Daria, Fortuna i think is correct, it does not freshen up the game . there are too many new units
Try working on the playability of the whole game.... if the developers cant think of any thing i suggest thay start to play online games to get ideas. and please work on the clicking there is to much.....
Allow xerxes to take patheons to level 5.
when a coa takes the patheon that xerxes holds a % of xerxes units tranfere to the coa.
Have a gate system for the pantheons, level one has one gate before entering, level 2 , 2 gates etc befoe entering the patheon. Each gate has defence at a slected number of units say 1000 and the attacking can only be 1000 units . If the attacker wins thay go to the patheon if thay are defeted the gate closes for some hours.....Rock, Paper, Scissors system with the diffrent type of units.....
Raiding of cities...
If the raider wins instead of the defenders units dying in the city a % goes to the attacker.
If the raider loses a % of the units goes to the defender.
Make this the Center of the game ..... this has been suggested before
General equipment can be sent there so other players in the coa have assess to it, but if the player leave the coa the generals equipment goes back to the capital.
Trade should go through the capital and you should not be able to trade with your emenies only allies, there for you can trade direct with only other allied capitals.
Open up the trading the limit is too small
Work further on the trading aspect..... look at other games
Make the map how it would have been known in the time the game is set in. including the provences, states etc.
all the best