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Fixes And Improvements

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
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Fixes And Improvements


We've made some fixes and improvements so you can enjoy a smoother experience:

- Coalition Shop improved with the addition of sliders to allow for the purchase of multiple Items at the same time
- Visual issue in the "Guardian Pass" tab of the "Guardians" window fixed so that the text "Bonus" is now displayed correctly
- "Spoils of War" section in the "Battle Reports" window fixed so that it does not display Drachmas when the player has lost a battle.

Now, charge into Hellas with the speed of Hermes!

Basileus Leonidas 

8 июнь 2023, 09:2008.06.23
12 июнь 2023, 11:5412.06.23

cannot log in can you help

DariaCommunity Manager
15 июнь 2023, 12:1515.06.23

cannot log in can you help

Is it still relevant, Archon? How's your game now? 

5 июль 2023, 12:0305.07.23
5 июль 2023, 13:18(отредактировано)

Hi, I think there is a problem with the the equipment of the general : I've 7 divine items including defense talisman so I expect 40 agemas per day, but if I replace the talisman by the offense one because of pvp or offense persian positions (6 items still gives 40 agemas) it restart the countdown to 24 hours ! It means that using your talismans every day makes you never get the rewards of the collection...

I'd also like to draw your attention to the new scoring system for coalition conflicts: so many points are awarded for attacks, even if you win your defense battles, that hardly anyone defends their cities, pantheons or emporia any more. Many players put themselves under total protection and wait... there's no game left! I even expect to destroy my sappers because I'd prefer let boken towers not to give points to ennemy... This new scoring takes us to absurdity !

5 июль 2023, 15:1205.07.23
Omnia Vanitas

Hi, I think there is a problem with the the equipment of the general : I've 7 divine items including defense talisman so I expect 40 agemas per day, but if I replace the talisman by the offense one because of pvp or offense persian positions (6 items still gives 40 agemas) it restart the countdown to 24 hours ! It means that using your talismans every day makes you never get the rewards of the collection...

I'd also like to draw your attention to the new scoring system for coalition conflicts: so many points are awarded for attacks, even if you win your defense battles, that hardly anyone defends their cities, pantheons or emporia any more. Many players put themselves under total protection and wait... there's no game left! I even expect to destroy my sappers because I'd prefer let boken towers not to give points to ennemy... This new scoring takes us to absurdity !

Hello Omnia. Thank you for your observations. Yes, the divine items are designed like this, so the player has to choose what he/she wants more, the agemas or the talisman's boosts. Some of the upgraded companion items give offensive bonuses as well. I'm sorry, but I don't think the developers will change it.                                                                                                              
     Regarding the CC tournament, indeed the last months, the  offensive actions get more points, as a lot of offensive players asked for it, because the game since its start always benefited the defensive playing, so no one attacked cities and Pantheon anymore. The truth is that there weren't so many offensive actions  so the game was idle and the offensive players start to get bored.  Let's say, if the game will change the calculations of CC again, what will benefit the defensive players, if no one will attack their city? Would we  all get our CC points from Regular Xerxes and Elysian Xerxes?  if so, It wouldn't be a war game anymore. Keep in mind, that the developers check always the results of the game, and if there will think that it is time to change the CC calculations, they will do it. 😉 Till then, acolytes defensive  units, and a  lot of mamertines, plus legates, and Pezos  out of acropolis ,  plus their champions, plus spy protection and it is no need to add a full protection item. Let them come into the trap😀

5 июль 2023, 19:3605.07.23

Hi Katia,

Was this change announced, as i must have mist it . 

Omnia has a very good point!

Well there is no point in defending at all now and i will now remove my towers and traps so i dont give the opersition points in the cc. The change is completly wrong .  

Katia ,what trap... if the offence player looses most of there units in raiding a city, thay still win in points, that is not logic...

So if a lot of defensive players complain will it get reversite?

5 июль 2023, 22:2805.07.23

Thanks Katia for your reply.

My feeling about general's equipment is that if the reward does not change the counter should not reset.

For the coalitions conflict, we may have gone from one extreme to the other.

lets let time do its job...

6 июль 2023, 07:5706.07.23

Could it not be more ballanced... if the offence player raiding wins thay get more points, and if the defending city wins thay get more points. That way both side, offence players and defence players are quite happy. or is this a technical problem and can not be acheaved?

DariaCommunity Manager
11 июль 2023, 11:2411.07.23

Thank you, Archons, for your comments and for sharing your opinion regarding General's equipment and scoring for the CC tournament. I understand and noted your points of view. I want to assure you that our team carefully evaluates events and rewards and takes care of the quality balance in the game. Currently, our team cannot implement the suggestions in the near future, as it is now engaged in essential tasks. We will inform you if the team has any changes in this regard.