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New Guardians Have Arrived

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New Guardians Have Arrived


Fragment Guardians are here!

To get these new Guardians, you will need to apply Fragmentary Summoning Bonds after you have collected the required number of Guardian Fragments. Guardian Fragments can be purchased at the Coalition Shop.

The new Guardians are as follows:

1. Tagos
Boosts the Offensive statistics of Champion Units

2. Phronimos
Boosts the Defensive statistics of Champion Units

3. Episkopos
Increases Resources gathering speed at Emporia

4. Kosmeter
Boosts Unit Offense statistics in a limited number of Offensive PvP battles per day.

You can activate these Guardians by navigating to the Vault subtab in the City tab of the Guardians window.

Keep in mind that Fragment Guardians do not affect the Dominant Affinity of your City, although these Guardians still have Affinities.

What’s more, Fragment Guardians cannot accompany your armies into battle and cannot be stunned, but they can be sent to attack the Warlords, Overlords, and Challengers.

Start collecting Guardian Fragments now, and add these new Guardians to your Collection!

Basileus Leonidas 

15 май 2023, 11:2615.05.23
15 май 2023, 13:1515.05.23

Хранители не сказать что бы впечатлили , но вот стоимость и время  их сбора не реальны. Надо 10 фрагментов для призыва одного хранителя. Купить их можно ТОЛЬКО в магазине альянса . В месяц ограничение на покупку 3 ( ТРИ ) фрагмента . То есть 10 фрагментов можно купить ( по времени ) за 4 ( ЧЕТЫРЕ ) месяца. Но , стоимость 1 фрагмента 75 монет золота альянса. В месяц труды будут 4 раза. С одних трудов можно заработать 7 монет золота альянса. То есть за месяц 28 монет . Итого на 1 фрагмент мы будем собирать монеты почти 3 месяца. На 10 фрагментов примерно 2,5 года.  Так себе удовольствие (((

15 май 2023, 17:4315.05.23

hi, cool those new guardians... 

but was it really necessary to make them essential for completing guardian quests? it might make it a bit impossible to complete these quests and all related ones.

So thanks for that improvement... but not realy

DariaCommunity Manager
16 май 2023, 10:3016.05.23

Thanks, dear Archons, for your feedback and for such a thorough explanation. Yes, I know that obtaining these fragments is pretty challenging. This may have its own charm, perhaps. Regarding the quests and all of the above, I will pass this information on to the team and see what they decide to do with it. Thank you for sharing! 

16 май 2023, 10:4216.05.23

Dear Daria , it's not difficult , but very long.

16 май 2023, 15:2916.05.23

hola buenas tardes, he estado revisando la informacion de los nuevos guardianes y me parecen muy bien. Otra cosa diferente es como conseguir  los nuevos vinculos  para conseguir esos guardianes, necesitas tres trozos para un guardian a 75 de oro por trozo es una barbaridad  ya que usteden dan el oro a cuentagotas aparte pueden salir de nivel IV o V en definiyiva una locura, si lo que que quieren es que nos cansemos del juego y busquemos otras plataformas lo estan consiguiendo y a pasos agigantados. Lo normal y lo mas logico esque esos nuevos vinculos salgan en el juego de igual manera que los sacros, me parece bien que se necesiten tres nuevos vinculos para conseguir un nuevo guardian lo acepto ( ne parece mucho pero bueno) tener la opcion de poderlo comprar con oro  tambien lo acepto  pero solo tener esa opcion me parece abusivo sobre todo con el oro que usteden dan. espero recapaciten y mejoren la forma de obtener esos nuevos vinculos  lo que han puesto inicialmente es del todo inaceptable. un cordial saludo

16 май 2023, 17:0716.05.23
16 май 2023, 17:08(отредактировано)

You need 10 Guardian Fragments for one Fragmentary Summoning Bond to get a random Guardian
Rank IV or V. 

10 Guardian Fragment cost 750 Coalition Golds. 

You can Gain 7 Coalition Gold per Week.  

Only Top 35 Coalitions per Week can gain from 1 to 6 more Coalition Golds per Week.

My Coalitions never be on Top 35. 


For ONE Fragmentary Summoning Bond or 750 Coalition Gold I need  

750/7= 107 Weeks of play Spartan Labors 


107.14/4=26 Months of play Spartan Labors 


26/12=2.16 Years 

and if this One is Grade IV i can try again after  2.16 Years … 

and if i get the Grade V but not the Guardian i want I  will tray after another 2.16 Years … 


… 8,64 Years 

…10,80 Years 

…12,96 Years 

…15,12 Years 

…17,28 Years 

…19,44 Years 

…21,60 Years For 10 Fragmentary
Summoning Bonds  

17 май 2023, 05:5617.05.23

ridiculous....time to change your developers..very thoughtless

17 май 2023, 06:5217.05.23

the problem is....the devs dont actually play the game....plus they need to keep their jobs..so they keep complicating the game  without reason because they need to do something.

doing something  sometimes falls off the rails...like this time...we dont need "improvements" that are actuqlly complications that make the game play less fun..because they   are unreachable which they would know if they actually played the game.

17 май 2023, 11:2317.05.23
17 май 2023, 11:29(отредактировано)

А теперь ещё одна проблема в связи с обновлением. В "Деяниях" теперь весьма сложно стало выполнять раздел "Задания хранителей" потому что требуются ФРАГМЕНТАРНЫЕ хранители , которых ни у кого нет . И врядли скоро появятся.

And now another problem in connection with the update. In "Acts" it has now become very difficult to perform the section "Tasks of the guardians" because PHRAGMENTAL   guardians are required, which no one has. And they will hardly appear soon. 

