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Ressourcen produktion

Ressourcen produktion

1 окт. 2018, 14:3301.10.18

Ressourcen produktion


hoffe, jemand hier der deutsch versteht... sonst muss ich mein englisch rauskramen...

ich habe eine Frage zur Produktion von Ressourcen:

ich habe eine prod. rate von 255.000 pro Stunde, heißt also in 4 Stunden werden knappe 1 Million produziert.

Morgen ums 6.00 Uhr hatte ich 11,3 Millionen Holz, nachmittags um 15.00 gerade mal 11,4 Millionen.

Da ich über 100 Millionen Nahrung habe, kann es nicht an mangelnder Kapazität/ Lager liegen...

Werden die Ress nur produziert, wenn ich online bin?

Die Produktion sollte doch eigentlich kontinuierlich laufen, oder???

Für Hilfe wäre dankbar...

Gruß Slin

Und hier als Überstzung:


I have a question about the production of resources:

I have a prod. rate of 255,000 per hour, it means in 4 hours scarce 1 million are produced.

Tomorrow at 6.00 o'clock I had 11.3 million wood, in the afternoon at 3.oo o clock  just 11.4 million.

Since I have over 100 million food, it can not be due to lack of capacity / storage ...

Will the Ress be produced only when I am online?

The production should actually run continuously, right?
Help would be grateful ...

Greeting Slin

2 окт. 2018, 06:0402.10.18

> Since I have over 100 million food, it can not be due to lack of capacity / storage ...

It can. e.g. Yielding, and errands add to stock, regardless of buildings or capacity.

> Will the Ress be produced only when I am online?

No, always. Test: Be well under capacity. Note amounts. Come back 5 minutes later. They will have increased. Repeat test, but be the opposite of what you were - logged in or out. They will have increased.

> The production should actually run continuously, right?

It does.

Go Palace / Statistics / {RSS}

- better not food, at first. Food consumption rate complicates things.

Note there: Production per hour, 'You have', '{RSS} capacity'.

As long as you are under capacity, your production continues.

- if your errands or yielding puts you above capacity, production stops.

- with this you can predict how long until your production stops. When you get near it, send it to a buddy so your production continues. When you do a large build / study, have them send it back. Return the favour. You send stone, they send lumber, sort of thing.

= Yep, you lose the tax back and forth, but when builds or studies take more than your capacity, you have little choice - if you want to keep production producing.

Food is the same, but troop consumption makes the simple arithmetic of the above a titch more complicated.

Check out the fan guides in the forum. Especially anything by test, and on farming.

> Help would be grateful ...

Been here. Done this. GL&HF! :)