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Plarium - Stop with the crappy gold offers

Plarium - Stop with the crappy gold offers

9 июнь 2019, 14:4009.06.19

Plarium - Stop with the crappy gold offers


Please take note that nobody uses the gold offers at the bottom of the page.

Why in hell would I spend $99.99 for 30,000 gold when even a $9.99 offer consists of items and upto 1 million?????

Wake up please, all it does is confuse people and a wrong click could cause people to be very pissed off and stop playing the game.

Thanks in advance

10 июнь 2019, 12:3010.06.19
10 июнь 2019, 12:32(отредактировано)

See Test's (Assailant?) Guide which explains them.

In essence, Plarium uses these bogus offers to calculate and justify the costs and Profit %'s.

i.e. Sum up all the contents of an offer, figure out what it would cost to purchase them via gold, divide by what it would cost to acquire that much gold, and you have the 'profit %'.

Yep, 'funny money'.

They do allow one to get a sense of the relative value of two difference offers, based on their profit %'s.

Which is still 'funny money' as it depends upon how you value things. If you're not a fighter, a Black Castle offer has no value to you. If your Adrian is maxed out, same for an Adrian candle offer.

The prior 3 offers above the gold are equally useless: +1 Craftsman / Double / Scholar. Too expensive, and too useless.

Especially with the 'Craftsman + Scholar = Success' offer.

- set two processes going, and you've just used up / wasted such an item. If you're doing a run, you can initiate and boost in sequence, without the expense of these offers. If you're setting 2 very long processes going ... like years worth ... nothing will matter for a year. If you need to get something done to qualify for an event, effect it by paying the gold cost - leaving your other process doing what they're doing.

Summary: They are awake, and the actions are deliberate and intentional.
30 июнь 2019, 02:2930.06.19

What  is frustrating is to see an offer that has several hundred candles for the 2 inquisitors you don't have along with huge faith boosts that costs the same as the one that offers 50 candles for the inquisitor you do have and far less faith boosts.

I assume Sixtus candles candles can't be used for Adrian and vice versa 
1 июль 2019, 02:2401.07.19
1 июль 2019, 02:51(отредактировано)

snoblind said:

What  is frustrating is to see an offer that has several hundred candles for the 2 inquisitors you don't have along with huge faith boosts that costs the same as the one that offers 50 candles for the inquisitor you do have and far less faith boosts.

Agreed! +1 even!

I expect this is so you set another hamster wheel going on yourself to max out yet another Inquisitor's candles. And pursue corresponding kills, boosts, runes, equipment, rss, silver, gold, ...

I assume Sixtus candles candles can't be used for Adrian and vice versa

Correct. There are only a few choices on this.

  • Adrian (and only) candles are available outside of offers, in Order store. Run errands to raise Personal Points to get them. (Other benefits to errand runs accrue, too.)
    - everything else must be purchased through offers. You need 1,545 of them to max out an Inquisitor, and they aren't especially helpful until you open up the first, then second, Talisman slots. (e.g. +30% boosts.) Let alone something to hang jewels off of - e.g. 6 x 10% build / study / train.
  • It is arguable to ignore beyond Adrian and Sixtus until a sale. I believe I got a pack at New Year's with 2 x 500 candles. [Still working on the remaining 545!]
  • It is arguable that everyone needs Vigo (Scout). Anne (Castles) rather more marginally.
  • Use Errands to raise your Inquisitor with less time / energy / aggravation.  (Other benefits to errand runs accrue, too.)
    - waiting for an Inquisitor to go back and forth, to raise XP gets old really fast.
    = I am not looking forward to pursuing runes, for this reason. At least with Alpha's you can get 4 of them within a couple miles of you.
  • There are 'Grand Inquisition: {x}'s Candles' events periodically, where you can get 5 and 15 and more candles. Useful if you only need a few to max out, rather than waiting for a (decent) pack.
    - There is such a Sixtus event on now: You only have to kill 63 L1's to get 20 candles! :)
    = 100 points per %, 100% per varmint - 10,000 points per L1.  Checkpoint 4 is 624k points for 15 candles, adding to 2's 5, at 46.8k.
    = If you are able to hit more / harder, you probably already have all the candles you need. The lower the level you hit, the more points per hit. (Higher levels give greater than linear points, but take much greater than linear strength to inflict the same % damage.)


3 июль 2019, 22:5403.07.19

Thanks, WWO.  Good info.  I need around 750 candles for the next level.  Going to take a lot of errands.

Based on screenshots you and others posted in another thread,  I don't see bank offers that good.  Guess i need to take a long vacation from ordering to get them up.
4 июль 2019, 01:5104.07.19
4 июль 2019, 04:38(отредактировано)

Equivalent offers on again, now, and some other better candle ones.


> Thanks, WWO.  Good info.  I need around 750 candles for the next level.  Going to take a lot of errands.

Somewhere between 2 and 4 -thousand-, I expect. [Yes, 2,000 - 4,000. Special errands. Total costing less than a few million gold at Item store. i.e. Not out of reach, gold wise - although your fingers may be bleeding, profusely, before you're done.]

It is for this reason that Errand auto-complete ability that comes with VIP levels is so valuable. At great expense.

> Guess i need to take a long vacation from ordering to get them up.

Offer cycle seems to be about 9 weeks to wait between purchases.

[That's based on US$4.99 purchases. I'm guessing shorter if buying higher. Will find out, am done with US$4.99 offers - have, or will have, all the candles I can use from those price points.]

From what I can see (above link), offer cycle still applies for rss / silver / gold, but cycle isn't in play on candles - all are 1,000 x 4.

[{x}, Vigo, Adrian, Sixtus.]

Cycle, on that, is in play, on price, it seems. I see 4k x 4 for US$19.99, others see same for US$9.99.


4 июль 2019, 01:5304.07.19
snoblind said:

What  is frustrating is to see an offer that has several hundred candles for the 2 inquisitors you don't have along with huge faith boosts that costs the same as the one that offers 50 candles for the inquisitor you do have and far less faith boosts.

Your frustration is now much reduced? ?
4 июль 2019, 23:4804.07.19
WWO said:

snoblind said:

What  is frustrating is to see an offer that has several hundred candles for the 2 inquisitors you don't have along with huge faith boosts that costs the same as the one that offers 50 candles for the inquisitor you do have and far less faith boosts.

Your frustration is now much reduced? ?
I see that.