18 май 2023, 05:3418.05.23
18 май 2023, 13:05(отредактировано)

It is quite simple Plarium, Make the fragments cost 1 gold. Until the cost of these fragments reduce I will be ignoring them

18 май 2023, 08:3518.05.23
18 май 2023, 08:36(отредактировано)

Thanks, dear Archons, for your feedback and for such a thorough explanation. Yes, I know that obtaining these fragments is pretty challenging. This may have its own charm, perhaps. Regarding the quests and all of the above, I will pass this information on to the team and see what they decide to do with it. Thank you for sharing! 

Thanks, Daria, for your standard answer. My real question now..... now that we share with you the real timeline of the years that take it... is Plarium going to listen to us and rethink (we won't say correct because we know Plarium never does anything wrong, never makes mistakes, it is always us) the cost of it and make it possible to get them in real time.... in less time that people get married have kids take them to school and see them marrying? or we are still alive not sure where I will be in 20 years as you can see challenging is not the word ...

DariaCommunity Manager
18 май 2023, 13:1618.05.23
18 май 2023, 13:16(отредактировано)

I see all of your comments, Archons, and I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts about our new fragment Guardians. Your calculations are particularly interesting. Of course, I will pass your information on to the team for further consideration. It is very valuable to see your input. Also, the good news is that the team is working on the Guardian tasks that require our new Guardians, so I'll keep you posted 🙌 

19 май 2023, 17:3719.05.23

hi, cool those new guardians... 

but was it really necessary to make them essential for completing guardian quests? it might make it a bit impossible to complete these quests and all related ones.

So thanks for that improvement... but not realy

totally agreed, been preparing the same comment, I'd say I'll wait to get all the necessary coalition gold to finally summon fragment guardians, as for the guardian quests, it looks like an unnecessary complication. Would be happy if they were removed from the quests

22 май 2023, 16:1522.05.23

Mal abgesehen davon dass Post s einfach verschwinden habe ich für mich beschlossen das ganze hier als free to play zu betrachten, das kostet euch nur 40 bis 80 euronen im monat aber ich habe es satt für etwas zu bezahlen was mich ärgert.  Ich werde euch weiter mit meiner unerwünschten Meinung nerven, aber zumindest trage ich zu eurer bezahlung nich mehr bei.

DariaCommunity Manager
23 май 2023, 10:3223.05.23

totally agreed, been preparing the same comment, I'd say I'll wait to get all the necessary coalition gold to finally summon fragment guardians, as for the guardian quests, it looks like an unnecessary complication. Would be happy if they were removed from the quests

Thanks for your comment, Archon. I appreciate it. Regarding our Guardian quests, the team has already fixed this issue so that you can enjoy it without any obstacles 🤗

DariaCommunity Manager
23 май 2023, 10:4423.05.23
CU Schmock_01

Mal abgesehen davon dass Post s einfach verschwinden habe ich für mich beschlossen das ganze hier als free to play zu betrachten, das kostet euch nur 40 bis 80 euronen im monat aber ich habe es satt für etwas zu bezahlen was mich ärgert.  Ich werde euch weiter mit meiner unerwünschten Meinung nerven, aber zumindest trage ich zu eurer bezahlung nich mehr bei.

Es tut mir sehr leid zu hören, dass du enttäuscht bist, Archon. Ich möchte dir versichern, dass das Spiel für die Spieler weiterhin kostenlos sein wird und dass kostenpflichtige Funktionen optional sind. Darüber hinaus wurden sie geschaffen, um das Spiel zu diversifizieren oder den Spielern zu helfen, Zeit zu sparen (via Google translate)

29 май 2023, 18:5429.05.23

I see all of your comments, Archons, and I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts about our new fragment Guardians. Your calculations are particularly interesting. Of course, I will pass your information on to the team for further consideration. It is very valuable to see your input. Also, the good news is that the team is working on the Guardian tasks that require our new Guardians, so I'll keep you posted 🙌 

so, it has been a while and for sure such a great developers team will have to find a good solution to avoid the 20 years gap to get guardians, or are they still working on more useless units to add?

would love to know what's going on as you promised you will keep us posted (hope it was not just a standard copy/paste answer, and you really mean to keep us updated) :)

DariaCommunity Manager
30 май 2023, 07:4030.05.23
Fortuna Ω

so, it has been a while and for sure such a great developers team will have to find a good solution to avoid the 20 years gap to get guardians, or are they still working on more useless units to add?

would love to know what's going on as you promised you will keep us posted (hope it was not just a standard copy/paste answer, and you really mean to keep us updated) :)

Of course, Archon. Regarding the update - our team fixed the Guardians' tasks, so there are no fragment Guardians in the mandatory conditions for completing tasks now! As for the challenge of obtaining these Guardians, I have already noted, this information has been passed on to the team, and they are investigating it. Thank you for your input 🤗

4 июнь 2023, 14:2904.06.23

Of course, Archon. Regarding the update - our team fixed the Guardians' tasks, so there are no fragment Guardians in the mandatory conditions for completing tasks now! As for the challenge of obtaining these Guardians, I have already noted, this information has been passed on to the team, and they are investigating it. Thank you for your input 🤗

so basically nothing.... plarium is ok with wanting us to take 20 years to get a decent guardian? and you say in other post that plarium cares for our opinions? and listen to us?

4 июнь 2023, 14:3104.06.23

lets be clear, to fix an issue a serious team takes minutes...  this issue of times wrong should already have been fixed weeks ago, obviously is wrong amount vs time... easy to fix if they wanted