displayed in hours, minutes and seconds and can be read as soon as the troop has arrived at the camp.
- For the calculation, the conversion from time to seconds is the easiest way to avoid decimal times.
- The duration of the available Safe conducts are given fixed values and are 1 h or 3 h.
camp_type = Type of camp (deposit type), example: Alpha-Assailant camp
rss_type = Type of resource, example: Stone
rss_amount = Total yield amount (camp size), example: 3.5 M
test_troop = Troop size yielding test, example: 10 K
test_amount = Yield quantity test (test troop capacity)
test_duration: Duration of yielding test [hh mm ss], example: 8m 30s
test_duration_s: Duration of yielding test in seconds
sc_duration_1h = 3'600 seconds (1 h Safe conduct = 60 minutes * 60 seconds)
sc_duration_3h = 10'800 seconds (3 h Safe conduct = 180 minutes * 60 seconds)
CALCUALATION 1 (duration)
Calculating the size of the troops for 1 h yielding time with Safe conduct.
Formula: Troop size to be sent = sc_duration_1h / test_duration_s * test_troop
Send a troop of 10 K to a test yielding, determine the following values and call the test troop back as soon as possible.
- test_troop = 10 K
- test_duration = 8m 30s
- test_duration_s = 510s (Conversion to seconds: 8m * 60s + 30s)
Calculation ('result_a1'):
3'600 / 510 * 10'000 = 70'588.2352941 (= 70 K troops to send)
Result ('result_a1'):
A troop of maximum about 70 K yields for one hour.
In order to obtain some reserve duration (and to compensate for timeouts due to unavoidable delays in practical handling), it is in any case strongly recommended to round off the result or, if necessary (small rounding difference, reading delay), even to reduce it artificially, for example to 69 K).
In other words:
To calculate 1h-troop size: Just fill in minutes and seconds from test yield duration with 10 K troop size into the formula in the search field, hit enter and let Google do the math (or use the spreadsheet below)...

The calculation of the required runs (count of 1h quantities) for emptying the camp is simple and based on the test troop (or 1h-troop) capacity and the result of the first calculation.
For this we need the input of a capacity (yield quantity), either from the test troop or from the 1h troop. Using the test capacity allows direct calculation (without selecting a 1h-troop for sending first for getting their capacity value).
Anyway the capacity value is visible in the troops selection window before troops are sent.
result_a1 = Troop headcount for 1 h (the result of calculation 1)
test_amount = Yield quantity test (test troop capacity)
yield_amount_1h = Yield quantity 1h (capacity of the 1h-troop)
Formula (by test capacity):
Number of yield runs (with 1h-troop size) =
rss_amount / ( test_amount * ( result_a1 / test_troop ) ) )
Formula (by 1h-troop capacity):
Number of yield runs (with 1h-troop size) =
rss_amount / yield_amount_1h
EXAMPLE yielding runs (to 1 h):
test_amount = 171'360 Yield quantity test (capacity of 10 K troops from test yielding)
yield_amount_1h = 1'209'600 Yield quantity (capacity of 70 K troops at a yielding duration of 1 h)
3'500 K / ( 171.36 K * ( 70.5882352941 K / 10 K ) ) ) = 2.89351851852 Yielding runs
3.5 M / 1.2096 M = 2.89351851852 Yielding runs
- With 2.9 yielding runs (at 70 K troops per h), 3.5 M stone is yield. ...Attention: The time needed for distances and sending the troops is neglected!
- With a 3h Safe conduct (and corresponding three times bigger troop size = 210 K) the camp is safely and completely emptied.
Under the following download link is a spreadsheet for calculation available, the above example is already entered (OpenOffice Format, usable in Excel and Google):
Further information on farming before and for events
If the sending of the troops is scheduled for the yielding time to expire shortly before the start of an event, taking into account the time needed to cover the distances (outward and return journey), valuable points can be collected for the event even before the event.
It is assumed that farming scores in the event, that the troops leave the camp in time BEFORE the event starts, if they are collected without Safe conduct, and that they return to the city AFTER the event has started; - ...whereby longer distances are advantageous for scheduling).
Date and time calculations are complex.
They depend on many factors and a minute does not always equal 60 seconds as well as a year does not always have 365 days. If time zones and system time are changed, incorrect results can occur. Leap years and leap seconds are neglected in the formulas (as well as the fact that a second on a mountain is not as long as a second in a valley...).
However, the formulas used are mostly reliable and useful in this context.