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Prepare For The Persian Pantheon Invasion

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Prepare For The Persian Pantheon Invasion


Our spies reveal Xerxes' newest initiative, aimed at terrorizing the lands of the Hellenes. We call it — the Persian Pantheon Invasion!

This time-limited Event will take place once a month. While it is on, participating Coalitions must defend their Pantheons against five Attack Waves from Persians in exchange for spectacular Rewards.

But remain vigilant! Should you and your Coalition wish to take on Persian forces, keep an eye out for a banner announcing the Event in the "Special Events" tab of the Events window. This will show three days before the Event begins.

Each Wave will be launched randomly during a four-hour Attack Window, with the first Attack Window opening the moment the Event begins.

Attack Windows are separated by four-hour cooldown periods. During cooldown periods, Persians will not attack the Pantheons of participating Coalitions. If a Coalition controls multiple Pantheons, Persian forces will attack them one-by-one in random order during Attack Waves.

To successfully repel an Attack Wave, a Coalition must win at least 75% of the battles that take place during that Wave.

If a Coalition fails to repel two Attack Waves in a row, it will no longer be able to participate in the Event. Participation in the Event will also end if a Coalition no longer controls at least one Pantheon.

After each battle that takes place at one of its Pantheons, Coalitions will earn Orichalcum. When an Attack Wave is repelled, Coalition Members will earn Coalition Gold which can be spent in the Coalition Shop.

Successfully defend all your Coalition’s Pantheons during each Attack Wave to maximize each Member’s bounty of Coalition Gold.

You can check out Persian Pantheon Invasion now by clicking on the “Special Events” tab in the Events window.

Note that a Coalition can participate if its Coalition Hegemon or a Polemarch authorize it to do so, and only if it controls at least one Pantheon.

A threat to all Greeks is coming to your Coalition’s Pantheons – tell your fellow Members to enter the fight, and come back with their shields... or on them!

Basileus Leonidas 

14 июнь 2023, 10:1014.06.23
14 июнь 2023, 19:5814.06.23

Hello Daria,

I have a question, does ALL Coalition members receive Gold even if they are not participating in the Tournament???

"After each battle that takes place at one of its Pantheons, Coalitions will earn Orichalcum. When an Attack Wave is repelled, Coalition Members will earn Coalition Gold which can be spent in the Coalition Shop." 

14 июнь 2023, 23:4814.06.23
15 июнь 2023, 02:07(отредактировано)

I also have a question on this new event.

1) The coa gold rewards what is the max you can get.

2) Does PAN's levels matter on for max rewards.

3) Does the number of PAN's held matter for max rewards.

4) Does all coa members get gold or only members that was in the PAN get coa gold.


DariaCommunity Manager
15 июнь 2023, 12:1015.06.23
15 июнь 2023, 12:10(отредактировано)
Glory USA

Hello Daria,

I have a question, does ALL Coalition members receive Gold even if they are not participating in the Tournament???

"After each battle that takes place at one of its Pantheons, Coalitions will earn Orichalcum. When an Attack Wave is repelled, Coalition Members will earn Coalition Gold which can be spent in the Coalition Shop." 

Hello, Archon! 

The reward is given to all players whose troops were on the Pantheon at the time of the battle with the Persians (at least 1 wave), regardless of whether they survived or vice versa 💪

DariaCommunity Manager
15 июнь 2023, 12:1415.06.23

I also have a question on this new event.

1) The coa gold rewards what is the max you can get.

2) Does PAN's levels matter on for max rewards.

3) Does the number of PAN's held matter for max rewards.

4) Does all coa members get gold or only members that was in the PAN get coa gold.


Archon, the rewards depend on the number of pans, their level, and the number of battles won. The reward is given to all players whose troops were on the Pantheon at the time of the battle with the Persians (at least 1 wave), regardless of whether they survived or vice versa 🙌