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Report Players

Report Players

23 июнь 2019, 14:5823.06.19

Report Players

First: I find it hard to find a spot in this forum to speak about ingame missbehavior & similar stuff.

Is there a well hidden place for that?

Anyway: I would like to report an order in Kingdom 62 (Richester)

Its called "Devils Advocat 666"

and the members names are the following:

Adolfus Hitler

Heinrich I. Himmler

Hermann Göring

Josef Dietrich

Joseph Goebbels

Why I want to report them? Well look at their names again and make an intelligent guess.

There is no way naming yourself after massmurderers and holocaust-engineers could be ok. Ever. Its disgusting.

Please react accordingly

24 июнь 2019, 03:3024.06.19

I don't disagree with you, but ...

> There is no way naming yourself after massmurderers and holocaust-engineers could be ok.

Evidently, not in their opinion.

Vote with your feet.
1 июль 2019, 07:0401.07.19

are you serious?

I dont know what to say.

Its deeply disturbing to see people naming themselfes after the most vicious warcriminals and massmurderers in history, representing the most hateful system in world history.

Its also disturbing to see Plarium incapable/unwilling to react there.

What a shame.
31 авг. 2019, 11:2531.08.19
Contact other orders and make it impossibe for them to unsheild if they don't want to be demolished.
1 сент. 2019, 01:0301.09.19
Claision said:

are you serious?

I dont know what to say.

Its deeply disturbing to see people naming themselfes after the most vicious warcriminals and massmurderers in history, representing the most hateful system in world history.

Its also disturbing to see Plarium incapable/unwilling to react there.

What a shame.
They are just names. Feckin outrage culture, does my head in. People can call themselves Lucifer, pol pot, Stalin, Marx, Cromwell, Churchill, Manson < insert favoured controversial figure here> and barely anyone will bat an eye. You're all pathetic.