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Impossible Occurance Again

Impossible Occurance Again

17 июнь 2019, 23:3917.06.19

Impossible Occurance Again

One of my accounts is no longer accessible,it opens as a brand new account.Plaruim says this is impossible,blames google and facebook neither of which I go through.Did I mention this has happened twice before?I went through Opera and directly through Plaruim homepage.Do you think a lawsuit will get their attention tying up credit card companies?My grand daughter is an attorney so it would be free to me.Anyone else had/have this probhlem?
17 июнь 2019, 23:5717.06.19

Free to you, not free to her, and pointless.

There will be filing and other fees. Let alone retaliatory suits and associated costs.

You will have to show (significant) monetary harm.

Save yourself the aggravation and just vote with your feet and walk away?
18 июнь 2019, 21:3118.06.19
domchaldh said:

My only incime is social security,it can not be touched by any courts including federal and my expenses will be dwarfed by theirs,not to mention you forgot suit for mental anguish,pain and suffering.Contingency involves no expense for me.
This is why we cant have nice things (worldwide) :(
19 июнь 2019, 02:2019.06.19
Stupidity,incompetence and a refusal to address problems does not produce nice,Tired of being a welcome mat to be stepped on.One way or another change will come.Sheep or wolf....choose.